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Everything posted by BILL POSTERS

  1. Tell em to shove it... Surprised anyone actually falls for that one. if you really want to play the venue, chat up some of the bands who play there regularly and offer to support them.
  2. I think kids do like old music more than we think. But for some reason like to listen to it when your not there My daughter would moan if I play my compilation CDs in the car or played old vinyl in the house, She is home from university for the summer and left my netbox thingy logged in to her spotify account. just for something to listen to I put one of her playlists on and about every third track is something obscure or ancient that she heard round the house growing up, The rest is newer guitar based stuff which although I wouldnt buy it, for the most part its good stuff.
  3. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1408361867' post='2529310'] I do the elbow wrap thing too, followed by a velcro tie. I really ought to do it better, but, let's face it, I bought all the bloody leads too. It's generally not too bad doing it that way. [/quote] Elbow wrap and then tie the lot in a loose overhand knot for me. My leads are mostly ancient, well gigged and all still fine btw.
  4. Anyone tried growing their nails, so that fingers sound like picks ? Doesn't work very well for me, I cant get the same or even similar sound from each finger.
  5. This ring any bells ? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3fo_lAn15Y
  6. Aint got tme to read the whole thread, so sorry if its been mentioned. Always used to fancy a strapmade of webbing. like army belt type stuff. fittings n the ends where it attaches made of brass, and a proper buckle for adjusting the length at the front, ie, between the left shoulder and the Bass.
  7. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1407865955' post='2524881'] Yes as Len Fairclough's son Stanley. [/quote] Aah yes, Len Fairclough. The first allged Corporation St kiddy diddler
  8. Wasnt Peter Noone in Coronation St at one point ? To behonest, back in the early 60s I reckoned the best thing about Hermans Hermits was the name.
  9. [quote name='winterfire666' timestamp='1407515984' post='2521426'] Paranoid - i love black sabbath but that song is just crap but for some reason everyone loves it, soooo dull to play. [/quote] I really really dont get Sabbath at all... But I quite enjoyed playing Paranoid. [size=4] [/size]
  10. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1407489660' post='2520985'] Any playing is a mixture of instinct, practice, thinking, intuition, spontaneity, rehearsal, improvisation etc. It is all of these things and much more. You prepare as much as you can but not over prepare. You practice everything but sometimes play new stuff on the gig. You improvise on tunes you know easily but struggle when someone calls a tune you are less familiar with. You know Jazz inside out but struggle with Latin grooves. YOu are instinctine with reggae but have to think harder when playing ska. Its a dynamic process and that is what makes it all so wonderful. [/quote] Yep. But you missed out the natural feel some have naturally, and some just dont get
  11. [quote name='Jus Lukin' timestamp='1407416876' post='2520276'] I play with a drummer who has this problem more than many. ..... He could be so much the better player if he'd just shut the hell up in his own head, [/quote] I think thats the hard part for a lot of people though, isnt it ? Some people cant switch off and let it flow.
  12. When I first started I played using my thumb, got quite fast as well. Must be years since I saw anybody doing that. You used to be able to buy huge felt picks, about the size and thickness of a 50p as well but I aint seen one in a shop for years.
  13. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1407189519' post='2518295'] plus you can still use it as a watch, and take pictures,[b] check calendar... [/quote][/b] [b]Why ? do you often foget what day it is ?[/b]
  14. [quote name='Iain' timestamp='1407337627' post='2519578'] Mostly fingers for me - the sound I usually have is pretty aggressive so sounds pickish anyway. Recently been learning some Iron Maiden tunes and fingers for sure there - can't get across the strings fast enough with a pick although the 'galloping' trademark was easier to play consistently with a pick until I'd practised 3-finger technique enough. Sometimes revert to a pick after a few hours of practice though if the blisters start to form... [/quote] Yeah, theres another point, practice it using 3 fingers. A lot of people only seem to use two.
  15. I didnt use a pick at all for 6 or 7 years, just got out of the habit and fingers suited what I was playing at the time. Now I'm playing with two bands where I could use more 'attack' to my sound, and cant get the hang of using a pick again, having old numb fingers isnt helping. So my advice is best use both, at least some of the time, even if its just when your noodling about on your own.
  16. Sounds risky to me. Having made a living ( not guitar related, and I hung up my spurs long ago) in the past offering my services through newspaper ads, and seen some horror stories. I'd never use anyone who wasnt near enoug to pay a personal visit if it all goes tits up.
  17. Worst cos its boring. Heavens door, the Guns and Roses one. So o o glad I dont play in that type of covers band these days. And worst cos for some reason I cant get it to feel right two times in a row. Barbed Wire Blues - Wilko Johnson.
  18. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1406647997' post='2513418'] What little vinyl remains with me is there purely for it's mass - my CD shelves were expanded and became a bit top heavy (IKEA jobs) so Iumped my old vinyl not sold off yet onto the bottom big shelf and now it doesn't move at all. I suppose bricks would have done just as well but at least I can look at the album covers occasionally this way. Not had a working turntable for at least 10 years. [/quote] Y'know. If you got one and listened to the lovely warm warts and all sound of vinyl, you might just regret selling them off. CDs are just a fad, It'll never last [size=4] [/size]
  19. [quote name='notable9' timestamp='1406716975' post='2513993'] 50% of the crowd will be wishing they were up there with you so.... Be a wannabee!! Dress cool, play cool, look cool, your the one who's up there not the crowd so make the most of it..it's your show. [/quote] Only 50% ? 'Show me the man who has never wanted to be in a band, and I'll show you a liar' cant remember who said that, but its true. And, yep dress the part. surely you dont think all them big stars didnt try and look the part till they made it.
  20. Way I see it, I travel -say- 50 miles round trip, spend half a the day at the weekend hanging round watching bands I wouldnt usually go to see, play free for - again, say - 45 minutes. Hump my gear around, and usually get asked to let someone I dont know use it, cos 'He has to rush off/couldnt bring his own etc' (Usuallymeans what he's got is not as good as the rubbish Stag back line thats usually supplied) Pay for my own beer and a burger. Lets call that £40 out of my pocket in expenses. Now is it a charity I would donate £40 to... ?
  21. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1406727299' post='2514121'] Probably quicker if I just stick it online somewhere and post a link, hang on... Edit: Oops, just noticed there may be copyright issues if I do that. Better PM me with an email addy! [/quote] How about me, can I have one too ...Please ?
  22. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1406575010' post='2512652'] I reckon bands are worth what they are getting paid, so a free band is worth sweet FA to the organizers. [/quote] This. We will only do them for expenses nowadays unless one of us has personal reasons for wanting to do it. As has been said, the bar will usually still be making a profit, and who ever bothers to check to see what the organisers are claiming for expenses ?
  23. I'd love to say it was something cool. But I'm pretty sure it would have been Apache or something similar. I do remember it was a WMC somewhere around Dudley, New years eve 1976.
  24. Just spotted this. http://www.birminghammusicarchive.com/brum-music-month-goats-dont-shave-pink-cadillac/
  25. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1406396408' post='2511210'] I think the OP means a beer koozie! It's a foam cover to stop your beer getting warm... of limited use in the UK, because as everyone knows we [i]like[/i] warm beer... [/quote] I had a mental picture of a cushion with a logo on it. Uncool here, but as they/we say... Only in America.
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