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Everything posted by Bloodaxe

  1. [quote name='aplejam' post='702065' date='Jan 5 2010, 08:17 PM']Who knows something about this? Some plots, images etc. Your comments. [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/46195608@N07/"]http://www.flickr.com/photos/46195608@N07/[/url][/quote] Aha! Figured out a way of linking directly... Hope you don't mind - makes it easier for us all to comment. I caught this over on Talkbass last night - fascinating looking thing! I can't help but wonder if it's a Eastern-Bloc "Cold War" copy. Still think it needs a Tele-style pickup selector switch though. Pete.
  2. [quote name='rapscallion' post='701975' date='Jan 5 2010, 06:49 PM']I've got hold of some pretty green ash, and I'm wondering, do I need to have it kiln dried first, or can I work with it green? I'm told its nice to work with green but I'm not sure Thanks guys Will[/quote] No Craftsman me! But... In my one encounter with green ash, I found it to be rather "stringy" to work & prone to tear-out. Kiln-Seasoning will drive out a lot of the moisture but could still leave it prone to shrinkage and/or "checking" (cracking) - it depends what you want to use it for. Natural Air-Seasoning is better. [s]How big is your lump?[/s] err.. What are the dimensions of the timber in question? Pete.
  3. [quote name='Lostheplot' post='700089' date='Jan 3 2010, 10:56 PM']'ve been back to the docs but basically got told that it will improve with time and keep doing the exercises oh and a suggestion of perhaps trying a different hobby LOL obviously my doc isn't into music! [/quote] Change your doctor or at least get a second opinion. I pinched a nerve in my left shoulder/upper back about 8 months ago, & my original doc said something along the lines of "well, back pain comes & goes for no reason - just rest it & take these industrial-strength Ibuprofen". This "sage" advice eased it for a bit & then it flared up something chronic so I went back to the clinic & saw someone else. At last! A proper doctor! He prodded & poked about (something the old one didn't) with my arm in various positions, showed me a couple of simple, yet effective excercise, and wrote out a scrip for some proper anti-inflammatories that actually worked. It's not 100% sorted by any means, but I have no discomfort & it's gradually easing up. Not all doctors are equal. Repeat. Get a second opinion. Pete.
  4. Quick update... I've got three "spaces" on my local hit list (2 rehearsal studios in SE8 & an arty place in SE23) + the Coach & Horses in E11. I'll have a nose around over the course of the next week & report back - if anyone else can do similarly in their area that'd be fantabulous. Whilst all this is (hopefully) going on, can I ask the OP (essexbasscat) to edit post #1 to include a list of likely attendees & gear - that way the info is always right at the top of the thread. I'm looking at spaces that have good local parking, can realistically take 20-30 of us including moderate amounts of gear & keeping the cost per head down to a tenner or less, any surplus going to a local charity - sound about right peeps? I'd be bringing: Aria SB-1000 Fretless, Aria SB-900*, Ashdown Superfly, Epifani UL110 & Flite 15* * = might not bring, depending where we end up. Pete
  5. [quote name='barneyg42' post='699924' date='Jan 3 2010, 08:18 PM']No congestion charge at weekends![/quote] Good point, well made.
  6. [quote name='essexbasscat' post='699818' date='Jan 3 2010, 06:49 PM']Thank god someone else has picked this up besides Wayne and me. I was beginning to think that it was too soon after the last one - or is that really the case ? Genuinely puzzled as to why everyone's not jumping all over it really [/quote] Count me in. The main factors (based on the various bashes I've been to)... Parking - not "find a space in the nearest side road" - Supermarkets? Proximity to Public Transport (not all of us drive). Capacity - at least 30 bodies plus gear. Noise "pollution" - Shouldn't be too much of a problem if it were a Saturday afternoon, but the neighbours can get dreadfully uppity. I'll enquire if the Coach & Horses in Leyton would be up for it when I'm up there on Weds for the Jam Night - parking is my only worry, unless the Orient have anything. Pretty sure Gerry (the Guv'nor) would be OK with it. I'll nose about locally (SE6, 13, 23 etc), but it might work better in the 'burbs. Pete.
  7. [quote name='OldGit' post='699467' date='Jan 3 2010, 01:24 PM']No one around here replies when you answer an ad. Makes you wonder why they bother.[/quote] I wonder why [url="http://www.joinmyband.co.uk/classifieds/ad.php?t=85534"]this guy[/url] bothered. His enthusiasm seems to know no bounds - like where to start for one thing.
  8. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='699551' date='Jan 3 2010, 02:13 PM']Me too, I've got a right haddock.[/quote] Right. This has gone on long enough - Bernard will have to have to be mashed inna face
  9. [quote name='MSL' post='699530' date='Jan 3 2010, 01:58 PM']excellent. Passeth all undertaking is a motorpike and side carp. [/quote] Rule 1: It's only an Internet Rule 2: Life's too bloody short Rule 3: Please! Don't start the Fish Puns Thread! - Consider yourself [i]warned[/i]
  10. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='699505' date='Jan 3 2010, 01:47 PM']Unfathomable carp? Isn't that a fish that can't get very far below the water?[/quote] Or The Piece of Cod that Passeth All Understanding?
  11. [quote name='Marky L' post='699266' date='Jan 3 2010, 09:08 AM']I have always tried to edge my sound towards something like - "A box of spanners being chucked down a drainpipe"[/quote] Bit like a Ferrari sounds then?
  12. [quote name='teej' post='699377' date='Jan 3 2010, 12:09 PM']Not a great example of a great bass-player (the Robert Johnson original is fantastic, one of my favourite songs). I got into Back Door back in the '70s and was totally gobsmacked by Hodgkinson: a quick youtube search reveals this (clearly solo renditions of '30s blues classics is a bit of a party piece for him) - but I think you should delve into the band stuff available from the same gig (I haven't yet) - there's probably better playing in those.[/quote] Generally agreed, but I've yet to find another video of 32/20 Blues. For my money the best rendition of it is on Back Door's "8th Street Nights" album. And Maxrossell - Strokes/Folks eh? I find the vast majority of slappy/tappy/poppy fusion a yawn but it seems pretty popular 'round here. After all...
  13. [quote name='Hot Tub' post='699219' date='Jan 3 2010, 12:44 AM']And - I don't know the word for it - "A bucket of wet fish being emptied onto a cold stone floor." Edit - Probably "slap". [/quote] Sounds like it belongs in [url="http://folk.uio.no/alied/TMoL.html"]The Meaning Of Liff[/url] - the nearest I could find was "Toronto"
  14. [quote name='Hot Tub' post='699222' date='Jan 3 2010, 12:50 AM']Sorry, don't mean to hijack, but that Joss Stone version is superb!!! [/quote] It's not bad, but I got rather sidetracked by this:
  15. [quote name='Faithless' post='699193' date='Jan 2 2010, 11:46 PM']Thanks, mate, that's very helpful I'm not sure, if I'll find such light nylon G string, so, I'm thinking of asking Newtone or whatever to make a custom nylon C for me. Any chance, somebody could tell approximate cost of this? BTW, I've google'd other nylon strings, and found this..: [url="http://www.uptonbass.com/Thomastik-Infeld-Acousticore-AB346/"]http://www.uptonbass.com/Thomastik-Infeld-Acousticore-AB346/[/url] But, I'm not sure, if these strings are ok for magnetic pickups. Anyone?[/quote] Can't help on Customs I'm afraid (although I recall Dood had something done a long while back - try pm-ing him). I suspect the Thomastiks would work, but you'd get a very much lower output as there's no steel in them. Also beware that they're roundwounds (bronze windings on a nylon core). Pete.
  16. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='699175' date='Jan 2 2010, 11:02 PM']I've only heard Dusty Springfield's version (and Joss Stone which is even better). You're quite right of course - I'm sure root-fifth-octave will save the day (again!) It's one of those days. I got stuffed with bloody "Black Velvet" as well, for a series of "what the hell was that chord" moments when I was expecting once-through-and-I've-got-it [/quote] I'm on an all-nighter so I'll jot down the DS version. Know what you mean about Black Velvet - great tune but not helped by being a semitone off. The only tab I found was transcribed for a 5 string. Transcribe it to E & it all makes sense. Pete.
  17. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='699165' date='Jan 2 2010, 10:52 PM']So... I said, "yeh, I'll learn that for Tuesday". Without listening to it. Yes, nobody told me :-( Any assistance much appreciated. The actual dots would help the most. My reading ability is slightly better than my ear.....[/quote] Which version? Aretha Franklin or Dusty Springfield? The arrangements are slightly different. TBH it's not a toughie - you should be able to blag through it after a few goes (my ear is not brilliant & my reading is non-existant!) Pete.
  18. [quote name='Faithless' post='698929' date='Jan 2 2010, 06:13 PM']But, I'm in doubt about the 'G string as C' thing.. There's some [i]more [/i]tension, but I doubt if it's too much... Is there a big chance, that I could break my bass neck, guys?[/quote] No. Not a big chance, to break a neck would (usually) require a stupid amount of force. Try it, but then look down the neck from the headstock end & up from the brdidge and if you see a twist STOP & detune - see if you can find a very light G (a standard G is .045", a C is usually around .025"). A lot depends on how the neck is made. If it's "plain sawn" it'll tend to act like a leaf spring & be less twist-resistant. If it's "quarter sawn" and/or laminated it'll naturally resist twisting. One Elmore James tune (in D) I have to do in a dep band requires that I tune my G string up a tone to A to give an open 5th chord. This allows me to do some low-key bottleneck-style rhythm slides under the guitar solos (coz the guitarist doesn't play slide). [i]I'd[/i] feel really uncomfortable about tuning it any higher. Pete.
  19. What it says really, EMG Vintage Jazz set. EMG's page here: [url="http://www.emginc.com/products/index/59/25/2"]http://www.emginc.com/products/index/59/25/2[/url] Been fitted once, but I deliberately didn't trim the wiring, here's an photogravure: Totally unsuited to the look, although they did sound nice, hence their removal. All wiring (not trimmed - still full length), screws (black or chrome), Battery connector, even the little bit of heatshrink sleeving. Very easy to fit. £100 + postage UK Mainland. Bass Gallery are quoting approx £155, various online places £169. Pete.
  20. [quote name='twowheeledwriter' post='698339' date='Jan 1 2010, 08:31 PM']That's a term of affection, right? Cheers![/quote] Generally, yes - wear your JapCrap with pride! Found this on the Matsumoku website: [url="http://www.matsumoku.org/models/vantage/catalogs/atak-manhattan/pg5.html"]http://www.matsumoku.org/models/vantage/ca...hattan/pg5.html[/url] Seems that Quest was a sub-brand of Vantage who made some very fine instruments indeed. Pete.
  21. [quote name='Faithless' post='698467' date='Jan 1 2010, 11:33 PM']I was thinking of taking flatwound C string and put some sort of nylon [i]coating [/i]on it, as I would like it sound as much similar as other 4 (nylon) strings.. Any possibilities here? I'm not much of craftsman, mind you.. [/quote] No idea. Sorry. Dipping in Acrylic Varnish? Can't see how you'd keep the gauge consistent [i]and[/i] get a thick enough coat on to make any difference tbh. What have you got on your EUB?
  22. [quote name='Faithless' post='698314' date='Jan 1 2010, 07:54 PM']What's wrong with substitution? I thought, I'd be bad, if I tried using G as a substitute for D, for example (4th lower, i mean), as its well, too thin string, but, now, I'd use 0.60mm string for C..[/quote] If you used a G for a D, it'd most likely be very flappy & rubbery as you'd expect. If you tune a G up to C you're putting a huge amount of tension on it which could break it, or more likely... [quote name='Faithless' post='698314' date='Jan 1 2010, 07:54 PM']And, how did your neck actually react?[/quote] ... twist it. I looked down the 'board from the headstock & could see a horrific twist towards the C - quickest retune I've ever done! That bass didn't like high C at all - I bought a 6-string set & put the top 5 on, & there was still a noticeable (but slight) twist. Low B, no problem. Not all necks can handle a high C. [quote name='Faithless' post='698314' date='Jan 1 2010, 07:54 PM']BTW, I won't put rounds on fretless, as I wouldn't like to 'wear' fretboard, also, I could get a 6string set of flats, but, flats are flats..[/quote] It'll wear no matter what, it's just a question of time. Nylons are going to be the kindest to the board though. Plenty of players use flats on fretless. I'm using Pressure wound strings at the moment, but think rounds give a better tone *for me*. [quote name='Faithless' post='698314' date='Jan 1 2010, 07:54 PM']Hey, what if I'd use a flatwound C string, would her sound differ so much from nylon one?[/quote] Only one way to find out! & if it sounds different and you like it, all you need is a set of standard flats. Pete.
  23. [quote name='Rayman' post='698082' date='Jan 1 2010, 04:24 PM']Well I've got a US one coming, but of course it might not fit. I'll see how easily the paint will flake off first as I can see some flaking from the pictures of it. I don't fancy wire wool because I want to avoid swirls on the plastic after I've finished. Maybe acetone will do it, but obviously I want to avoind melting the guard in any way.[/quote] It'll depend on two things - what it's been painted with & what the pickguard is actually made of... Popular paints - Remove with: 1: Enamel paint (e.g. Humbrol)/Poly - Nitromors or similar 2: Hobby Acrylic/Shellac (French Polish) - Meths/Isopropyl Alcohol 3: Cellulose - Acetone or Xylene (Hammerite thinners) 4: All of the above - Caustic Soda (Washing Soda if you're into Zen & The Art of Paint Stripping) If the pickguard is modern plastic avoid 1 & 3 as they're likely to melt it. If it's nitrocellulose/bakelite avoid 4 at all costs. Try a cotton bud on the back where it won't show to see if the solvent damages the 'guard. The alternative is to use abrasives, which will destroy the shine. Two ways round this - 1) finish up with 1200/1500/2000 grit wet & dry (used wet) & then polish it up with a coarse cloth & some T-Cut or old Brasso (any metal polish that comes in a tube would be a good bet too), 2) give it a quick spray with some clear varnish from Halfords. Pete.
  24. [quote name='Faithless' post='698099' date='Jan 1 2010, 04:53 PM']Oh, I'm almost finished with my fretless - collected it yesterday from luthier - he seemed to do 'ok' with neck - made fretlines, adjusted it a bit, and fixed sharp 'dots' on fretboard and neck. Today I've put a regular 4string black nylons set on it, but, I don't have a C string yet.. It's a shame, cuz bass now looks sooo beauty, and I want to play it Sadly, I don't have an idea, where to get a damn string, except buying a whole new set of nylons, and put so called G string (0.50 diameter) into C string's 'place'.. Any suggestions? I've tried classical guitar's strings - they're too short for bass, violin strings also doesn't seem to be an option.. I'm lost,guys, help me [/quote] Greetings, Had a look on EBay & all that came up were [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/RotoSound-TRU-BASS-88-Black-Nylon-Flatwound-5-Strings_W0QQitemZ390136297119QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Guitar_Accessories?hash=item5ad5ef769f"]these[/url] which are 1) for a low B, and 2) very expensive. I'd caution against using a G string as a subsitute high C - I tried it on an Aria "Magna" 5-string & the neck didn't like it one bit, thankfully the twist went away when I put it back to normal tuning. All I can suggest is to get a high-C set of roundwounds (or a 6-string set) & crack on with it. You will get "tramlining", but that's just part of the process - after all frets wear down too, don't they? Pete.
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