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thumperbob 2002

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  1. I’ve got the tv15 and a TV 10. Great amps, very reliable and look fab. I use a bassman 800 and fender 410 for gigs and just use these two for practice. probably real collectors pieces, or not - who knows.
  2. I have two CS P basses. One a 57 and one a 61 reliced both great instruments. I bought them brand new in the last two years. Didnt pay anything like £5k. Got the two for less than £6k one was £700 more than the American vintage. both great great basses. there are deals out there. I’ve had vintage fenders, Japanese Fenders, Mexican etc. I do think it is the law of diminishing returns and I’m sure some people would actually prefer a Squier if blindfolded but for me and the enjoyment of playing and the actual feel of them I consider them good value.
  3. I’ve got one of these. Absolutely fantastic basses!,
  4. The band leader has no idea........simple as . I think I would be out of there forthwith
  5. Was bedroom to pro to bedroom in 40 years.
  6. Again, same as a few on here, got very nervous at first few gigs. a few month later all nerves were gone. Mind yiu I did start when I was 14 and was playing four nights a week by 16. Im now 54 and only get a little apprehensive with major speaking engagements!!
  7. My 100w ampeg v4 is louder than my Mesa bassbuster 200w amp. Both louder than my 350w fender tv 15 ( which is still loud enough for most gigs ). Your cab will make more of a differenc3 than you would think; as will eq.
  8. Just go back to a four. Miles cheaper.
  9. Manchester Apollo 1977. Elvis costello and the attractions richard helll and the voidoids john cooper clarke what a great gig and for a boy from the back streets of hull very eye opening to be sure.
  10. None this year and for the last three. Last gig I had was backing snake Davis. Gone are the months of 28 gigs. If the average is 55 go for it guys- at least you have time for a life ( think I’ve got that now).
  11. Haha! Proper old school, well other than the techie platform. Quite curious about that for sure.
  12. Pretty good for a mid price cab. Quite old school. Seems to be quite sensitive and actually quite deep for a 410. Light enough but not super light. Pretty small for a 410 too. Matches my amp perfectly.
  13. Here you go chaps- I had a V4 in the late 70s and decided for an early Xmas present to get the reissue, and pair it with a PF410. Sounds great, real old school. Dont know if I prefer this or my Mesa Bass buster 15 combo, but no doubt the speakers will take some wearing in before I decide. Cant believe how light this one is though, compared to my old one.
  14. I had one of these. Superb warm tubes goodness. Very tempted.
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