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Elvis Valentine

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Everything posted by Elvis Valentine

  1. Oops, sorry too late to vote. Damn!Regardless nice tunes y'all.
  2. There were two that were doing it for me this month. Skol's and Bobbass's because they made me think about the good old days of 8/16 bit games Specificly Skol - Streets of Rage (as already mentioned by a few folk) and Bob - Golden Axe. Great tunes.
  3. Somebody bough one of em for £310 i hope they dont pay before realising.
  4. Also is a candy apple red p bass with rosewood fret board not pretty normal?
  5. Lol. Yes all very valid points. I mean yeah for 82 buckeroos its a bargain im sure , assuming he would send you it. No feedback first transaction too.
  6. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-Precision-Bass-Rare-colour-combination-Beautiful-P-Bass-/261192705761?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item3cd04c66e1
  7. [quote name='barkin' timestamp='1364572714' post='2028365'] re: headphones vs amp/cab -- yes, it does sound different, but I always find that anyway with anything, and it's even more noticable with the stereo effects... I set my basic patches how I like 'em at home for practicing (currently using 4, at A1-4) then copy them elsewhere (I use B1-4) then tweak them for live use - as whatever sounds good solo at home will almost certainly sound carp with the rest of the band. So I've got A1-4 for noodling at home, but B1-4 as the "live" equivalents. If that makes sense...? re: the amp/cab sims and ODs - mine (the stock ones) definitely don't sound similar. Whether they sound anything like whatever they're trying to be is another matter (what should a SVT/8x10 sound like, when it's through a LH500/BF Compact?) but the stock ODB3, for example, sounds very different to the stock Big Muff. I just view the stock patches as tonal presets, to use as a starting point for crafting a sound that I can use. [/quote] Yeah, they all did sound very different in headphones but when i was first tinkering live they were all just coming out as a very bassy fuzz but after taking the cab modeling off and just spending ages tweaking its sounding a lot better. Im going to keep messing with it for another few weeks and see if i can get it perfect and then i'll make my decision as to weather or not shes a keeper. Although to be honest for 80 bucks i might just keep her for the house. Thanks for your input everyone.
  8. OK yeah , didnt think of that, but certainly makes sense. I'll give it a go. Cheers .
  9. Forgive my ignorance, but how would i be able to tell how what i was editing on my computer would sound like when hooked up to an amp? I went back to the room last night and just palayed with it for hours and eventually i started getting somewhere but im still uncertain if i can hear much difference in any of the od's or distortions. Im going to keep at it though, cheers.
  10. Howdy folks, I got one of these about a week ago and i was loving it through the headphones. Really loving it but when i took it to my practice room and got it through my amp i am having difficulty getting any sounds that are even close to the headphone sounds. All the amp models sound really similar as do the dist and OD's. I had my amp , Peavey TKO with black widow speaker set flat to begin with. Any useful advice on setting up patches with regard to the pedal or amps in general?
  11. I really like those behringer bass amps. I nearly bought an amp and cab because i loved the sound of it. Cant remember why i didnt.
  12. Apologies if this has already been discussed. I just bought mine of BC member Jack (great transaction good guy) and i have to say im loving it so far. I have yet to try it with my amp but through the headphones its awesome. I have made a few different patches that i will no doubt have to tweak once i get it to the practice room but i was just wondering if there was anywhere on the internet that had patch info from other users? I just think it would be interesting to see what has been done by other folks with this pretty adaptable little machine. Cheers.
  13. Excellent transaction from my point of view. Jack was really patient about waiting to get paid which sadly took a bit longer than i had imagined due to unforseen circumstances and a family member kicking the bucket. But as soon as i managed to pay him he sent me a Zoom b9 1ut , it was very well packaged and the item is exactly as described. Cheers Jack.
  14. [quote name='OldG' timestamp='1362910085' post='2005968'] Whatever you do - lock in with the kick... [/quote] This sounds like a totally obvious thing but dont take it for granted. I find that when im recording parts i really block most everything else out and only listen to the kick and snare trying to hit the strings in perfect sync with the drums and it does make a difference. Playing live im probably a much looser cat but not so youd notice.
  15. Wasn't Nesmith actually a good musician before joining the Monkees? I know that they all play stuff now (if they are not dead) but didnt in the early days.
  16. Thanks a lot for the advice icastle. I will endeavour to put it to good use over the weekend. Thanks again
  17. I think Pantera have some awesomely massive heavy riffage, cant pick a particular tune though.
  18. [quote name='TomWIC' timestamp='1362751680' post='2004249'] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHHJF2cUwyY[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgZWEAhj3Uo[/media] A few current heavy riffed favourites of mine! [/quote] Very nice, cheers.
  19. [quote name='Stan_da_man' timestamp='1362749036' post='2004190'] I wouldn't say the new album is as heavy as Diamond Eyes, I would say it was a tad more melodic though. [/quote] I agree . Its still pretty heavy though.
  20. [quote name='dlloyd' timestamp='1362748493' post='2004172'] Yep, and largely bought and listened to by people who identified with that particular scene, wore the appropriate clothes and haircuts, smoked the appropriate cigarettes, had the correct political views and read Melody Maker to find out whether they were doing it right. And probably thought they were being terribly individualistic doing it. All very naive and sweet. I think "genres" genuinely were looser in definition back in the 1980s/90s than they are now, but that they commanded a sense of loyalty that is less prevalent now. Probably because music and information about it was less immediately available and you had to rely on word of mouth and magazines to tell you who you might like. [/quote] Very definitely, i get that people want to be part of something. But i mentioned Nu Metal in that same way. Deftones were very definitely grouped in with that 'scene' despite it not really being musically very easy to describe, Coal Chamber = nu metal, Deftones = nu metal, Korn = nu metal, Limp Bizkit = nu metal etc they all had guitars and wore baggy pants but musically not really the same :-) All i really meant i suppose is that Deftones easily transcend that limited genre Just as all good bands do i guess. imho.
  21. [quote name='dlloyd' timestamp='1362737046' post='2003941'] Grunge was really [i]quite[/i] important... I'm guessing you were too young to be there? [/quote] Not getting what i mean obviously. Its just a word that refers to a time period and maybe vaguely local (although not really). Not really helpful when trying to describe the sound of the bands in that given genre. Soundgarden = grunge, Stone Temple Pilots = grunge, Afghan Whigs = grunge, Mudhoney = grunge, and of course Nirvana = grunge. You get me? All very different stylistically, really. But all considered 'grunge'. And i certainly made no claims about it being unimportant. But Back to the Deftones. Abe is a freakin amazing drummer and I love that they generally wear their love of 80s synth pop on their sleeves.
  22. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1362698452' post='2003713'] Always got time for Deftones. Ill give this latest one a listen very soon. I think the nu-metal tag is unfair...they just got caught in that period of music but always stood out as a very progressive, melodic rock band. [/quote] I fully agree i just meant the era. 'Grunge' what the hell was that? other than a time period. lol i dont really throw words like this around a lot but Deftones are epic :-)
  23. Yeah man its dynamite. Good to see a much more up beat offering from them this time as last album was understandably pretty dark but no less awesome in my opinion. They are one of the only bands out of that horrible period of 'Nu Metal' that i can stomach.
  24. Hey folks, One of the top (treble) concentric pots snapped off my Zenith. I opened her up and was amazed at how simple it all was inside. Because it has that back plate all the electronics are so easy to access unlike every other semi hollow i have ever seen. So i took the circuit board with the pots on it out and it seems like it would be an incredibly simple thing to fix , i would think itys just a case of taking the whole damaged pot off and soldering a new one on. However when i tested it it seems to be ultra high temp solder and my little solderer didnt do anything apart from vaguely heat up everything but no solder melting it also looks vaguely superglued on as well. Does anyone have any experience of this? I think the board is made by Shadow if thats at all helpful? Any help greatly appreciated. Cheers
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