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Everything posted by BILL POSTERS

  1. Thanks for the replies, I like the sound I'm getting, its just too much. I'm thinking more along the lines of 20W.
  2. [quote name='Johnston' timestamp='1327611395' post='1514295'] I thought Audio taper = Log Pot [/quote] Slightly different taper I [i]think. [/i]
  3. [quote name='Mcgiver69' timestamp='1327584724' post='1513730'] What Lawrence means is that "Taper" or logarythmic pots tend to do this, you should use linear "B" pots if you want to have that in between option. The taper are more popular among guitarrists as they normally to use them full on. I had the same problem and changed all my pots for linear "B" and I'm a happy man now. [/quote] The human ear has a roughly logarithmic sensitivity to sound levels, so log pots are used as volume controls. At least thats what I was taught when I studied electronic engineering in the 60s/70s. dont spose much has changed, although 'Audio taper 'pots are available these days as well.
  4. Can somebody reccomend a practice amp that wont cost a fortune ? I've been using my daughters Hartke Kickback 120, but its causing friction in the nest, partly cos its too loud and rumbles through the wooden floors, also cos its a bit on the large side to be left out. With the exception of a home made one I had for years, ones I've had in the past have sounded rubbish, or just not lasted.
  5. [quote name='leftyhook' timestamp='1327571603' post='1513407'] [u][i][b]Mark King drives the song with his face up agains the windscreen[/b][/i][/u], while Adam Clayton simply, and admirably; supports it. BTW one of may favourite songs to play live is Duffy's 'Mercy'. Muted strings, thumb and first finger plucks..so simple, but the muting accentuates the importance of keeping it tighter than tight. Love it. [/quote] Not a Mark King fan meself, but thats really well put. Just picture it in my head is enough.
  6. " Lets do Alright Now, the punters will love it" followed by, "Lets all wear matching stage gear, Orange shirts and dickey bows would look nice"
  7. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1327503292' post='1512459'] 'Musos' want to play the music 99% of people don't want to hear, the punters will want to hear the 99% of repertoire that your band don't want to play. You do what you get paid to do in a covers band, and [b][u]if you can derive some sort of enjoyment from doing it then you should[/u][/b]. I hate the song, but it only lasts for 3 or 4 minutes. A 9 till 5 job lasts from 9 to 5, and I know which one I'd prefer to do. [/quote] If it pays well, you do what the punters want..agreed, Bit within reason. 99% of covers is OK, thats one thing, but you aint gonna lose out much by there being a few songs that you dont do. If you aint enjoying it, and it aint making you A LOT of dough, why do it ? and that goes for everything. Day job, type of music you play, sexual preferences, whatever...
  8. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1327499888' post='1512358'] People absolutely love it unfortunately. [/quote] By people do you mean Musos or Punters ? i last played it around 1975, by which time I hated it with a venegance. Started playing covers again in the early 90s and was amazed that people still wanted to play it, and wanted to hear it. I have had so much stick over the years cos I wont play it, that I hate it more than ever. all sorts from a singer telling the audience that the guitard hadnt had time to teach me it (Hoho, what a wag) to the usual guitard question, cant you play the solo then - To which I used to reply by playing not just the bass part, but a version the guitar solo on me Bass as well. Glad I dont play rock covers these days, theres just so much that was good in its day, but is past its best, that I hate.and everybody seems to want to do.
  9. Not a techical player meself, but I've never had a problem using open strings, where it fits. Cant see any reason not to. If it sounds right - its right, surely.
  10. Like someone else already said. Why mess about - Just ditch the song. Its naffsville baby.
  11. Not really sure which is actually used, but to half the impedance, you would need either thicker wire, or less of it ie. less turns, In practice, its probably a combination of both.
  12. Didnt bother to bid on this mainly cos of the photo. I did ask for some more pics, as per the description. But got no reply. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/130629840812?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649"][u][size="2"][color="#0000ff"][size="2"][color="#0000ff"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/130629840812?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649[/color][/size][/color][/size][/u][/url]
  13. Great stuff. What a redreshing change to the, usual I hate my band, they dont understand me / messing me around / sacked me / should I stay or should I go type posts.
  14. [quote name='Max Normal' timestamp='1327267623' post='1508691'] Um, yeah, that was kind of my point. Perhaps I should have said you can finish the wiring before you EVER plug them in (or[i][b] learn how to discharge your capacitors) . Thing is, anyone with half a brain can do this.[/b][/i] I work with very high voltage DC power sources and carcinogenic chemicals every day while teaching it to students. They are all fine, never had a problem, people are not stupid if they are properly aware of the risks, and I must say that I hate the kind of elitism that says "I can do this but you shouldn't even try". If you don't intelligently approach some risks in your life and learn to control them, you'll never progress in some directions. Still, I totally agree with the point about buying a new SVT if you want something useable, if nothing else you have said. However, in agreement, If you are a committed total and utter f***wit and know it, just get two cocoa tins and some string and try not to strangle youself on the string. [/quote] How do we know the OP is aware that capacitors hold a charge, or if he is, that he doesnt have incorrect beliefs about how to discharge them ? A little knowlege can be a dangerous thing. I've worked with high voltages daily for 30 years, have made mistakes and had a few good pissers in my time, but could have been worse if, for example, I had been using both hands or gripping wire cutters. We all make mistakes, However, in agreement, If you are a committed total and utter f***wit and know it, just get two cocoa tins and some string and try not to strangle youself on the string.
  15. Seeing as the Bells catalogue has gone down so well, try this for more old gear.. [url="http://www.manchesterbeat.com/gear/guitars.php"]http://www.manchesterbeat.com/gear/guitars.php[/url]
  16. Some of the first amps I ever built were done with Tuac or Saxon PCBs. Mainly cos it was cheaper than building output stages from scratch, and it left room to play around with front end pre amps, usually by copying them from manufactures service info. Tuac & Saxon are long gone, but there are others around. These for example. [url="http://www.quasarelectronics.com/audio-amplifiers.htm"]http://www.quasarelectronics.com/audio-amplifiers.htm[/url] No idea how good or bad though. Even with these though, There ate pther dangers, not just electrocution. although the danger of directly gettin a high voltage shock is reduced, there is still the situation where your playing in a band with other amps, P.A etc that are earthed, so potentially (sorry) you could endanger others, also the risk of causing a fire in a crowded club doesnt bear thinking about. Then theres the danger of shorting the PSU output, OK only 60 volts or so, but a lot of current available, even after thou have pulled the plug. Those bits of molten copper flying around can do you some damage. I used to work for a firm where there was a can from an exploded large electrolytic stuck in the ceiling, and I once heard of an engineer who was badly injured when a small electrolyitic exploded, and the can stuck in his eye. Not trying to put you off mind,
  17. Depends what sort of output your looking for, and what experience you have of electronics/building electronics. tbh, unless you have a fair bit of experience with valves, and really do understand the safety issues working with that kind of voltages with that kind of current available is not a good idea. So think solid state would be my advice. And ignore all the 'Expert HiFi techno bullshit' advice about specific types of components sounding different for now, Its all a matter of opinion, and just finding the right values is hard enough at first.
  18. " I dont know if we should play that pub, according to my accountant its a bit rough"
  19. [quote name='Paultrader' timestamp='1327237368' post='1508064'] Brilliant! What year is it? I bought a Watkins Sapphire bass from Bells once. I looked great but had such a heavy headstock, it was completely unbalanced. My mate John had a Watkins Rapier from there too. A trip to Bells Music in Surbiton was a real adventure when I was a youth! [/quote] 1963 I think. Way before my time anway. Just noticed Monopole strings, I do remember them, but not chrome tapewound ones. Was it still illegal to import American guitars in 1963 ??
  20. Just came across this old Bells Catalogue (Old fogies will remember) Not much Bass gear but some interesting vintage stuff in there, Hard to believe people used to gig with some of those old amps. [size=3][url="http://www.manchesterbeat.com/gear/bells/bells%20catalogue.pdf"][u][color=#0000ff][color=#0000ff]http://www.manchesterbeat.com/gear/bells/bells%20catalogue.pdf[/color][/color][/u][/url][/size]
  21. If the pots are crackly, they are probably knackered, or you could try cleaning them. If the volume pot is 'one ended' is it original ? could be someones replaced it with a linear tone pot..
  22. [quote name='Shambo' timestamp='1327018777' post='1505454'] No guitar ever lost value because it was owned by a smoker. The ony reason people say from a "smoke freee home" is because they're trying to validate their non or ex smokieness. I kinda knew what sort of responses to expect. [/quote] Yeah i reckon your right. Hard surfaces, you can clean. All of my basses have been gigged in a lot of smokey pubs/clubs.rehearsal rooms, and been around smokers, One has a burn on the headstock from where I used to stick a fag under the G string. Cant see it affecting the value. They dont smell, I would notice if they did. Its getting non PC to smoke nowadays, so certain types of peple just like to put 'from a smoke free home' on ads for holy appeal.. The only time it would bother me is with a used car.
  23. [quote name='d-basser' timestamp='1179423395' post='627'] Here is hairy ginger me Me and my stretchy mouth (gf wants her lolly back) me...oh no wait [/quote] Seperated at birth ???? [attachment=97797:lkj.jpg] Spooky...........
  24. [quote name='EdwardHimself' timestamp='1327007639' post='1505248'] Well I think it is fair to say that you should be capable of playing the song you are given to play without playing out of time. If you couldn't play a particular run on the bass to a decent standard for a song then [i][u][b]you wouldn't just give up and play roots instead[/b][/u][/i], for example. [/quote] I can think of a few that do just that round here.
  25. [quote name='Spike Vincent' timestamp='1327006344' post='1505219'] You are my new Hero. [/quote] Made the earth move ??
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