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Elvis Valentine

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Everything posted by Elvis Valentine

  1. Ah was it just a sticker?
  2. I have only ever used a guitar combo , it was something like gtx 65 maybe? I loved it. It was amazing sounding, exactly the sounds i wanted to get . Sold it to my guitarist because he used it all the time and he still uses it bought it 2005. Still going strong. I know they are meant to be sh*t in general but i got a good one somehow.
  3. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Yamaha-matt-black-BASS-GUITAR-/150995262689?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item232804dce1 ends real soon but looks nice , and its cheap.
  4. Both appalling bands imho. I would say Bon Jovi are better purely on the strength of the fact that they did the soundtrack to Young Guns 2 .
  5. I think its fair enough, no problem with it as such. The only thing i sort of agree with that the OP says is that here on BC i have bought a few things and i have always received what i think is a really good deal and dealt with really nice folks. But then maybe the stuff i have bought was purchased at a lower price a couple of weeks before? But i was happy to buy the stuff.
  6. Believe me i know all about replacement saddes for a thunderbird . Ridiculously silly design flaw i reckon. But it looks like you could choose whatever bridge you wanted on the photo.
  7. I think the definition is a good one but i think its probably easier to make an example of two singers singing the same song. For example Bonnie Prince Billy - i see a darkness compared with Johnny Cash's version. Frank Sinatra thought that Willie Nelson was the greatest with his phrasing.
  8. This isn't a Bump :-) . I have just had a look at the circuit board inside the geetar and its a remarkably easy fix. so if anyone has been interested but put off by the knackered pot. Consider it fixed. Or at least it will be in a day or two.
  9. No i suppose not, plus i think i overlooked some problems with it. But if it was for sale in my home town for 45 bucks or whatever it was i might have bought it.
  10. I'm thinking i might just take this in for a fix. No one want to trade for anything? bass/guitar/treasure map?
  11. and the ever awesome http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z81LcFhmqP4
  12. Someone mentioned the Jam earlier for sure. Mclusky / Future of the Left. Freakin' great band. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAwliet2vqo&list=AL94UKMTqg-9BHAax1eBXRnrG7mhID8WWz
  13. Well, i went to see a band last Saturday in Edinburgh at a small venue and i can say that definitely the smoking ban has changed things a lot. The bands might as well set up outside now for all the people that are actually inside.
  14. Ok man, no problem. Good luck with the sale.
  15. This is a really cool pedal, £70 is a bargain.
  16. Hey Omikin im looking to trade an Epiphone Zenith for a JC.
  17. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Epiphone-Thunderbird-Pro-5-5-String-Bass-Guitar-Project-Stripped-TR-Nut-/400412156436?pt=Guitar_Accessories&hash=item5d3a6ca214 Not especially weird but i think pretty wonderful I would love to have this as a project. My first 5 stringer. Oh well
  18. I would normally be totally adverse to such a thing, but the fact that its signed behind the headstock and that Duff is a cool LAMF i would definitely prefer this bass than an unsigned one but i wouldnt pay more for it. If it was signed on the front i wouldnt want it unless it was a steal and i would get rid of the signature however i could lol Very cool bass though.
  19. [quote name='dudi8' timestamp='1360943761' post='1978801'] i had the fretless version, great bass, big sound! [/quote]Cheers Dudi8, It really is and does.
  20. [quote name='The Dark Lord' timestamp='1360941160' post='1978745'] Did someone say black? Could be interested. [/quote] lol
  21. Pretty central man, near the meadows.
  22. Its a very nice bass and very nice to play in my opinion, and even with the pot being broken there are still a lot of great useable sounds but i'll never use it for anything other than playing at home. So therefor i think its best to let her go to someone who will take her out and show her a good time. And thanks for the help guys.
  23. [IMG]http://i1310.photobucket.com/albums/s644/Elvis_Valentine/20130215_133207_zps4e145755.jpg[/IMG] There are some tiny little blemishes around this area that i have tried to show here, they seem to be actually under the lacquer though and are very small almost un noticable really.
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