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Elvis Valentine

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Everything posted by Elvis Valentine

  1. [IMG]http://i1310.photobucket.com/albums/s644/Elvis_Valentine/20130215_132521_zps9cc77c02.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1310.photobucket.com/albums/s644/Elvis_Valentine/20130215_132626_zps69e1f179.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1310.photobucket.com/albums/s644/Elvis_Valentine/20130215_132705_zps4945722b.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1310.photobucket.com/albums/s644/Elvis_Valentine/20130215_132806_zps60771fa5.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1310.photobucket.com/albums/s644/Elvis_Valentine/20130215_132849_zpsab22f4d0.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1310.photobucket.com/albums/s644/Elvis_Valentine/20130215_132911_zps05c914fd.jpg[/IMG]
  2. Oh ok. I reckon around £330 - 360. I cant imagine its a difficult fix. trying to post photos now.
  3. Good point, Its the black one (black greay marble ish) and fretted. I dont have a camera so no pics until i can get a friend round with a phone. Oh no wait a freakin minute theres a cam on my galaxy tab. Photos to follow.
  4. Any interest at all ? bump
  5. I second the soundblox Multiwave disto. Also I had a wooly mammoth clone called a fuzzy elephant lol which was really good and synthy so i suppose the wooly mammoth would be good.
  6. Howdy folks, Photos further down the thread... Trade Value around £350 i reckon. Just a feeler really but i got an Epiphone Zenith recently 2nd hand its in great condition with a few minor problems 1 - One of the concentric pots the top bit has broken off. I still have the pot but i think the soldering/fitting of a new pot is beyond my ken. 2- the Mono jack input is a bit stiff. 3 - a ding on the bottom that you can hardly see. Other than that its all good. Its still a totally functional bass in great condition, I had major love of the look of this baby for a while now but i had never played one. Kind of stupid to pony up the cash and buy a bass you have never played but i did it anyways. As it turns out its not really my cup of tea. I was thinking i'd like to swap for a Jack Cassady or another decent semi or a decent acoustic or maybe something i have not really thought of yet. I'd potentially be open to guitars too. Doesnt have to be in perfect condition. Open to offers. I'll post pictures if there is any interest.
  7. Used to freakin hate them in high school , but that was very much an i hate everything that isnt what i consider bona fide. I now realise that they were great. They were innovative and continued to move forward musically (what they did after the beatles is up for debate imho though) To paraphrase Black Francis when the Pixies were in Liverpool and he demanded they had to go to abbey road and the rest of the band were all like But why? the Beatles freakin' suck! Frank replied 'Helter Skelter. It started it all.'
  8. Now not sold! Still for sale. Buy my pedal!!!
  9. Bought a digitech multi chorus pedal of Jon and it couldnt have been easier or more pleasant. Well packaged and prompt. Cheers Jon
  10. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Io6JqF2ukms&list=PL5596B00B53CC95CC"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Io6JqF2ukms&list=PL5596B00B53CC95CC[/url] Immediately transported to 2001. Great album. Introduced to me by a coworker from Chicago.
  11. It is that one but for the bass, heres a link [url="http://www.sourceaudio.net/products/soundblox/multiwave_bass_distortion.php"]http://www.sourceaudio.net/products/soundblox/multiwave_bass_distortion.php[/url]
  12. The normal version. Not the pro or the new one.
  13. *****sOLD*****SOLD*****SOLD Pedal is in excellent condition and has original box also in great condition. Practically as good as new. I really like the pedal It has a bunch of great sounds its very adaptable. Im only selling because strangely i have decided to get a multifx of some sort, Probably a zoom b9 or b3 so if anyone fancys a swap i could perhaps chuck some money your way. Cant post photos im afraid as my iphone camera is knackered and i sold my good camera for bass gear lol. ****Rest assured though it is in perfect condition.*******SOLD******SOLD*******SOLD******
  14. ***SOLD***SOLD***SOLD Hey folks, If you are looking you probably know what this does already. Its in excellent condition and i must say i really like it. I am selling as i want to get the zoom b3 or b9u now that i have heard how good this little unit is. Box is a bit tatty but its there Original zoom power supply which is absolutely fine. The unit is in excellent condition but its at my practice space so don't have a photo right now. £45 posted. SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD
  15. Thanks again man. Hows the band doing?
  16. Can you program more than one pedal onto either pedal on the b3? like say the big muff and the micro synth?
  17. so why the b3 over the b9 then?
  18. Im gonna check some youtube demos.
  19. Holy sh*t . Lee Carter just Jedi Mind tricked me lol
  20. Oh mummy daddy. I do want the b3. I was going the b9u route cause i have seen them for under 100 bucks. but This is tempting. What do you reckon i'd get for my b1x? might be worth selling up.
  21. Great, cheers guys. So i assume its the same thing for any multi fx pedal even ones that are not pre amps (or are they all by definition pre amps?) like say a zoom b1? Thanks again. I recently got a b1 and love some of the sounds through the headphones but obviously they were a little different through my amp. I kind of think i want to automatically upgrade to the b9u though.
  22. Hey ho gentle folk, Bit of a newbie question, i was wondering when using a multi effects unit is it best to have it go into your amp eq'd flat (the amp i mean) and then make the noises you want eq'd in the box? Like specifficly for example the zoom b9u which acts as a sort of poweramp right? I suppose in a way my thinking would be that if you did it in the box it would be easier to get your sounds right on other amps eq'd flat but thats probably silly. Cheers .
  23. Bought a Soundblox Bass Multiwave Dist pedal from Graham a few days ago. Great to deal with very easy transaction. He even knocked a fiver off the asking price. The pedal and box were like brand new. Cheers Graham
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