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Everything posted by BILL POSTERS

  1. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1418930502' post='2635011'] Why on earth would you expect a 19 year old to know what 'the Katy' was, or who Henry Saint Clair Fredericks is, and why he uses the stage name Taj Mahal, strangely after a building in Agra in India? I bet most people who ever heard that song have no idea what the Katy was. There are people on this website who don't know. Surely you'd be better educating the boy rather than being not impressed. [/quote] Most people under 50 will think its a Blues Bros number anyway. Should it be Katy or K.T ?
  2. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1418929996' post='2635006'] I'm 62 ... but some of you are sounding a little like my parents' generation did when they were talking about young people in 1962. [/quote] Yep, except for moaning about their haircuts anyway.
  3. No idea how many gigs I did, less than last year though. I quit 2 bands straight after Christmas - an R&B outfit that looked promising, and a covers band that didnt, but was getting plenty of work - so that I could concentrate on the tribute act I was with for a few years, and a well established originals band that I really enjoy. By the end of the summer the tribute act had folded, and I did the last gig in the diary for the other band two weeks ago. I should be looking for another band really, but I just cant be bothered.
  4. [font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]Funny how old adverts you grew up with stick in yer mind.[/font] [size=4][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif][color=#090C11]Anybody else admit they remember this bloke ? Radio Luxenburg. Sunday nights in the middle of the top20. One of those ads that sticks in your mind.[/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif][color=#090C11][url="http://www.turnipnet.com/radio/horacebatchelor.wav"]http://www.turnipnet...cebatchelor.wav[/url][/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif][color=#090C11].[/color][/font][/size]
  5. Heres my 2 bobs worth. Took me a good few years of gigging before someone told me, and the penny dropped. Your not up there to be ordinary, if you get on a stage looking ordinary, you aint doing it right. You need to cultivate a presence, and looking the part is an important ingredient. Most punters are tone deaf anyway, you can look good and play crap and often carry it off, but not the other way around unless your really exceptional EVERY time you do it.. No need to go over the top, you can dress like a tramp, a bus conductor, even Village People if you like. But dont look as if your going shopping.
  6. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1415659565' post='2602544'] A band. That's where the fun is. [/quote] This. A reasonable Bass and a reasonable amp/cab. Plus a strap and a lead. You can do without anything else. A tuner is good, but my advice is to learn to live without one and tune by harmonics at first, which is a skill well worth having. Muddle through a bit, make mistakes, thats how you learn. Not saying dont have lessons, just saying get a feel for Bass as well.
  7. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1415622607' post='2602013'] Yes, but 'unusual' and 'generally' suggest that it's not really a moot point . . . . as the existence of this thread attests. [/quote] Exactly. you never know with pubs. Culd have been done by the landlord himself, or a customer who 'knows about these things' Once did a gig outside a rugby club where the lawnmower type trip we use kept tripping. Turned out the landlord had connected a cable for us - to the outside security lighting. "You dont need an earth for them, so its perfectly safe" he said.
  8. [quote name='goingdownslow' timestamp='1415465204' post='2600655'] It could be the label is indicating that there is 400v between the sockets as they are on different phases. They should not then be within arms reach (no less than 6 feet) of each other but long leads throws all that out of the window. Just make sure your own equipment is up to scratch as any problems will have a greater effect. You could lessen any problem by plugging [u][i][size=5][b]everything in to one socket[/b][/size][/i][/u] but then that will be down to the load you are drawing. [/quote] This. The tought of having a bands kit wired on different phases is just too scary.
  9. Nothin flash about my tastes, A good Precision through a Bassman 100 or 130 sounds great. Beyond that its mainly in the fingers innit. Ideal sound to me, and I got no idea what gear he used, would be the sound Tiran Porter got on early 70s Doobies tracks like Long Train Running.
  10. [size=4]The Bass lines and the music yes, not the type of Bass though. Pre Radio 1 there was only pop music on the radio occasionally, and only the odd 1/2 Hr TV program. My (much) older brother listened to swing or stuff like the Platters, and my sisters mainstream Rock and Roll like Elvis, Roy Orbison or Billy Fury. So thats what I was exposed to from very early on. But we did have a big loud old valve Radiogram with a huge speaker in it, so plenty of audible bass, but pre Entwhistle or Mcartney, that meant mainly Double Bass, or electric Bass lines that sounded like double Bass line. I love walking bass lines, and really only play R&B or Rock n Roll these days, and it shows. I dont enjoy playing much else, my days of trying to sound like Entwhisle are behind me, and I never got on with 80s stuff at all.[/size] [size=4]Edit; Just had a look, No.1 on my 7th birthday was Mac the Knife. No 1s for the rest of the year were mainly Cliff Richards or Elvis Presley.[/size]
  11. something going on there. Get it checked out by somebody who knows what he's doing. Could save a life. Metal parts of your laptop wont be directly connected to earth, if you feel it when you touch something like that, think what will happen if you touch something that IS earthed. Whatever is wrong it sounds pretty revolting. So go ohm and think about watt could happen if you dont get it sorted. Sorry...
  12. Is it a sharp shock (imagine a spark) or does it sort of vibrate or buzz ? The first is most likely static, the second is AC, and so coming from the mains, so either house wiring or a dodgy amp..
  13. Mate of mine bought 5 clip on ones off ebay for about £1.50 and treats em like disposables. If you lose one or tread on it, no great loss and when the battery fails [size=4]just sling it.[/size] Had my doubts at first, but [size=3] I tried one and [/size][size=4]TBH as long as theyre accurate it sort of makes sense as long as you dont care what it looks like.[/size]
  14. It gets a bit weird when your older if you join a band thats been going for years. All the other members have known each other since they were young.and you c[size=4]ant help but feel sort of on the outside of everything.[/size] [size=4]Its happened to me a few times now.[/size]
  15. Wouldnt want to hijack HF's thread, but it just occurred to me that a 'spot the Bass player' thread mught be an idea. Old band photos without instruments and see who looks like the Bassman. Have to have a mooch, see what I can find.
  16. I wouldnt be happy wearing a flat cap. First because my old man wore one every day of his life and it would feel like taking the piss. And also, for some reason they usually look a bit camp nowadays. Trilby or a pork pie every time for me.
  17. [quote name='0175westwood29' timestamp='1413048927' post='2574533'] im not a fan of this kind of music but bashing something for not being as good as the original seems a bit pointless to me. andy [/quote] Releasing something thats not as good or better, or at least radically different seems pointless to me.
  18. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1413462980' post='2578453'] ... LE 200 ... [attachment=173964:Velo_LE_200.jpg] ... and damned fine bikes they are, too..! Could be put [i]à la française[/i]..? [u][i]Le[/i][/u] 200..? [/quote] We called em Noddy Bikes round here. Watercooled, scalded your legs if they boiled over. Could call the amp Nodder 200 I spose.
  19. Whats will happen is you will be thanked for the use of your kit, and as these things always run out of time you will be cut, or cut short. You could insist that if time is short one of the others is cut. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
  20. Hows about 200W SUFFICIENT
  21. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1412971911' post='2573853'] Seeing as October 10th marks the day in 1969 that both "Hot Rats" and "In the Court of the Crimson King" were released, I've been playing them: [media]http://youtu.be/qKWNVXwlAk4[/media] and [url="http://youtu.be/-q85kN7m1eo?list=PLRQKT-Cu2_2TlvATF-RUhKMHxt2Sz5h-9"]http://youtu.be/-q85...RUhKMHxt2Sz5h-9[/url] Good day. [/quote] As its also the day I was born - not the same year though - and I'm still recovering from last nigh. I put on Mothers of Invention. Mothermania. Also released in 69 I think. First time I have played it in about a hundred years. Interesting...
  22. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1412872766' post='2572891'] ... or Sunbeam. [/quote] Not rocker enough,
  23. [quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1412879900' post='2572986'] See post #44 for details. [/quote] I said not to mention Matchless, didnt I ? Pity AJS jwont sound right for an amp
  24. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1412858397' post='2572718'] WEM were making Dominators 50 years ago and there is currently a Watkins Dominator. As for vintage motorcycle names: Black Shadow Triton Trident Barracuda Spitfire Lightning Meteor Rapide Comet Constellation Interceptor Tiger Cub Navigator Hurricane Atlas Telstar Starfire Shooting Star Thunderbird Bonneville Dragonfly ...and of course there's the 'I've been kicking this thing over for the last half-hour and it still won't go'. [/quote] Not to mention Matchless or Rocket.
  25. [quote name='Dandelion' timestamp='1412808568' post='2572401'] Vampire. Vorton. Vulcan. [/quote] Vinton Norvin Triton Vamp.
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