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Everything posted by BILL POSTERS

  1. 1[sup]st[/sup] was homemade jobby using a Saxon Output board. 2[sup]nd[/sup] Was also homemade but using TV line Output valves for the output stage, Dunno how many Watts, but a lot . Lethal, but very loud . Next was an RSC version of a Linear cage amp (30W using 2 X EL34s) you need to be ancient like me to remember them.. into a 2X15 fitted with 2 X Fane POP60s 4[sup]th[/sup] was a Jennings Vox Supreme guitar amp which cost me about £10 faulty from a shop that couldn’t repair it. I did , and I had it for years, brilliant amp. Used it with a Marshall clone 4X12 and later with a Fender 2X15, 5[sup]th[/sup] and only for a short time, I had an Elgen Bass amp, 4X EL34s iirc. 6[sup]th[/sup] A JMP Marshall SL100, very unreliable, used to use it with a 1X18 & a 4X12 stack ( well it was the 70s) swapped it for an HH IC 100, which I still have around somewhere. 7[sup]th[/sup] A Fender Solid State one that was rubbish, 8[sup]th[/sup] Replaced it with a Fender Silverface Bassman 100, which I have also still got. With the same Fender 2 X 15 above. 8[sup]th[/sup], and what I am using most at the mo, a Hartke 3500 4X10 Combo. These are the ones I have kept for any length of time, there have been others, but only ever as seconds, or occasional uses.
  2. With this many disgruntled and ex Roto's users, Maybe someone should inform Rotosound. Never know, we might all get a discount as members.. Pigs might fly as well.
  3. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1326807909' post='1502164'] I can assure you we did! [/quote] OK. Maybe I should have said I never heard anybody complain. Certainly growing up in a house with brothers and sisters, all their mates etc all smoling, I never did myself. Then again, as we lived in an inner city back to back, between a huge Bakery, a large pork abattoir, and a with a chippy 30 yards away, the smell of Woodbines was probably the least of our worries But at least I can tell my missus and kids I awoke to the smell of freshly baked braed evey morning..
  4. I quit a couple of days before the end of December, I was already down to 10 a day, and just didnt fancy another one. Come next weekends gigs, I'm not sure what I'll do, cos it helps to pass the standing round waiting time, especially as I;m driving and so cant even have a drink. Havent noticed any increase in smell coming from other people or furniture yet though. Agreed, it used to be bad everywhere, but so few people smoke these days that its not as bad as some people make out. Funny though, i grew up in the 60s when everyone smoked cheaper, stronger, untipped fags and nobody, not even nonsmokers ever noticed it,. What a orrible smelly world it must have been back then eh..
  5. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1326796478' post='1501960'] Used them for thirty-odd years, but [b][u]the quality is not what it was[/u][/b]. Use DR Fat Beams now. [/quote] I've noticed that as well, glad its not just me, they clank like cheapos, and just go dead quicker than they used to, Started using Warwick Reds now,
  6. [sub]Used to sell [s]second hand [/s] pre owned furniture & TVs. Heres a tip.[/sub] [sub]Get a spray bottle, sort of thing you buy at the garden centre for 30p. pour in half a cup of cloudy amonia, add a teaspoon of fairy liquid. top it up with tap water.[/sub] [sub]Spray it on liberally, watch the brown gunge that you didnt realise was there run off for a bit, then wipe it clean and dry. [/sub] [sub]Nothing, but nothing on the market thats anywhere near as good. Some of the syuff we got in was truly disgusting, but always looked and smelled clean afterwards.[/sub]
  7. [attachment=97347:TurdPolish.jpg] ,,,,,
  8. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1326458096' post='1497425'] Thanks for all your responses and opinions - very useful... and interesting! Think he'll be OK. If it were me I would probably have a big shout at everyone, a huge sulk for about three months, deliberately play badly, [b][i]then post turds through everyone's letterboxes,[/i][/b] so I reckon it's a bit of a result, really. Thanks again! [/quote] With a tin of Brasso and a cloth of course.
  9. [quote name='mrdreadful' timestamp='1326446177' post='1497218'] "You can't polish a turd" = "It's too much effort lol first world problems" Just saying. Rebuilt two crappy guitars and got told the same thing both times. Ended up with two pretty damn awesome guitars (for a given value of awesome, one does still need a new neck ideally). It's simply a matter of bothering to put a bit of effort in. And because I know some wag will say it: yes, it [i]is[/i] his responsibility to do the actual improvement, but why should everyone else sit back and watch when they could be encouraging and helping him? Turns out people respond very well to help and positive reinforcement. [/quote] QFA - Long as its handled right, otherwise you could embarrass him. Push him into a corner and he might dig his heels in. Some People, myself included, sometimes find it hard to be 'managed'
  10. [quote name='shizznit' timestamp='1326307107' post='1495284'] A very famous musician (I wont name drop) once said to me "You can't polish a turd". Sometimes you have to resign to the fact that some folks just don't have 'it'. People come and go in bands for lots of reasons, but you can't do their job for them. [/quote] Agreed, If you try and polish a turd you just make a mess. But I spose it depends to some extent at what level your playing. It can be difficult to find a drummer that you can get on with sometimes. So If you can just find one thats not a complete twatm its worth persevering. Unless he thinks he's great anyway.
  11. Looks like an early 70 Eros to me. I still have on that I bought new in about 1973, plays and sounds great, really growls. Worth £100? ..Dunno, worth what you could get I suppose. New it was £69, with a hard case. 2 weeks wages back then.
  12. Dont laugh... But if you play a loud track to him, does he stamp his feet/clap or whatever in time ?? if he can, and your willing to, you should surely be able to keep him straight as long as he can hear the rest of the band. If not, he's gorra go. Much as he likes the idea of being a drummer, if he cant do it, he cant do it.
  13. The lubricant had dried out thats all, quick squirt with switch cleaner, or even a little drop of light oil into the hole will sort it out. If the knob is rubbing on the facia you can usually feel it scratching, rather than just stiff. Heres a tip, bend the last half an inch of your switch cleaner tube at 90 degrees. Makes it much easier to get it in the hole.
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