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Everything posted by BILL POSTERS

  1. I got us a 'charity' gig. No money but its all exposure. We could just treat it as a rehearsal.
  2. Just a thought, If you have a rider for something stupid, that could easily be either mis interfreted or taken as a joke. Would that give you a good get out if there are other problems ? Breach of contract goes both ways. If the stage isnt big enough, the powers supplies are not right, fine theres an issue. But what if the artist has some other reason to not like something about the venue, or the promoter finds some other excuse to say they are in breach ? Could. for example, the absence of the M&Ms or there only being 9,986 of them provide mitigation ? Just wondering if there might be a real reason behind strange riders, and not just artistes being arseholes.
  3. [b]TEMPORARILY [/b]disconnect the earh in the mains plug, and short out the input - a 1/4" bladed posi screwdriver is good for this, or if your like, use a shorted jack plug - if it still buzzez, its not an earth loop. [b]PUT THE EARTH BACK STRAIGHT AWAY[/b]. Too easy to forget otherwise. Then try it in another house. Some amps buzz in my house if they are anywhere near the leccy meter. and some appliances radiate 50Hz. Lighting and especially dimmer switches can be a big problem for radiating buzz.
  4. None, unless you count the on board compressor and the valve pre amp on my Harke. I dont use anything with my old Bassman head.
  5. Picasso was an artist, sos the bloke who draws in chalk on the pavement not also an artist ? Course he is. But your not an artist if you do painting by numbers pictures are you ?
  6. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1357400430' post='1922116'] Hmm. Worked what out for yourself? I thought you said you didn't know any theory? It sounds like you do know some theory. [/quote] Only what I've forgotten from my lousy secondary modern school education, where music lessons were mainly just a singsong, and even then I got told to not bother cos I sang out of tune. I dont think in scales, I think in shapes. I could work out what the notes are if I cared though. I bought a few books when I started,but tbh left em out after page 2 or 3.cos they were too heavy. Time sigs just come sort of naturally. I wouldnt expect anyone who has learned by formal training to understand the last paragraph, most people I try to explain it to dont. My daughter, who plays Bass, did music at school, and who I made sure had piano lessons as well, Cant work out what I'm talking about if I try to show her anything my way.
  7. only skimmd this thread. Reading too much on forums like this can, and does sometimes make me doubt my own ability, even though I been playing Bass on and off since the early 70s. Like the OP, I dont know any theory, never had a lesson, and worked it out for myself. People tell me I have a great feel for what i do, and Ilike to believe them, mostly. So dont let all the techspeak put you off, never mind Musician, your a Bass Player, nothing wrong with doing it from memory, although hopefully you dont play everything parrot fashion, and its not just ' put your finger here, then there etc' there will be those who reckon you should sight read everything. I dont know many people who talk theory all of the time, nor who read music. Nothing wrong with those people who do it that way, as long as they dont get all snobby and superior about it.
  8. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1356963641' post='1915683'] If it's a song I like I'll just work out the changes from the record. If it's a song I don't like then I say 'I'm not playing that'. Elton John? Yeah it might be a classic but I'm not doing it. I don't care who wants to hear it, tell them to do one. I said no. [/quote] This... I dont make much money out of it, so I'm not doing something I dont enjoy.
  9. Only skimmed through this thread, but for me it would be; Still got the bkues - (Andy Pyle) Gary Moore, Meet me on the corner - (Rod Clements) Lindisfarne. i know a little - Lynard Skynard. I also have a slow version of Dont believe a word that I think is great, probably with Phil Lynot playing it. Not necessarily in that order though. And if you asked me tomorrow and I'd probably say four completely different tracks.
  10. According to my Sky box 200 is a cahnnel called Controversial TV but Dial M is still listed at 9 oclock. So I guess thats the same.
  11. S funny innit, maybe it cause its your local pub. Half a dozen people in the room, especially if I know any by sight it takes me a while to loosen up. A packed house full of paying strangers, and I hardly notice they are there.
  12. Just hearing a Birmingham accent sends em into a rage Nice little town for shops and such during the day, you need to go there on a night to believe the difference. I saw two women in wheelchairs fighting in a takeaway one night. They have a yearly violent football match, where whoever is still standing after so long is the winner. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0rc95zgHDw"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0rc95zgHDw[/url]
  13. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1356198386' post='1907916'] I've played nowhere, i just see that guy in places and think "Seriously dude? you were clearly plastered before the band even started setting up, go home". [/quote] Sounds like you've [s]played [/s] i[s]n [/s] been to Atherstone... Fixed...
  14. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1356195795' post='1907859'] You haven't had the guy that thinks crawling around the dance floor is a dance move yet then? (You've just had every other one ) [/quote] Sounds like you've played in Atherstone...
  15. [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1356118527' post='1907209'] He was in Tamworth, that's enough to know. I used to hate going into Tamworth, they are the rudest people I have ever had the displeasure of meeting. Obviously there are exceptions (he says, covering his arse because there is at least one person on here from there, who seems relatively normal as far as I can tell) but I have personally never met a single likeable person from there. It was a bloke from Tamworth that stole my old Shure microphone. "I'll sing in your band", says he. "Can I borrow a microphone?" He asks. "Sure", says I. "Where did he go?" I wonder. [/quote] Yep. I live about 5 miles from there, played there a lot, and I couldnt agree more. Funnily enough, i have an old Unidyne that still works great, cant for the life of me rememeber where it came from..
  16. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1356111633' post='1907083'] LOL! where do they come from? why would anybody agree to that? for all anybody knows, his guitar is a POS and he might try and run off with the guitarists ACTUAL guitar (which i have heard of people gigging early 70's strats in pubs ) while he is playing. [/quote] Yeah I had thought of that. It was in Tamworth, so thats where they come from btw . and the guitards nice 20 year old gold top might have been at risk of walking out the door.
  17. [quote name='Mikey R' timestamp='1356088336' post='1906606'] You play music, you meet odd people - its part of the fun. EDIT: speling [/quote] Its a big part of it for me as well. Had a big, mean looking guy turn up at a gig fairly recently, with guitar in his hand. Didnt want to play, didnt want to sell. But got really agressive when our guitard wouldnt play the second set with it.
  18. 'Sugar Bush', by Doris Day and Frankie Lane. Hmmm, Sugar Bush
  19. 2.2K 10W wirewound for me, only cos its physically bigger, so easier/safer to hold. Before using the resistor, I run the amp with something loud, playing through it - not a guitar or bass, that could leave you earthed, try an Ipod. Then pull the mains plug, the valves will still run for a while, discharging most of whats in the caps, less of a 'flash' that way. & after the resistor, short the HT rail to chassis with a screwdriver blade to make sure. Then do it again after a few minutes or so if your still working on it, sometimes, a bit of it comes back ! Microphonic valves usually show up if you turn the amp up with no input,and then tap them with a screwdriver handle. Dodgy bases usually show up if you put a finger on the pip at the top and wobble the valve.
  20. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1355530457' post='1899777'] Excellent explanation. I always plug into an RCD on gigs, and carry a ring-main tester to use if I have any concerns about the venue mains supply. Biggest worries are extension leads at outdoor/marquee jobs. Most common faults are no earth (which equals no protection from lethal faults), and live/neutral reversed (which may not be as bad as it sounds if all the band are on the same supply, but is not recommended!) [/quote] Outdoor venues are often dodgy, I've come across situations where the sockets had no earth more than once, and we were standing on grass at one of them. luckily an RCD plug will trip if theres no earth,so it was spotted. I think it was Stone the Crows guitarist, Les Harvey, Alex's brother who was killed
  21. [quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1355444405' post='1898617'] Hopefully it won't be the equipment or the mains supply at fault, I'd say it's more likely to be static from your body discharging to earth via the mic or anything that is earthed. It's a good idea to check the supply with your socket tester wherever you're gigging though, if there is/was a fault with the mains it could be lethal, as I'm sure you already know.. [/quote] a shock from static - or DC offset whatever that is - would be more of a sharp sting. Mains feels different, it sort of buzzes if its a little one, or bloody hums if its full mains across your body. Trust me, after donkeys years repairing stuff live, I know. If it feels like AC, but doesnt actually hurt, theres probably just not enough current available. so probably, as has been said, a dodgy earth somewhere. Needs checking out properly though. A good earth might save your life one day.
  22. [quote name='Jack Cahalane' timestamp='1355486790' post='1898992'] I had a coil of wire inside my cab break away from where it was soldered during the first song of our set, I was left with just the 2x10 and it sounded so weak even after I turned it up to compensate. When I got home I opened the cab up and fixed it with a piece of cardboard and a cable tie, the same thing happened again at the next gig so I just used another cable tie and it's still holding up. If anyone's interested I'm now doing full time amp repairs, seems easy enough [/quote] As any experienced highly qualified with degrees and stuff electronics engineer - there seem to be a good few on here - will tell you. Two cable ties is always better than one.
  23. Rod Clements had a lot to do with it. Bass line on Meet me on the corner especially Always used to pickup on Bass lines though, they always seemed to stand out, even when I was little. I can remember noticing some great walking bass on the Platters stuff and suchlike that my older brothers and sisters listened to .
  24. [quote name='hollywoodrox' timestamp='1355237867' post='1895772'] It's another irreplaceable character gone, does anyone remember him on the program gamesmaster too where he played the gamesmaster how bizarre . Any votes for Brian cox as a replacement ( not that he can be replaced but you know what I mean) [/quote] Cant see it somehow. Needs to be an eccentric nutter, in order to keep normal people interested in a such a dull subject. Otherwise it would turn into just another geeky program like the Gadget show or Top Gear. Watching and listening to P.M is what made it interesting.
  25. [quote name='Dr.Dave' timestamp='1355144997' post='1894537'] It was simple to me. All the pop stars I was seeing on TOTP were dreary pretty boys and I didn't really like music at all.[i][b] One day I saw these four pig ugly blokes dressed like absolute twats [/b][/i]making a massive noisy racket with a circus clown screaming over the top.........the punchline beiing I was still singing the song next morning on my way to school. I thought 'That's for me - I want my own little slice of that'. [/quote] And you were an instant Sweet fan ? Now they WERE ugly barstuarts.
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