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Everything posted by Bassist_In_Bath

  1. Hi folks, Electric bass player looking to shift to double bass, been a long time since I played upright. Don't really know the ropes inthe south west music shop wise (I'm a Scot), but I know some places will rent out Double Basses for a few months. Anyone know anywhere in the South West? Best, I.
  2. Hello folks, I'm Iain, and I'm a bass player! Been kicking around for a while now, Scottish but based in the lovely Bath. Play a Fender Jazz, studied Bass at Uni in Edinburgh, on the scout for Bass work at the moment. Exp. covers Orchestral, Musicals, Swing, Rock, Funk, lite jazz, Electro etc etc. Good deal studio and live exp. too, and I tutor in Bath. Big fan of Muzz Skillings, Ron Carter, Morgan Nichols and the usual suspects. Be good to hook up with some Bass folks on twitter - @Bassist_In_Bath if you're into that kind of thing. Holler if you wanna say Hi! Ix
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