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Everything posted by BILL POSTERS

  1. [quote name='DaveFry' timestamp='1421328279' post='2659883'] Waaay back when we had pianos made from recycled elephants , they brought out new cars called Mini Minors and Austin Sevens . They had big speedometers situated in the middle of the dashboard , between the driver and passenger . This was a cunning new design plan . After the basic shell was assembled a huge rod ,entering through the boot and passing through the interior , located into the hole in the dash where the speedo would be and allowed the whole shell to be lifted and spun for the next anti-corrosion treatment part of the manufacturing process . Same sort of idea as the hole in the guitar/bass bodies . Maybe. See 3:58 ; [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3yWib9SF18[/media] Ok , back to basses ,...... [/quote] Might have been a convenient place to stick the pole, but also meant the same body could be left hand drive. Rustproofing on 60s BMCs ??? Trust me, it ididnt work [s]very well[/s] at all... As for the hole in the body, my bitsa with what I am told is an east European body has one. Didnt someone make a P copy with an adjustable rake in the early 70s ? Or have I dreamt that bit.
  2. [quote name='ern500evo' timestamp='1421048898' post='2656454'] There is no shame in using cheat sheets, particularly when you have a lot of tracks to learn quickly. I don't want to open up the whole music stand debate again but you have to do what works best for you, I've never used one personally but I have had a pad on the floor, or on a monitor, or a sheet taped to back of a PA speaker with pointers on for anything I'm unsure of. I'm sure the other band members would rather you use cheat sheets and nail the songs. Once you've gigged them a few times you won't need the sheets, and to be honest you're the bass player so no-ones gonna be looking at you anyway! [/quote] Nothing wrong with cheat sheets. Have to be careful with them, theres an embarrassing (to me) gig on youtube where I look really nervous, as if I'm trying to avoid looking at the audience. But really I'm just struggling to see the writing in the dark. Theres no rock n Roll in music stands though.
  3. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1421241251' post='2658798'] He might be right, it's why I never refer to myself as a bassist. To me that label is more for guys that play the acoustic upright or double bass. I'm a bass guitarist. Blue [/quote] Nah, he said it with the sort of twinkle in his eye that you have to be old to pull off. I didnt take it as being offensive, he even offered me a go on his 'Real Bass' [size=4] [/size] I dont describe myself as a Bassist either, I'm a Bass player.
  4. I was talking to an old jazzer recently while he was setting up for a gig in a bar near the rehearsal room we were using. He said he didnt think I was a real Bass player, Cos electric Basses dont count. Still, ypu dont argue with a guy who is still gigging at 82 do you ?
  5. I wonder if in 20 years the thread will be called [b] [size=4]Over 80 & Still In The Game...[/size][/b] [size=4]There are a lot of us old gits still gigging, I thought I was past it and quit for over ten years when I was 30.[/size]
  6. All these 'budget' sky channels show is old cheaply produced stuff. If its BBC quality it probably went out years ago. Not sure if theres a catchup type thing available on sky. Theres here but it wont work for me. http://www.heyday.tv/schedule
  7. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1421164111' post='2657878'] I don't watch daytime TV. I suspect that my firm would sack me ... [/quote][size=4][quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1421164111' post='2657878'][/size] I don't watch daytime TV. I suspect that my firm would sack me ... [/quote] That particular Sky channel ( Heyday, 192) repeats everything over and over and over, music doc's and Tony Hancock mostly for just a couple of hours everyday. You can always record it.
  8. SAHB Documentary on Sky 238 now. Worth a look.
  9. Stan Webb - Still live after all these years. I'd forgot just how good he is.
  10. What w[size=4][quote name='M@23' timestamp='1420892353' post='2654633'][/size] Everyone learns differently, for me it was a case of putting in the hours when I started with functions bands. I joined an established band so had 50 odd songs to learn ASAP. I practiced for hours each night, listened to the songs I had to learn non stop too. I don't think there is a way of shortcutting it. Whatever method you like, be it YouTube, playing, listening, it does take time. Unless the original bass line is vital to the track I often wrote my own lines or made variations too. Maybe that helped me remember parts as they were a bit more 'me'. Edit, also, on your setlist writing the key signature or dots for the first phrase helped jog my memory. It's hard to recall simple parts sometimes when you've just learned 50 songs in 2 weeks! [/quote][size=4][quote name='M@23' timestamp='1420892353' post='2654633'][/size] Everyone learns differently, for me it was a case of putting in the hours when I started with functions bands. I joined an established band so had 50 odd songs to learn ASAP. I practiced for hours each night, listened to the songs I had to learn non stop too. I don't think there is a way of shortcutting it. Whatever method you like, be it YouTube, playing, listening, it does take time. Unless the original bass line is vital to the track I often wrote my own lines or made variations too. Maybe that helped me remember parts as they were a bit more 'me'. Edit, also, on your setlist writing the key signature or dots for the first phrase helped jog my memory. It's hard to recall simple parts sometimes when you've just learned 50 songs in 2 weeks! [/quote] Thats the opposite to me. If I spend hours at it things just get worse. Took me years to realise that what worksbest for me is 20 or 30 mins at a time tops, but often, very often. I always have a Bass handy and sometimes only pick it up for ten minutes, I realise that wouldnt work or even be practical for everyone,
  11. [quote name='6v6' timestamp='1420808541' post='2653673'] Unless it's really a one-off, I'd be wary of doing that, I'd rather use a gas hob, lighter, soldering iron or any other form of "dry" heat rather than scalding my fingers over a kettle only to end up with steam inside the connector causing corrosion later. You can get a basic heat gun for a tenner from screwfix (or a slightly better one for under £20), so I'd really reccomend just getting one (check screwfix, toolstation or even argos). Toolstation also do heat-shrink at reasonable prices FYI. [/quote] If its a one off, hairdryer on full blast 2" away and keep it still works fine.
  12. If you put it on the plugs instead of the cables, with an inch or two over the cable as well it makes a good strain relief. I shrink it by sliding the side of a soldering iron along it - not the bit, the side, just keep it moving . The larger bore stuffs much cheaper from electrical wholesalers than maplins btw.
  13. Band meeting ? Both bands I'm in[size=4] dont meet, speak, rehearse, or even exchange greetings on social media. [/size] [size=4]Gig gets booked we do it and go our seperate ways. Works for me.[/size]
  14. Middle of the road. How about 'THE HOLES'
  15. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1420580838' post='2651009'] It's my 63rd birthday today but no gig until March 7th and that's at a 70th birthday party and we will be playing a full set of Dylan songs. [/quote] [b][size=6]HAPPY BIRTHDAY[/size][/b]
  16. Blackburn Lancashire.
  17. Get set up and ready to go quickly and try and look like you know what your doing. Nothing worse than the guy who takes half an hour to get 'his sound'.
  18. Slightly OT I know. Theres a pretty obscure video of S.M's Packet of 3 that is superb. Hadnt realised he was actually that good. Great bass on it as well, but I cant remember whos playing. Its really well worth looking out for.
  19. Take it easy - as much as you can anyway - its a 2 way thing and if it doesnt work out the next one might. Its usually as much about chemistry as anything. But bear in mind playing with strangers is often different from playing with people you already know. Bandmates are not always friends.
  20. How about Zink Alloy and the Spiders From Uranus Was actually suggested for a band I was in in the 70s, but I still think it would be great. Especially for a punky glam rock band
  21. Strawbs - Bursting at the Seams. Oldie but goodie with some interesting Bass lines.
  22. A bit long 'Love Pump' would work though...
  23. White Line. White lines sounds a bit like White Stripes tho dunnit ? Two lane flat top been done ?
  24. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1419194689' post='2637506'] "[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][b]The nostalgia circuit is big business[/b] but that doesn't make it relevant.[/font][/color] [/quote] Borne out by ticket prices. I saw The Who and The Stones play football stadiums in the 70s way before they became boring old farts, for a couple of quid a ticket ( £2.30 for The Who at Charlton Athletics gound iirc ) a good weekly wage then would have been £40 or so, so the ticket cost 5% of my wage packet. A good wage is 10 times that now, but a ticket will cost way way more than twenty quid, and the band nowhere near as good...
  25. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1418944310' post='2635194'] Time Stamp, It's a fact, we did grow up in at least the best time in rock and roll history. Blue [/quote] Actually, at 63 the whole of Rock n Roll history. surely. Not just rock n roll though, even the stuff we dismissed as rubbish when we were kids must have influenced us in the UK, where there was only one radio station, and that only played an hour or two of what you might call pop music per WEEK. Just look at old top 10 charts from the 60s, most if it was dross, ballads or novelty records.
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