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Everything posted by BILL POSTERS

  1. I was taught it was important, this was back in the late 60s, first year of a 5 years Radio & electronics engineering course. Most things were mono back then, with single speakers. A quick look on google confirms what I thought. But y'know - lifes too short to lose sleep over it.
  2. [quote name='bremen' timestamp='1367798732' post='2069658'] If its a single speaker in a combo there really will be no difference connecting it one way or the other. [/quote] If you say so. Cant say I ever bothered to try it.
  3. [quote name='bremen' timestamp='1367783058' post='2069455'] Musky is right. Bill and Ian are maybe assuming there's more than one speaker in your rig. [/quote] Nope, just quoting what I was taught in college about a hundred years ago studying for my G&G.
  4. If the polarity is wrong you will lose some bass response. If you have a multimeter, measure the resistance to chassis (or to the outer of one of the jack sockets) of each wire on the lowest ohms range, the lowest is the negative. Most likely black though, as you said. If your not sure which is which on the speaker, connect a 1.5v battery across it, the right way is when the cone moves outwards.
  5. Dimmers that use Triacs can 'clip' the mains and either radiate a 50HZ buzz or cause mains borne interference. If it is that its best tackled at source, but have you tried taking the mains for your amps from somewhere else in the building, using a long extension lead, or using a mains lead with suppression ?
  6. [quote name='Johnnyc' timestamp='1366642071' post='2055318'] Bill, if I try that little experiment with the FX loop will the driver valves come into play? They're after the pre amp but before the big 6550's in the power stage I believe. [/quote] Almost certainly, yeah. To prove the point, you could try it with the driver valve/s removed, if you get no sound at all the answer is yes. Not a familiar amp, but I thought there was a mod for SVTs to use 12AX7s, or am I just out of date ?
  7. Try CPC or RS, Looks like an old fashioned wavechange switch, so one of the places that supply electronics/radio enthusiasts and advertise in everyday electronics migh be cheaper. This place is helpful. [url="http://www.bardwells.co.uk/"]http://www.bardwells.co.uk/[/url]
  8. [quote name='Johnnyc' timestamp='1366393515' post='2052080'] I'm sure it's a pre amp valve as the distortion occurs no matter what volume I use the amp at, and I'm getting a fair bit of general white noise. Plus I only recently changed all the power valves to Sovtek 6550WE's. It's a 2007 SVT so I wouldn't expect much to be wrong with it; one of the pre valves has been running really bright since I bought it & now it's started to distort I guess I actually have to sort it out. I guess that's probs the best option then, I'll just buy some valves and swap the bright one out and see if it fixes it. cheers Johnny [/quote] Not an amp I'm familiar with, but if there is one, try feeding a signal, from an ipod or something like, into the FX return. if its still distorted your problems not in the pre amps.
  9. Top ones will be generic OA90s, OA91s, or something similar, tbh in practice a germanium diode, was agermanium diode. Even Mullard OA91s used to vary quite a bit anyway, so I'd just treat them as that. if your using pairs, try and match the forward resistances. The others wil be 1N914 as has already been said, similar to 1N4148s.
  10. If he repairs amps for a living, theres quite likely a reasonable explanation. Its not earning him anything sitting in his place. Having been in the business of repairing stuff, including amps.and having closed businesses down, I know. Its not unusual to have people leave stuff and never collect it. At some point you have to decide what to do with it. Although he should write to you - twice, but both letters can be in the same envelope, before he disposes of it. Its just too much of a pain tbh. The Police wont be interested, its a civil matter. If you cant find him, try the local Trading Standards, and local music shops etc, see if they know of him. If you know where he is, go see him, he might be waiting for you to turn up with some money, thats what he repairs amps for, and its probably taking up space in his workshop. If he's as bad as you say, empty a pint of maggots into his letter box, and post a dead fish through it when he's on holiday.
  11. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1365368982' post='2038744'] I'm not fortunately, but I do understand it. Also, I once lost out on a gig as I didn't have a Fender! [/quote] Only skimmed this thread, but I see the point of the badge. Never lost a gig, but at a rehearsal with a new band, I took my old Eros Jazz copy that I had since 1973. iI plays well, and sounds great, but the guitard said " You will be using your Fender for gigs, wont you?" must amit when I was younger, and couldnt afford Fenders, I was never impressed by bands using copies, I took the Eros badge off within a week of buying it. nothing wrong with Squiers though. I usually use one of my Ps for gigs, but not always, still use the Eros now and again, sometimes my BC. Band I'm with now are more mature, and dont really give a damn either way..
  12. Post every time for me. The switch is broken on my Hatke.
  13. Meths. little bit on a cloth and you just wipe it off. Used to use it all the time to get marker pen writing off of TV screens. .
  14. Electricity meter in my house makes any amp within about ten feet buzz, light dimmers anywhere in the house do similar, dont forget the house wiring will act as a transmitting aerial. In my old house BT had fitted a piece of kit that allowed more than one phone line per pair of wires coming in to the house, and that made anything at all, amps radios etc buzz, even my car radio on AM with the car parked outside.
  15. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1363714747' post='2016465'] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLBW8L198GQ[/media] [/quote] Was a few years before that. Another of his ideas was 'Nelsons Lung tonic' We settled on the Goosberries in the end, but then somebody else with that name had a minor, and easily forgettable hit.
  16. If there is a difference, which I doubt, I dont reckon you would hear it at all with the volume and tone pots full on. 500K is 500K - or whatever value - no matter what make the pot is.
  17. Have you tried a different amp ? Its possible, just possible that the coupling cap to the first stage is leaky and putting DC on to the pot sliders. Early death of pots, and crackly new ones due to leaky coupling caps wasnt uncommon back in the days of steam valve radios. btw, plastic fuel tanks are supposed to be earthed to prevent static sparks igniting the fuel. Dunno how that works though. Maybe a 3 ply scratchplate, with 2 plastic sheets insulated from each other by a different type of plastic, which would act as a dielectric, could build up a charge between the two. Or am I just talking complete bollox ?
  18. Mate of mine, who shall not be named, once wanted to call a band 'Cupid Stunt'
  19. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1363707560' post='2016262'] Matt at Fender UK is great. I've dealt with who Lozz mentioned, and had issues. So, never been back. You should definitely get a pack with all the tools mentioned, brochures, key and duster, etc. [/quote] Yeah Matts been great, it wasnt that particular retailer though. Duster ?? Hmmm.
  20. I emailed Fender last night, abd got a reply this am. They are putting some spares in the post. Thats what I call good service, at least from Fender. Not over impressed with that particular dealer though.
  21. [quote name='rmorris' timestamp='1363652647' post='2015459'] [b]had this happen on an Ibanez Strat copy.[/b]n shield with foil and dryer sheets also work to a degree ( they are 'anti static' )- but I got a new pickguard cut at a place in Orpington. [/quote] Matter of interest, was it a 3 ply one ? Just wondering if it had a different material in the centre. V4LVE, Are the pot casings both connected to the outer terminal on the jack.ie, earthed ? and are either oof them loose ?
  22. I got some as it happens, still doesnt seem right, but then mine will be metric and as its a USA Bass that might be why. Had ball ends snap off cheap ones before now, so be careful btw. Anyway, MIA Basses aint cheap so I want it all, I hate being conned.
  23. No wasnt there, But only cos they didnt have one I liked.
  24. Thanks. I queried it at the time and the guy said they only come with the saddles one these days. Large retailer in Brum as well. Think I'll contact Fender to confirm and pay them another visit.
  25. I have a 2011 aniversary precision. Is there a special short Allen key for getting at the heel end truss rod on these? Theres nowhere near enough room to get a standard one in the tiny little access hole unless its at a stupid angle that risks damage. Previous Fenders I've bought have come with 2 Allen keys I think, but this came with only a bridge one.
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