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Everything posted by BILL POSTERS

  1. Not sure if it applies to healthy fit people, but MND patients are advised to drink tonic water for cramps or to get Quinine tablets from their GP.
  2. I been dealing with RS since they were called Radiospares, the first trade account I ever had. Expensive, but generally better quality than the cheaper ones. Even a few years ago you needed a trade account and a rep had to call on you a couple of times a year
  3. That will be the switch manufacturers number. Marshal dont make them they buy them in. Its a generic part.
  4. [quote name='pfretrock' timestamp='1451165820' post='2938662'] Marshall get them for £1.39 from RS or Farnell, most probably. It's a standard switch, looks like the one on my 20 year old Fender combo! [/quote] Marshall probably get them from the same place RS or Farnell do, but if they sell them its as a spare part for an amp. RS or Farnell sell them as a switch, and afaik RS at least will only deal with bona fide trade customers, who should know what they are doing when they choose the one they need and fit it.
  5. Might be that the electrical wholesaler is selling a generic switch, but Marshall are selling a specific replacement part for equipment with design specs.
  6. [quote name='dudewheresmybass' timestamp='1450178218' post='2930228'] That's right. Marshall no longer supply parts to the public. I would have to use one of their recommended repairers. Cue bill of £30-£40+ for something I can easily do my self!!! [/quote] Something goes wrong, someone gets a scrached hand, fire, shock, dies. Cue no win no fee lawyers, £30,000 or £40,000. Cant blame Marshall can you ?
  7. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1450910072' post='2937045'] As I review all your questions if I had to pick one that's a "must ask" it would be; "Why did the last bass player leave?" You don't ask that, you could be walking into anything. Blue [/quote] But you will only get one side of the story by asking the band, so take the reply with a pinch of salt.
  8. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1450820856' post='2936268'] All songs I use to dread playing until I changed my attitude about my dislikes and took on a more professional outlook. My dislikes are not really important. I just came up with new innovative ways to approach and play those songs. I now have fun playing all those songs. Blue [/quote] If its for decent money or your doing it for a living, a mans gorra do what a mans gorra do, agreed. But there are quite a few on here that play covers for little or no profit cos' they say they enjoy it. In their case, why play stuff you hate ?
  9. [quote name='LITTLEWING' timestamp='1450733646' post='2935404'] Here's one for ya..... I acquired a 31 year old Westone Thunder 1A a little while ago and as it sounded and played incredibly in passive mode, I never bothered about seeing how the active circuit sounded. (okay, there was a wire off one of the two battery connectors and I couldn't be arsed soldering it on again until recently...) Anyhoo, I chucked two (admittedly different makes, one Duracell and one perfectly working one showing nearly 9v made by VMP whoever they are). Plugged in and all was sounding absolutely bleedin' awesome. However, 2 weeks on at rehearsal I went to switch to active and it was dead as a dead thing, totally fine in passive mode. First thoughts were 'sh*t, I left it switched on and both batteries have died', so I took them out and tested them only to find the Duracell was showing 8.9v and the VMP wierdo was showing MINUS, yes MINUS 5.7v. Turning the test leads the opposite way showed 5.7v in normal 'plus' mode. How the heck can a battery turn it's polarity backwards??? Is it because it's (probably) a foreign jobby and made cheap inside and couldn't handle pushing it's puny 9v with a proper Arnold Schwarzenneger type batt and just screwed itself ?? Right now I'm a bit loathe to put 10 quid's worth of Duracells in if there's a strange fault in the Westone circuitry. [/quote]Its 'charged' from the Duracell, the 5.7V will only be there off load. Just bung a couple of pound shop alkaline PP3s in, betcha it works fine, dont be tight, theyre 2 for a quid round here.
  10. Assuming its a pubs/covers band already gigging and with nothing in writing, how is the money split ? Made the mistake of not asking once, and found out by accident the singer and lead guitar player thought they were the stars, or at least were lying about fees to the rest of us.
  11. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1450634014' post='2934476'] ooh yeah! The punny tribute band names one! I'd be "Dead Grateful" if someone would link that one [/quote] http://basschat.co.uk/topic/211943-daft-pun-tribute-bands-with-inventive-names/page__st__90__p__2138280#entry2138280
  12. There was an interesting one a while ago about the origins of band names and some of the more imaginative tribute band names and punky stage names that used to be more common than they are now.
  13. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1450529374' post='2933648'] It's a regular thing for me to put on the radio and try to play along with whatever comes on. I figure that to be a useful skill and good ear training even if I never hear those songs again. [/quote] I thought everybody did that. I dont do it regularly now, but theres always a bass to hand and I do it now and again. Other than that I dont practice at all these days unless theres a gig coming up. Even just doing it acoustically helps with timing and and keeps the flow, exercises the fingers etc.
  14. A comment by Spectorema about Tull being winter music has got me thinking, are there really seasons for different bands or even genres ? I know the Beach Boys are summer, but thats just from when they get airplay. I'm thinking a bit deeper than that. For example Lindisfarne always seemed wintery to me, same with Paul Simon. Doobies will always be early summer. Beatles are for Christmas. But is that just from my own experiences or does everyone feel the same?
  15. This. [attachment=207490:download.jpg]
  16. Have only skimmed the thread, so dunno if these have been mentioned. Whats bound to influence you most, I reckon, is what you listen to when you first start to come up with your own lines. In my case that will be around 1972 to 74. So heres my two bobs worth. Larry Taylor John Ford Rod Clements Randy Meisner. Entwhistle. Never a Beatles fan, but we all grew up hearing Maccas Bass lines everyday, so he must be in there somewhere, same with Carol Kaye. And as I must have seen him playing in pubs and clubs at least a couple or 3 times a week, Trevor Burton must have had an effect. Good solid no frills R&B.
  17. Hard to be objective cos theyre all played to death. Aint been a good new one for years. Worst has to be Keefs solo attempt at Run Rudoph Run from the 70s.
  18. Hearts and Bones. Had a bad case of earworm with Train in the Distance all morning, so thought I might as well.
  19. Saw The Wrecking Crew one last night. Well worth a look.
  20. In these situations the people bands bring with them tend to leave when 'their' band has finished. if you can find a way to counteract this and encourage them to stay, it would make for a much better night. How about a grand finale, multi band jam, or after gig party for 'invited guests' ? Just invite everybody but by word of mouth to make them feel part of an inner circle, punters love that.
  21. [quote name='taunton-hobbit' timestamp='1449339104' post='2922765'] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]''another local band hosting and someone has to pay''[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]'I've got this great idea fellas - lets run a gig & stitch the support act for the ex's'[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I may be being a trifle harsh, but probably not..............[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color] [/quote] Its £40. Exes would be more than that just to turn up, let alone promote it. Either the numbers are wrong or its not such a bad idea. I think probably the numbers are wrong, and if its not promoted effectively you could end up with an empty room. Not good for morale if you just started gigging, not good for the pocket if you have to shell out more than you expected.
  22. Is it a 1X12 Combo from the 80s ? with a Union Jack sticker ? If it is I have one lying around doing nothing if you need any bits for it. Free to a good home/no sensible offer refused as they say.
  23. Its all I have done for years now - Strange, but usually with lefty guitar players - much more fun than hiding behind or trying to play around a second guitar. When you think of it most of the great Bass lines are from single guitar lineups.
  24. Depends on your style, but you might want to change your sound to add some mids and top end. If your anything like me the little fills etc will come naturally to fill the spaces, but be careful not to overdo them.
  25. On a deser island I'd want my 70s Fender 2X15 and my Nanyo BC301.. They sound rubbish together, but the cabs big enough to use as a boat and the Bass Collection is light enough to row with.
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