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  1. No problems with the bridge from me - I have an Epi EB0 and more recently, Gibson SG Standard (Faded Ebony Limited Edition). On the Epi, I did replace the screw nearest the neck with a thick washer as suggested by this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-cmvXJJTcc It did seem to improve the sound. Thinking about doing it on my Gibson too.
  2. I'm going to look at it tomorrow so I'll take a look. Thanks.
  3. Thanks for that tip - looks good. I don't particularly want to stay with Epiphone and I'm happy to pay something like £500 for the right one. Do Fender or Ibanez make any short scale basses? Just seen this on ebay, 15 miles from where I live - 1964 Gibson EB-0 with an extra pick up added. Would this be a good thing to bid for? [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/200719981800?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2648#ht_500wt_1390"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/200719981800?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2648#ht_500wt_1390[/url] Thanks. Paul.
  4. I've got a Epi EB-0 and I love playing it due to the short scale but it is neck heavy. I'm not keen on the sound particularly. I'm looking to go for a new better bass but it must be short scale and must look good in a rock band, like the EB-0 does! Could go for Gibson EB-0 but some of these posts have put me off! Any suggestions?
  5. Thanks for your advice. I have an Epiphone EB-0 30.5" scale bass. I ended up buying Ernie Ball Super Slinkies (.045-.100). I like my Epiphone but I'm keen to get something better but it must be short scale. Any ideas? I could go for the Giibson EB-0 like weeleigh who replied first on this thread.
  6. Any advice on sting type, brand, length and gauge for me for a 30.5" short scale bass? I play rock so I'm thinking of getting round wire medium gauge (45-105) non tapered, long scale strings, maybe Ernie Balls. Would that work? Thanks. Paul.
  7. Thanks for all your help; it's starting to make sense now. Realistically, what should I focus on learning first - scales, intervals, triads etc? I've been playing in a band for a year now and doing ok but I want to take it to the next level. Style is rock with some blues (www.facebook.com/yWorryUK). I've been learning major and minor pentatonic scales and playing along to some blues stuff.
  8. I think you're right, thanks. Just a shame that the minor 2nd interval is the odd one out when compared to major and minor scales.
  9. Still none the wiser. Are you saying that the minor scale note numbers 1 to 8 don't have to be the same as the minor interval numbers? If so, that's a shame when trying to understand scales, chords, triads and intervals. You can tell I'm a newbie!
  10. The question I have is that I can't understand why the Minor 2nd interval of C is C#. In the minor scale, the 2nd is D. Is the interval not related to the appropriate scale? The Major 2nd interval for C is D and this ties in with the major scale. In fact all the other intervals like major and minor 3[sup]rd[/sup], perfect 4[sup]th[/sup] and so on tie in with the major and minor scales; it’s the just the minor 2[sup]nd[/sup] that doesn’t. I have got Bass Guitar for Dummies which is a great book but it hasn't provided an explanation yet. Thanks. Paul.
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