1[sup]st[/sup] was homemade jobby using a Saxon Output board.
2[sup]nd[/sup] Was also homemade but using TV line Output valves for the output stage, Dunno how many Watts, but a lot . Lethal, but very loud
Next was an RSC version of a Linear cage amp (30W using 2 X EL34s) you need to be ancient like me to remember them.. into a 2X15 fitted with 2 X Fane POP60s
4[sup]th[/sup] was a Jennings Vox Supreme guitar amp which cost me about £10 faulty from a shop that couldn’t repair it. I did , and I had it for years, brilliant amp. Used it with a Marshall clone 4X12 and later with a Fender 2X15,
5[sup]th[/sup] and only for a short time, I had an Elgen Bass amp, 4X EL34s iirc.
6[sup]th[/sup] A JMP Marshall SL100, very unreliable, used to use it with a 1X18 & a 4X12 stack ( well it was the 70s) swapped it for an HH IC 100, which I still have around somewhere.
7[sup]th[/sup] A Fender Solid State one that was rubbish,
8[sup]th[/sup] Replaced it with a Fender Silverface Bassman 100, which I have also still got. With the same
Fender 2 X 15 above.
8[sup]th[/sup], and what I am using most at the mo, a Hartke 3500 4X10 Combo.
These are the ones I have kept for any length of time, there have been others, but only ever as seconds, or occasional uses.