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Elvis Valentine

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Everything posted by Elvis Valentine

  1. Right ok. But for example myself who only just voted this morning, i couldn't vote again? Not that 'im planning to:-) that to me seems unfair and kind of pointless lol. I feel bad for you Charic, tough decisions.
  2. Presumably members cant vote twice? I do think its really unfortunate if say. Skol and Stephen (whom i gather were the leaders) were to not regain there votes though. Its a tricky one.
  3. OK i voted. It was super difficult to make a decision but i just went with the one i thought had the vibe most in keeping with the photos that obviously hit my spot.lol I agree if everyone knows how many votes they had it should just carry on from there. I didnt know you could see the votes because im special like that I have also stuck a like on facebook this time. When does the voting end?
  4. Im not sure my dulcet vocal tones would have lured anyone into voting for me anyways lol Although it now seems to be working perfectly.
  5. Whats happening ? I didn't vote yet. Is the voting over? Regarding earlier discussion Soundcloud does only regard a track as listened to if its over half listened to although im not sure if that counts for total time listened to or if its a linear thing. Like Mr H says i also listened to all the tracks some of them several times over but some of them not in their entirety also, so im not sure they would be counted on soundcloud or not.
  6. Thanks guys, yeah i cant quite work it out. The link address is the vox mix but not the link itself. Oh well. lol
  7. Thats great Paul, cheers.
  8. Hey folks, can someone do me a favour and check if the link to my tune goes to the vocal mix or not. The address is right but when i click on it it takes me to the instrumental which is really annoying as its the vocal mix that is the entry. Thanks in advance my lovelies. I've still not cast my vote. Its toooo hard.
  9. OK this might not be the best place for this question so sorry in advance. i think it is though. If i were to buy an unregistered copy of pro tools 10 student from someone (not a dealer an actual person). As in a legit copy not a fake just never been registered or used would i be able to register it? I am a student myself. Would it just be a case of registering it with avid and authenticating my studentness or would this just not work? I know you can transfer a license for about 20 bucks but i guess not the academic version. Thanks all y'all.
  10. Actually here's a link to his band. They have just released a new ep. [url="http://www.skinnymachines.com/"]http://www.skinnymachines.com/[/url] [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1353887679' post='1879502'] Thunderbird Bridge Saddles= rockin horse poo! [/quote] Too true lol
  11. I just wanted to take a minute and thank fellow basschatter Skinnymike. He very kindly sent me a spare Thunderbird bridge saddle i had been looking for for ages. He gave me it free of charge and posted it to me too. Thanks to Mike i can play the Big Chief again. Top man.
  12. Oh i hate it when i have a lot of good music to listen to.lol I aint voted yet. Its too hard. When is the closing date? Oh well back to the tunes.
  13. Good job Skol, the mix sounds fine to me and i agree with everyone else on the Vocal Harmonies. Very nice.
  14. The link doesn't seem to work Skol303 :-( Im off to bed , i guess i'll have to wait until tomorrow.
  15. Damn Nige, that is some crazy bass! You dont play the bass, you whip it to within an inch of its life and then make love to it
  16. Freakin' sweet Lord Sausage! has a totally awesome 70s cop show thing going on too :-D
  17. Couldn't agree more. I have unfortunately never been in a band without some bullshit. I have so many stories about flakey/crazy bandmates. I just dont understand it. Do you want to be in a band or not?
  18. The best thing that i ever did in terms of learning how to use a DAW was watching my friends use their respective DAW's. First it was cubase and then pro tools for me, if you cant do that i think probably the next best thing is to check out tutorials on youtube and just experiment. I am a million miles from being an expert though but i can track a band if i have to.lol But then that becomes a whole other issue or should i say series of issues, mic placement, acoustics yada yada.......
  19. The new Deftones album . Pretty freakin good, a lot more upbeat than Diamond Eyes. Perhaps understandably.
  20. Aye, I think the student edition is the way to go. Consider this thread concluded. from my end anyways Thanks everyone.
  21. That was another possibility of course. i used the trial version of Reaper and i liked it a lot but some of my friends were very vocal about me getting pro tools so we could share projects.
  22. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1353071664' post='1871242'] thing is, i wouldnt be against paying for good software if they price it reasonably. i use an old version of cubase, if i was to buy a new version it would cost me 700 quid, unless you are a pro studio you just can't afford that [/quote] Yeah i agree that they are a lot of money. But 200 bucks for the student edition is a good deal. Also though because there are so many different versions of these things doesn't cubase do a lite version for considerably cheaper? Thanks guys.
  23. Well from what i gather (and i am of course in no way endorsing piracy either) 9 and 10 don't seem to be cracked properly, for pc anyway. Im definitely not adverse to paying for something i use as much and have a lot of fun with, but it would perhaps been a nice stop gap solution until after xmas lol Thanks Rockford.
  24. Yeah. I mean i kind of know that's what i should do but saving £200 is tempting. Especially if Pro Tools MP is practically the same. Obviously you get what you pay for , if a jobs worth doing... etc etc. I'll probably get the Student edition. Cheers Charic.
  25. Howdy folks, i recently moved from mac back to pc and when i did i had to get rid of my Digi 002 because my laptop doesn't have a FW input. Very annoying but the laptop is considerably better than my old 2008 macbook. Anyways i bought an Akai EIE Pro because it looks freakin' awesome. I know this is an absurd reason to buy anything other than maybe a painting or sculpture lol but it is a pretty sweet little unit as it turns out. I was going to go back to cubase but after booting it up i just cant.lol. I am too used to pro tools now i cant go back. So this leaves me a few options. I am a student so i could get the Academic version of Pro Tools 10 for around £200. Obviously this is a really good deal. But i have already paid £180 for the Akai so that is nearly £400 all in. I could sell the Akai as its brand new really and maybe take a £50 hit on it and then buy, one of the M-Audio units that are bundeled with Pro Tools MP. From what i have read MP is an almost identical version to the normal Pro Tools with a few minor limitations. And obviously you are tied to the M-Audio hardware. The thing is you can buy these for around £140 that's for like a 2 channel audio/midi interface and Pro Tools MP. I am not a pro so will never really come close to needing Pro Tools HD and probably never really even use all the features of normal Pro Tools. I like the Akai a lot but to continue with it will cost me another £200 or so. So in a nutshell, should i get Pro Tools Student Version or Jump ship to M-Audio Pro Tools MP? Thanks for your time y'all.
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