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Everything posted by Bloodaxe

  1. It sounds a bit poorly! The photo is a great help, as that blistered & peeling gold suggests that it's an aluminium alloy (pot-metal) bridge as opposed to the rather better brass ones. On that basis I might be wary about heating it up... just in case. If it were brass, I'd hoy it into the oven at about 200C for 1/2 an hour & let it cool. If you can get the saddles off, go with the penetrating oil/WD40 angle in an old tin. Leave them to soak for a few days. If you haven't got either of those you can make your own with 3-in-1 & turps. It looks like the screws are wound right down, so hopefully there's a good amount of thread poking out of the bottom of the saddle. Grab that with a pair of wire cutters & gently turn the screw from left to right to free it & then (hopefully) it'll wind right out. Once you've got them out, they'll need replacing, try here: http://www.modelfixings.co.uk/cup_point_grub_screws.htm M2.5 x 10mm are what you need (MF-GS30S). If it all fails, drop me a PM. There's a chap I know who was looking to provide new bridges & saddles for these a year or so back. If he's not up for it & you know any engineering types, I *think* I have a CAD drawing for them somewhere. You say that one pickup is dead. Hopefully it's just a loose wire somewhere & a simple solder repair, but if it isn't that don't worry too much. Assuming they're the same pattern as mine (& those fitted to my TSB), they're not potted in epoxy. Unscrew the offender & lift it out. If you see a brass plate then it's dead easy to dismantle these & get them re-wound - if you find a sea of black epoxy, you're stuffed & transplant surgery is the only option. Aaron Armstrong of WD Music can provide a lookalike that plops straight in. Andy at Wizard Pickups might be able to do the same. The neck *ought* to come back true with a truss rod adjustment - these necks are plain sawn, so can move around. Pete.
  2. A couple of standards: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVWBJDs3lk4[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8vCpggAmBo[/media] Alan Lancaster & Cliff Williams. Nothing flash or fancy, but each were/are half of two of Rock's classic rhythm sections. If those two float your boat, get your hands on Quo Live (1976) and AC/DC's If You Want Blood You've Got It (1978)... then learn 'em Early Sabbath are worth a go too, same goes for Led Zep. Oh... one other term you might find useful... [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnjCpJ849YA]Stax Records[/url]. Pete.
  3. To my knowledge there are at least two bridge styles for these. There's the mad-as-a-box-of-frogs ZZB Custom version: And there's the more sensible die cast brass/pot metal variant as fitted to much of the 80's Aria range, which, just to make life even more difficult, comes in two flavours of string spacing. This is a narrow one: What's wrong with yours? EDIT... Just read your post in the Intro section & it's the height adjustment screws that are seized & shagged, yes? I can suggest a couple of options to sort this, but need to know if it's an alloy (chromed) bridge or a solid brass one. Pete.
  4. [list] [*]When you buy a bass with your own cash, [*]When the blisters become callouses, [*]When you have to make a concious effort to listen to an entire mix instead of zeroing in on the bassline. [*]When you get together with a bunch of like-minded reprobates & make a racket... and then do it again. [/list] & not necessarily in that order either.
  5. Equipment Wire or Hook-up Wire. You'll often see figures like 7/0.2 in the specs - this means number of strands/strand diameter (so 7 strands @ 0.2mm dia). 16/0.2 is ideal. Shedloads on Ebay: http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_sacat=0&_from=R40&_nkw=hook%20up%20wire&LH_PrefLoc=1&_sop=15 P.
  6. [quote name='Richeyrockshack' timestamp='1350755704' post='1843194'] The headstock is Ibanez shape, does that still piss off the Ricky guys?! Jeez..... Richey [/quote] Almost anything seems to get their legal squad all a-quiver it seems. However... I doubt yours would if it's one of these: [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/f126/fs-ibanez-rb950-vintage-very-rare-915761/"]http://www.talkbass....ry-rare-915761/[/url] There's a bit of a nod to a Rick, but it has more of an Aerodyne vibe about it to my eyes. P.
  7. As far as I'm concerned, bung whatever strings you want on the thing & get on with the business of playing it. I class having the 'board re-surfaced every so often as 'general maintenance', no different to having frets re-crowned to get the dings out, & we all pretty much accept that as a given expense. Not long had the SB-1000F back for exactly this. Three heavy-handed years of rounds on a rosewood board had tramlined it to the point where it'd choke up a bit around the 7th fretline. The nice John at the Gallery reckoned he only took it down about 0.5mm or so & there's years of life left in the current board. £80-odd quid every few years doesn't seem an extortionate amount to keep it in trim. It's currently wearing a set of Rotosound pressurewounds which I find a bit easier on the fingers than full-blown rounds (and, oddly, [i]much[/i] easier than flats - they make my fingers sore ). Pete.
  8. [quote name='elom' timestamp='1349650865' post='1828811'] So I'm looking for some help with my pick technique. I do remember a post on here years ago on pick basics (by a guy from Hawaii I think) but I've not been able to find it. I'd appreciate any advice that you have. Thanks, elom[/quote] Found this: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/14836-plecky-advice-needed/page__p__153354__fromsearch__1#entry153354 Also these: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/113946-picking-hand-pain/page__p__1051219__hl__relaxed__fromsearch__1#entry1051219 http://basschat.co.uk/topic/82270-how-am-i-going-to-get-this-fast/page__p__787613__hl__relaxed__fromsearch__1#entry787613 Pete.
  9. Cocktail/match stick & superglue. Poke stick in hole, flood in superglue, allow to dry, trim stick, screw it in. It's a time-honoured repair technique, countless basses have little bits of stick in them - usually in the bottom strap button hole as that's very prone to working loose. P.
  10. [quote name='Evil Undead' timestamp='1348693910' post='1817128']I have a Promethean head, 250W into 8 ohms or 500W into 4 ohms. Thinking about replacing that with something I can [b]fit in the pocket of my gig bag[/b] but not sure yet.[/quote] Change your gigbag? I got [url="http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/gigbags_detail.asp?stock=06072516185818"]one of these[/url] from one of my local music shops for under £30 & the Promethean head fits snugly in one of the pockets (unlike my Superfly). As to cabs... Epifani? I've got a 250W [url="http://www.epifani.com/products/UL2_110.php"]UL-110[/url] that's an awesome bit of kit. Very light, compact & quite capable of handling a moderate pub gig on its own - if I had the cash I'd buy another in an instant and have a Micro-rig-of-Doom Whatever you end up looking at, check the geometry. It's all very well having a super-lightweight devastatingly-loud cab, but if the physical shape (and the handle position) are awkward they can end up exacerbating any problems. It's my only gripe about the Promethean combo tbh; whichever way I carry it the damn thing bounces off my leg with every step, & if I shift my arm outwards to stop that it sets my shoulder off. A trolley is a useful thing, but, as already stated, they don't do stairs & can be a struggle on the 'bus. Pete.
  11. [quote name='TomKent' timestamp='1348354055' post='1812764'] I'll see you guys there! [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]1. Hamster - Fender Hotrod P/J, Bareface Compact, Auralex Gramma Pad, SFX Thumpinator; either Markbass 800 Tube or Ampeg PF500 Portaflex 2. BigBeatNut - Rob Allen Deep 5, Status Electro, Lakland 55-02 Fretless, Markbass CMD121P, a selection of SFX micro pedals 3. Stingray5 - Musicman StingRay5 and Stingray fretless, Tune TWB-6, Trace Elliot BLX-80 combo, Boss GT-6B fx, Gramma Pad, (+ raffle bits & freebies). 4 OBBM - undecided on basses but Schroeder cab(s) and mini-rack Mk2 (+raffle bits) 5. Charic (tentative) - ACG Finn 4 (Drop C tuning), Yamaha RBX6JM, Modded Fender MIM, TC RH450, 2 x TC RS210, Line6 DL4 (delay pedal), Behringer Chorus Pedal 6. Happy Jack - Ampeg Baby Bass and (just for OBBM) at last I'll bring along a Hofner Verithin. If there's enough (any) interest, I could also bring along a Fishman Fusion pedal plus a rig to play through. 7. Macdaddy - custom shuker or custom Iceni Zoot or Hamer Blitz + raffle bits 8. Billyapple - Gibson Thunderbird, Un-Finished Wishbass Lobe, Matamp GT200 Head, Matamp 212 Cab, DHA VT1 Eq 9. Walman - (assuming it'll all fit in the smaller car I got last year as I was cutting down on gear ) Wal Pro1/Custom hybrid, 2 x G&L L2500 US, Tanglewater ClassicJ, Roland PK5 bass pedals w DSI MoPho synth, GenzBenz Streamliner 6, BF Super12T - alternatively a poll on which to bring may be required 10. OliverBlackman- going to bring the Tokai as it seems in a recent thread not many have experienced the 80's Jazz sounds. 11. Shockwave - Gibson RD and Gibson Grabber or Fender P-J Antigua. 12. dc2009 (tentative) - Warwick Corvette $$ 5 Special Edition, Lakland Skyline 55-01. Sansamp, SYB-5, Q-tron+, BSY600. Anything more will need a lift! 13. Eude (tentative) - ACG Finn SC Classic BO 5 string 33" Scale, ACG Finn SC Classic BO 6 String 33" Scale, Ibanez Promethean 5110C & EAD Foundation 112 3-way Prototype. 14. 51m0n - the usual guff (Roscoe, Berg, MB blah blah, if in doubt check my sig) + a very tentative PluxTheDuck & related kit 15. Urb - Sei bass plus laptop (maybe) and my fingers 16. Seashell - Fender Precision (MIM) and Ibanez SRX500. No rig! 17. Merton - multiscale 5 prototype, other things maybe, like Mikey's sleeping bag 18. Russ - Sei Bass 5-string fretted singlecut, Sei Bass 5-string fretless J, Ampeg SVT-7, Markbass 106H 19. Silverfoxnik - Roscoe Beck 5, Schecter Diamond P 5, BC Rich Eagle, Hughes & Kettner Bassbase 600 head, SWR Triad, Boss ME-50B 20.Bassmanady-Yamaha BB 2005,Yamaha BB605 21. Hen Barn - Status Kingbass 22. 6feet7 - matching pair 1999 Fender Hotrod Precision & Jazz basses, GUS G3 Retro Active 23.Barneyg42 -Status S2 classic 5 headless, Status series 1 five, NGC Nanyo Bass Collection fretted and fretless,MXR pre into Crown poweramp into Acme low B and Barefaced Compact 24. Ashwood1985 - Streamer $$ 5, Thumb BO4, Silver Series Jazz Squire, maybe SR1000 FL, Roland D-Bass 210 combo, Sansamp BDDI, EBS Unichorus and IQ, maybe Bassmurf 25. ped - Vigier Passion, S2 1988, Roland V-bass, arse hair clippers 26.TheGreek - the unsellable Overwater J4, possibly my custom headless, GK backline 110 27. Sibob - Barefaced Compacts, Markbass LMII, Genz Benz Streamliner 900 (probably for sale), '71 Precision, '03 or '73 Jazz. Effects? 28.JHK-(99% sure) GB Spitfire five,TRB6P,TRB5P,MM Stingray five fretless,probably a little bit of EDEN gear. 29. Fat Rich - 70s P and J basses, 5 String Status S2, Hartke XL410[/font][/color] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#282828]30. Tom Kent - Fodera Emperor 5 Standard, Fender Jazz (and maybe some others.. awaiting confirmation); Krampera KVB800 w/ B1T & B1B.. I'll see what pedals I can dig out.[/color][/font] [/quote] Senior moment alert! Can't make it, I'm committed to an AGM that day. Bugger.
  12. Couple of requests... 1: Does anyone have a Leslie emulator pedal (e.g. Behringer RM-600 or a Boss RT-20) that they wouldn't mind dragging along? 2: If anyone's driving through town from East London or South-East postcodes (SE 6, 10,12, 13, etc.) & could give me a lift, it'd be hugely appreciated - I'm in SE23. If you can, drop me a PM & mobiles can be exchanged. Not a biggie if no-one can, it'll be me + Promethean + SB on the train. Pete.
  13. Charic, This might be of interest (esp. as it's relatively local): http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/ada-mp-1-guitar-pre-amp-unmodified-excellent-condition/109211128 P.
  14. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1347487682' post='1801667'][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]27[/font][/color]. ped - Vigier Passion, S2 1988, Roland V-bass, arse hair clippers[/quote] Note to self: Wash Finbass T-shirt.
  15. Strap length is pretty immaterial IMO (as we're all built differently), but the 'neutral position' approach as outlined in these videos makes a huge amount of sense to me. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRkSsapYYsA[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIYuqTsUlyM[/media] +1 to getting professional advice though. P.
  16. A +1 for Key Production here, Mate of mine has used 'em for his last four albums with good results - Paul Edwards is a good chap to contact there, although he gets a bit lost if you talk graphic-speak at him (their design department are really helpful though). A couple of caveats (irrespective of who you use, & apologies if I'm teaching you how to suck eggs)... 1: As they need CMYK artwork, watch what colours you use. RGB does a fantastic electric blue that converts into grey mud. 2: If your artwork is colour-critical, get a proper Chromalin Proof sent to you. Your screen & printer probably tell lies (especially if it's an LCD monitor). 3: If you go for a printed CD label, make sure any colours are specified as Pantone numbers. [shameless_plug] This was the cover of his last album: Got a bit adventurous with the packaging (8-page booklet this time) which was fun to lay out in Photoshop. He reckons the next one will be old-school Spirit-of-'77 B/W photocopier & typewriter mash-up... and vinyl! That should be interesting, never done a collage sleeve. [/shameless_plug] P.
  17. Equally tentative, depending on budget.... [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]1. Hamster - Fender Hotrod P/J, Bareface Compact, Auralex Gramma Pad, SFX Thumpinator; either Markbass 800 Tube or Ampeg PF500 Portaflex[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]2. BigBeatNut - Rob Allen Deep 5, Status Electro, Lakland 55-02 Fretless, Markbass CMD121P, a selection of SFX micro pedals[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]3. Stingray5 - Musicman StingRay5 and Stingray fretless, Tune TWB-6, Trace Elliot BLX-80 combo, Boss GT-6B fx, Gramma Pad, (+ raffle bits & freebies).[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]4 OBBM - undecided on basses but Schroeder cab(s) and mini-rack Mk2 (+raffle bits)[/font][/color] [i]5. Charic (tentative) - ACG Finn 4 (Drop C tuning), Yamaha RBX6JM, Modded Fender MIM, TC RH450, 2 x TC RS210, Line6 DL4 (delay pedal), Behringer Chorus Pedal[/i] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]6. Happy Jack - Ampeg Baby Bass and (just for OBBM) at last I'll bring along a Hofner Verithin. If there's enough (any) interest, I could also bring along a Fishman Fusion pedal plus a rig to play through.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]7. Macdaddy - custom shuker or custom Iceni Zoot or Hamer Blitz + raffle bits [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]8. Billyapple - Gibson Thunderbird, Un-Finished Wishbass Lobe, Matamp GT200 Head, Matamp 212 Cab, DHA VT1 Eq[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]9. Walman - ([i]assuming it'll all fit in the smaller car I got last year as I was cutting down on gear [/i][/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]) Wal Pro1/Custom hybrid, 2 x G&L L2500 US, Tanglewater ClassicJ, Roland PK5 bass pedals w DSI MoPho synth, GenzBenz Streamliner 6, BF Super12T - alternatively a poll on which to bring may be required[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]10. OliverBlackman- going to bring the Tokai as it seems in a recent thread not many have experienced the 80's Jazz sounds.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]11. Shockwave - Gibson RD and Gibson Grabber or Fender P-J Antigua. [/font][/color] [i][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]12. dc2009 (tentative) - Warwick Corvette $$ 5 Special Edition, Lakland Skyline 55-01. Sansamp, SYB-5, Q-tron+, BSY600. Anything more will need a lift![/font][/color][/i] [i]13. Eude (tentative) - ACG Finn SC Classic BO 5 string 33" Scale, ACG Finn SC Classic BO 6 String 33" Scale, Ibanez Promethean 5110C & EAD Foundation 112 3-way Prototype.[/i] [i]14.Bloodaxe (tentative) - Aria SB-1000 Frankenfretless, Ibanez Promethean 5110C [might add the SB-900 & Bloody ZZB Custom to this if anyone's driving from E or SE postcodes & I can blag a lift][/i]
  18. "Mama bought a chicken, thought it was a duck, Stuck it on the table with its legs stickin' up" [i]John Lee Hooker, 'Bottle Up & Go'.[/i] "Ultrasonic, Gin & Tonic" [i]Gillan, 'Sleeping On The Job'.[/i] "Gonna trade in my razor and buy a 44, And I'll come knocking, knocking door to door." [i]Rory Gallagher, 'Seven Days'.[/i]
  19. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzQd_YjT4nE[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qegKq3XKWRk[/media]
  20. Seen a Spector that had its barrel socket wrecked by persistent use of a PW or Minster 'oversized' plug, & they're dead awkward to replace. I also point the finger at oversize plugs as a contributory factor in the failure of my Superfly's input socket (the other factor being a spectacular bit of sh!t design by Ashdown). IMO oversize/sprung plugs are a solution to a problem that doesn't exist - I've used 1/4" plugs from all sources for the last 30 years & never had one come adrift in normal use. Pete.
  21. [quote name='norvegicusbass' timestamp='1343379372' post='1749701']So I have figured that the best place for me to gig is a bedroom with a large wardrobe and a hairdryer.[/quote] You could probably get Arts Council funding for that.
  22. A good amp can make a cr4p bass sound great. A cr4p amp can make a great bass sound cr4p.
  23. [quote name='chaypup' timestamp='1342606425' post='1737634'] Too fancy for me! Wiring doesn't look quite right, only neck pup connected to the volume which I guess might be the problem? Mine is the same as the 400 at the very bottom of [url="http://www.matsumoku.org/models/ariaproii/bass/tsb/tsb.html"]this[/url] page - poles aren't exposed, cream pickups (which is the same as mine hiding under that black paint) If you have any pics of your wiring, I'd be really grateful to see them so I could compare. [/quote] Mine's been so chopped about over the last 30 years that a photo won't help much: See? However... I also have a 1984 ZZB Custom that has the same arrangement & is untouched: [s]& an attached PDF drawing.[/s] Actually, that last bit is a lie as the damn thing won't upload properly, so it's living [url=https://dl.dropbox.com/u/8453031/ZZB%20Wiring.pdf]here[/url] Pete.
  24. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' timestamp='1342627407' post='1738216'] ... can't use a pick for toffee... [/quote] I reckon you *could* use a toffee for a pick though... one of those round flat ones out of a tin of Quality Street.
  25. Is the toggle on the switch round or flat? If it's round, it's a replacement. From ypur description I suspect that the old DPDT switch toggle broke off (not uncommon) & it's been swapped out for a 3-position one but wired up the same, hence the centre 'off'. Pete.
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