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Elvis Valentine

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Everything posted by Elvis Valentine

  1. Im afraid i dont know . Just wanted to chime in with how much i loved Zender in Jamiroqui. Sadly after he went so did the heart i think. There is a song on youtube in which hes on a kids tv show (like fraggle rock not blue peter) and the song he does is amazing . See if you can check it out you'll love it. Also he married the hottest of the All Saints who had the sexiest voice.
  2. Hi there, did you get this sold ?
  3. Aye man i like playing hi with an octaver too. Do you have a hothand by the way? It seems if anyone would it'd be you. I fancy one but im just a bit worried that i'd either use it on everything or on just one track lol.
  4. Hey hey, Trade Digitech bass multichorus? Cheers
  5. Got it today. The bass is in excellent condition. Couldnt be happier. It is heavy as f$5k though. It like its made of marble lol.
  6. I have seperate pedals too for dist/od/fuzz but i want a b3 or maybe b2 or the vox stomplab or something for chorus/reverb/delay/synth etc and i just straight up dont have the cash to buy all the separate stompboxes i'd like. :-(
  7. Have you used both? Is the b3 on par with the m9? i had a lowdown amp once and i was not a fan and my mate has a floor pod xt for his geetar and i have to say i really hate it. lol The m9 does at least look slightly more spaced out i suppose
  8. A lot of these are not really unlikely good basslines though are they? Dragonforce, while not being my cup of tea are all freakin' amazing. Ben Folds 5 basslines are indeed awesome and therefore not really unlikely either imho. Im thinking more like these... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLVe1NkQA78"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLVe1NkQA78[/url] granted not virtuoso playing (and quite possibly played on a keyboard lol) but totally the hook of the song. or this... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUOwfbaKRgY"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUOwfbaKRgY[/url] Just my humble opinion though lol.
  9. I'm so jealous! Personally i'm sort of on the fence about the design cant decide if i really like it or really dislike it lol. Its different thats for sure which has to be a good thing. Love the extra frets. Congratulations again man.
  10. Now i know of course that this is a mostly ergonomic issue, but sometimes like for example the Zoom b3 i wish they would have the 1 and 3 switches moved slightly to the left and right respictively so that my big old feet can operate them without having to pay such close attention to where im stomping. I suppose this is more of a rant than a question. If you suffer the same issue then feel free to rant too .
  11. Has anyone used this with a bass? I have to say it looks really good for the guitar. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ro3KExq-oWw"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ro3KExq-oWw[/url] Also has anyone tried out any of the other iphone/pad etc devices like the IK Multimedia irig and the similar Peavey thing?
  12. Hi there, is the v amp still available? it is the bass version yeah? Cheers
  13. [quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1357241220' post='1919760'] Looks great - as long as the seller doesn't live up to his name & you only get 1/2 a guitar [/quote] LOL yeah. Cool, thanks guys. I think i just needed a little reassurance :-) Cheers
  14. Howdy folks, Happy new year and all that. I bought this yesterday of ebay, i dont think i've made a mistake. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/221171811450?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/221171811450?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649[/url] I have wanted a Zenith for ages and the price is good but their a re a couple of issues with it one fairly large ding (its not in a noticeable area.) and one of the dual function tone pots is a bit knackered (ie only one of the knobs functions.) I was just wondering if anyone knew if the tone knob would be an easy fix? i am assuming i just need a new knob and a little soldering or maybe even just a little soldering. Fingers crossed. Anyways it was only £250 so i cant really complain. Cheers all.
  15. Nice pic Paul. I dunno if i'll be entering this month as my dissertation is due on the 21st. That makes me a sad panda.
  16. Congrats Paul, post a photo of her when you get her.
  17. [quote name='Pinball' timestamp='1354208423' post='1883669'] Sorry you can't finish the competition until I have a vote Although I'm looking good for the booby prize! [/quote] lmfao. Dude its a sin. Your track is really good. I mean they all are but no votes is silly. I want to say best of luck but i dont want it to sound like im taking the pi55 .
  18. So when does this whole thing finish? finally. once and for all. lol
  19. Yeah man , thanks.
  20. I think its really handsome man . What do they run? about 800 bucks ish right give or take.
  21. The new Future of the Left album - the plot against common sense Its really good. Crazy lyrics.
  22. Whatever happened last night was definitely different to what happened last week when the site was being weird about opening up in peoples browsers because of some security problem. But that could just be simply another part of the same ongoing problem.
  23. [quote name='Stephen Houghton' timestamp='1354109812' post='1882158'] I dont think its ok for mates to vote i think it will happen when its all over face book, twitter and other sites e.t.c. Its life and nothing can be done about it, please guys like i have said just offering an honest opinion, its not meant in a negative way at all, its just an opinion and i am not saying its right its just mine. [/quote] I agree Stephen, but was the idea of promoting it on facebook etc for the site to get more views and perhaps more members as a result? Facebook etc is all well and good if those are the rules but i think in a lot of ways it defeats the purpose of what is supposed to be a composition competition. Is there an official rulebook for this? Its real unfortunate the glitch had to happen in a month that is perhaps more hotly contested because of the lovely prize available.
  24. Should i take my facebook thing down? its just a thing saying that i have an entry in this competition but also that there are like 15 other great tunes in it and people should listen and then vote for there fave. Not a vote for me me me thing. But maybe it is unfair, i dont know? Morals and laws and loopholes and philosophy. Im a film student damn it!
  25. Is he the guy that looks like Billy Corgan?
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