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Everything posted by BILL POSTERS

  1. [quote name='Cairobill' timestamp='1412774382' post='2571884'] It's one of my favourite songs begin rant... I watched this BBC auto-tribute earlier...Thankfully, lining up these blink and you'll miss them popstars alongside the venerable greats and getting them to sp**k up the odd line against a horrific, fat headed abortion of a backing track is so anathema to what makes the original a beautiful, delicate, artful thing, it thankfully hasn't tarnished my love of Beach Boys version. But f***ing hell…this is so horrifically overproduced, over thought, over peer-group-researched and broadly inoffensive it makes me ill. And I get the point - It's [i]meant[/i] to be a tribute to music and specifically the music that is recorded for and by the BBC, but really, the deficiencies of this recording are so stark when you compare this banal, please-everyone, rendition against the stellar original. I mean…. how can a song so gloriously personal and affecting be sung by different people, line after line…it's such a STUPID idea. Arrrrgh!!! And really, there are hundreds of other songs that would have been more suitable and less annoying. God Only Knows is one of the few songs that never needs to be recorded ever, ever, repeat ever again because the original is PERFECT. rant over Saying that, it's a very pretty visual treatment. But that doesn't make the choice of song any less ball-achingly annoying... [/quote] What I dont like is the thought that this version may well become the one that anyone under 40 will remember. As has happened with so many classic tracks in the past.
  2. [quote name='Hot Tub' timestamp='1412765242' post='2571714'] It's decision time. Should I keep the MarkBass CMD103H or the Marshall MB4410+DBS7115? [b]Marshall[/b] weighs a sodding ton! [b] And there's a valve in there, so is reliability going to be an issue?[/b] . [/quote] Nope. Valves are not all that unreliable. Keep the Marshall if you like it. OK its heavy, but how often do you carry it far ? Someone - I dont know who, but if you read this, thanks - loaned me one for a gig in Cornwall once and I loved it.
  3. [quote name='lonestar' timestamp='1412767385' post='2571759'] I only lasted as long as the bit where The Anita Dobson look a like that used to be in Queen appeared and had to stop. [/quote] You beat me, I only lasted about 5 seconds and had to stop and go out for a fag.
  4. Bad taste I spose, but I like this one... Must have own kit and stick ! [attachment=173191:pyromaniaad.jpg]
  5. April 1st was months ago...
  6. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1412372622' post='2568446'] There are two tones mixed representing each number, I imagine it would be very difficult to vocalise. I don't know if it's still the case, but it used to be possible to dial out just by tapping on the mouthpiece of a phone receiver. Before touch-tone phones, rotary phones simply emitted a series of audible clicks as the dial reset. You could mimic this by tapping with your finger and reliably connect to whatever number you wanted without needing access to the dial or key pad. I imagine it would still work, otherwise rotary phones would no longer work. [/quote] It wasnt the click, it was pulse dialling. The rotary dial actually shorted the incoming line in pulses. You could dial out by tapping the rest that the handset rested on. But if you did it in a phone box you still had to pay, I tried it. Pulse dialling still works, or did about a year ago when I tried some old 1950s phones I was selling.
  7. [quote name='NoRhino' timestamp='1412372512' post='2568443'] Everyone likes to show off their shiny bass but I think we need to see some of the home made covers to provide inspiration. Pix please... [size=4][/quote][/size][quote name='BILL POSTERS' timestamp='1412282990' post='2567568'] Plewnty of firms selling Rexine. Marstons in Brum, or Woolies oop nrth for example. its cheap enough if you buy ends of roll or colours nobody wants. Faux leather if your feeling posh, about £4 square [s]yard[/s]. metre. 1/2 hour with the missus sewing machine and Bobs yer auntie. Or just finda local upholsterer, theyre usually self employed dudes who will run one up for a tenner plus whatever off cuts they have lying about. Cost me a fiver for a cover for a 4X10 cab last year. Might cost a bit more if you want it padded though. [/quote] Here you go... [attachment=173037:Image007.jpg]
  8. Plewnty of firms selling Rexine. Marstons in Brum, or Woolies oop nrth for example. its cheap enough if you buy ends of roll or colours nobody wants. Faux leather if your feeling posh, about £4 square [s]yard[/s]. metre. 1/2 hour with the missus sewing machine and Bobs yer auntie. Or just finda local upholsterer, theyre usually self employed dudes who will run one up for a tenner plus whatever off cuts they have lying about. Cost me a fiver for a cover for a 4X10 cab last year. Might cost a bit more if you want it padded though.
  9. [quote name='dnarocks' timestamp='1412012602' post='2564861'] I have two spectors,and a bass collection. Love the playability of bc. But despite upgrading all pups and electronic gear the bc will only sound so good. Spector euro and rebop sound better but aren't as nice to play. But Spector has better wood and build quality. Personally I will never get rid of BC bass but the other two are up for sale. I would like a GMR OR Sadowsky. They play like the bass collection. But sound much better and are more reliable. [/quote] Have to agree about the BC. Wouldnt sell mine, but aint gigged it for 20 years. Dont sound great and it dont look right nowadays either. Funny how Ps and Js still look right even though they were designed 60 or more years ago.
  10. From the scart pin 1 is Right. pin 3 is left. pin 4 is ground. to tha amp via the front analogue inputs - stereo jack probably. Will be stereo like you had before. Wont matter if your already using the scart for something else, its the outputs your sfter, so either wire it in or get a cheapo poundland scart 2 into one.
  11. If theres a scart scocket on it there will usually be audio out on it. Cant remember which pins, but its bound to be on t interweb somewhere, maybe under 21pin peritel connector. Scart to phono adaptors usually connect to the audio in, but you might find one with a switch if you look hard enough, or modify one.
  12. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1411662946' post='2561707'] Whats embarrassing about it? You never had to use the phone to chase someone up? [i][b]Ever heard of someone loosing a phone number, getting taken to hospital unexpectedly etc. Im not suggesting this is the case, but why wade in with the insults until you know the full story. Seems to be the norm around here these days.[/b][/i] They may well be time wasters, but you dont know that for sure, not yet. [/quote] "Text message with 5 songs" suggest they have not lost the number. Mobile phones aint like bits of paper that get 'blow out odf the car window' [size=4] [/size][size=4] are they?[/size] [size=4]Wade in with insults.... ???[/size] [size=4]Nah, just experience talking mate, Parr for the course - being involved with bands will break your heart if you let it.[/size]
  13. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1411660488' post='2561679'] Classic. Without knowing all the details we have now written them off completely. [/quote] Would you embarrass yourself by chasing after them then ? Either they are nutters (favourite in my book) or igronant. Either way....
  14. [size=4] Looks like a lucky escape to me.[/size] f*** em. Just move on, they don't want you enough. There's another band round the corner that does though.
  15. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1411586901' post='2560999'] [i][b]Susan Boyle sings Black Sabbath.[/b][/i] [/quote] I think thats been done as it happens.
  16. Thanks very much.
  17. I heard it in the early 90s, sort of hillbilly rock I spose you'd call it.
  18. Lots of us must get a song suck in their head which they cant identify. Thought a thread might be an idea. With me its one I saw a band in Brum playing years ago, I was sure at the time I'd heard it before but never managed to find out what it was. 1st verse goes; I cant get my ass in gear cant get it nowhere near too much dope, too much beer cant get my ass in gear. Anybody got any ideas ?
  19. Still gig my 1973 Eros Jazz copy sometimes. Was cheap £65 when I bought it, as cpmpared to a white Fender P which was £125 in the same shop. [size=4]I really like the Eros, and I still keep going back to it. Copies can be great quality sometimes, [/size]
  20. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1411375194' post='2558783'] Yep, sounds familiar. Still, what the hell; while I'm learning and it's fun. In some ways I'm a dreamer. I fit your description; trying to fullfil and old "pipe-dream", as my Mum & Dad used to say. But you have to dream or you may as well lay down and watch Eastenders!! Lord preserve us from THAT! [/quote] Twas years ago, I found a couple of good bands and I'm still gigging. its only a pipe dream at our age if your expecting to get rich and famous I reckon. Dont get disheartened, go with the flow till something turns up.
  21. [quote name='spinynorman' timestamp='1411335962' post='2558610'] There was a band we used to encounter on our local circuit that had a guitarist that played absolutely everything in the style of Hank Marvin. Which was interesting on things like "Sharp Dressed Man". They were very popular. [/quote] Was he from around Tamworth way by any chance ?
  22. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1411315282' post='2558348'] They've previously had 2 female singers and 2 bass players (1 died, 1 was much younger and couldn't play, apparently) They've never spoken in terms of "that gig we did at..." [/quote] Reason I asked is I took a long break and when I stared again I came across a lot of 50+ people who were trying to re live the days in bands they wished they'd had, if you see what I mean. Expensive gear, but never seemed to do anythin but rehearse, and were nowhere as good as they thought they were. There seem to be as many old dreamers around as young ones, they just have more money and distorted memories, but thats bands for you. Dont get me wrong, I benefited from the experience, but learned to take most of what they said with a pinch of salt. main thing is it got me going again. Hopefully it will be the same for you.
  23. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1411291731' post='2558112'] Have they gigged with a previous bass player? [/quote] Have they gigged at all, You did mention that 2 had played together for years, but that doesn't necessarily mean seriously gigging does it ?
  24. [quote name='BILL POSTERS' timestamp='1411240484' post='2557861'] [size=4][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Listen to your dad. He [/font][/color][s]speeks[/s][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] speaks the truth and he's sober[/font][/color][s] like me[/s][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif], as am I. ( He also [/font][/color][s]likes[/s][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] feels compelled to correct my spelling and [s]grammer[/s] [i][b]grammar[/b][/i] [/font][/color][s]sometimes[/s][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] often !)[/font][/color][/size] [/quote] You missed one. [size=4] [/size]
  25. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1411239432' post='2557854'] Take no heed of the others, they're drunk. [/quote] Listen to your dad. He speeks the truth and he's sober like me. ( He also likes to correct my spelling and grammer sometimes !)
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