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Everything posted by Bloodaxe

  1. Bloodaxe


    [quote name='Blind Lemon' post='697911' date='Jan 1 2010, 01:30 PM'] Thanks all for the welcome. Fancy a MIA jazz because ive never owned a fender and feel its the one to have, i understand the CIJ jap one is the better one as these are produced for the home market and are built to a higher standard than MIJ that are produced for export. Been looking at a CIJ on ebay but unsure about how much import duty is likley to be payable, if anyone can give me a clue it appreatiate it. Mind you even when i get my hands on a jazz chances are it will still be my warwick FNA that hangs round my neck when gigging cos it seems to fit like an old glove. Happy New Year one and all.[/quote] There's a sticky about importing here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=139"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=139[/url] that'll go some way to answering that bit. I only ask as a few local players swear by their Fender & to my ears it goes like this... Squier Jazz - Good. Punchy, yet bassy - cuts through well. CIJ P - Wow! Grit, growl & all the trouser-flapping good stuff - good definition too. 1969/70 P/J hybrid (P body, Jazz neck) - One owner from new, largely original. Goes *Thud*. Owner loves it (which is what counts), but I wouldn't give it house room personally. Deffo a Try Before You Buy sketch methinks - I'd suggest a day out in That London & a visit to The Gallery, they're likely to have a goodly selection & they're an affable bunch. Pete.
  2. Bloodaxe


    [quote name='Blind Lemon' post='696464' date='Dec 30 2009, 04:51 PM']Hello all, not too good with this forum thing maybe a bit old at 38 and 60 months. Been a basser for......... lets say some years! think i was the wrong side of puberty when i started and aint stoped since. Looking to get my hands on a MIM jazz (seems wrong ive never owned a fender) so if anyone knows of one going let me know. Thanks Richard [/quote] Welcome aboard, mine's a Mild! 43? A mere stripling! There's a good, broad demographic here, so I'm sure you'll have no probs. Why a MIA particularly? The MIJ/CIJs are well worth a look from what I hear (both on the grapevine & with my battered ears). Pete.
  3. [quote name='Marvin' post='697407' date='Dec 31 2009, 06:15 PM']I've always preferred RMS.[/quote] Usually fine, but best to avoid the North Atlantic in the iceberg season.
  4. [quote name='W1_Pro' post='697438' date='Dec 31 2009, 06:35 PM']Thanks for this Pete, I shall bear this in mind, I'm looking for a fretted SB to go with the fretless, so I'll see if I can find and SBR to have a go on before I commit folding to the project. I'm away for a couple of weeks, but I'll post some pics of the SB when I return. It's a lovely bass, but I've always felt that the pickup is/was a bit lacking. Stuart[/quote] Keep your eyes peeled for an SB-900. Passive twin 4-wire humbuckers that'll 'ave yer trousers off. Actives? We don' need no steeenkeeeeng actives!
  5. [quote name='Marvin' post='697300' date='Dec 31 2009, 04:20 PM']I was trawling through the for sale section on the forum and saw and Peavey tvx410. To get an idea of spec I visited a website the name of which evades me but it put the output of the cab in these terms. 350watts continuous 700watts programme. Can someone explain what this means please as I have never seen this before. Cheers Rich[/quote] I'd read it as 350W RMS, 700W Peak - so I'd view it as a 350W cab. No more.
  6. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='696724' date='Dec 30 2009, 08:54 PM']I'm turning into a 75RI clone, it isn't varnished over, I'm thinking wirewool but I'm unsure.[/quote] If it's not varnished try Meths or Surgical Spirit on a cotton wool bud. A good many transfers are printed with spirit-based (i.e. alcohol) inks. Failing that, 1500 grit wet & dry.
  7. [quote name='W1_Pro' post='696246' date='Dec 30 2009, 12:21 PM']Thanks Bassatnight, I have an SB also- a 700 fretless bought new in errr...1984 I'm sorry to say...first decent Bass I ever owned- so were the SB-R's a later series then? Sort of late eighties ish?[/quote] Greetings, The main difference is in the neck profile - the SBs have a very nearly parallel string spacing between nut & bridge, whereas the SBRs have a noticeable taper (not as much as a Fender, but quite noticeable) The easy way to spot the difference is that the SBRs have a rather fetching elliptical "eye" position inlay, whereas the SBs have plain dots. I'm not aware of any differences in construction & finish - they're all quarter-sawn maple/walnut laminated necks & ash bodies covered in nigh-on indestructible 2-pack Poly. The story I've heard is that the SBRs were devised as a "hybrid" (somewhere around 1984?) based on the assumption that Western hands are bigger than Asian ones. Personally I prefer the original SB profile - definite "try before you buy" as it's a bit of a jolt. Pics of the 700 if you would sir! They're quite scarce. Pete.
  8. [quote name='Annoying Twit' post='692246' date='Dec 23 2009, 12:23 PM']Is this a typical price for an Aria Pro II SG R80? (And, of course, please tell me if this is not an Aria Pro II SG R80). £595 starting bid, £685 BIN.[/quote] He's being optimistic! For £645 I'd want it mint, with original branded hard case, & all the case candy. Even then I'd think twice. Pretty though. Pete.
  9. [quote name='thunderbird13' post='692450' date='Dec 23 2009, 05:08 PM']Thanks for the reply - TBH I was just looking at the free stuff I dont really think the other features are worth paying for. I'll look again at guitar pro I've got Band in a Box but I dont really like the sounds very much so I dont use it[/quote] I suspect that most if not all tab readers are lacking in the sound department. The sounds in Guitar Pro can be utter pants, but it's a useful "get out of jail card" - no substitute for the ears though, & on no account believe that the tab is accurate. Great tool for writing your own lines though. Pete.
  10. I've always viewed music as the ultimate Meritocracy, I couldn't give a damn about a player's cultural heritage, if they make me go YEAH!, they're in. Commercial success ultimately hinges on long-term mass appeal - RHCP have the knack for that, Living Color didn't. P.
  11. Looks interesting, but I see two flaws... 1 - You're restricted to what's on the Songsterr site 2 - They want $10 a month subscription for the player to be fully functional - this would be fine in principle, but given the fact that the RIAA detest tab sites with a passion, I wonder how long it is before Songsterr gets "a letter" & what happens to your sub then. It seems to work in a similar fashion to GuitarPro, but whilst GP costs there are bucketloads of tabs out there - far more than Songsterrrrrr. A good place to nose around is Sourceforge. This is the result for [url="http://sourceforge.net/search/?words=tab+reader&type_of_search=soft&pmode=0&words=guitar+tab&Search=Search"]"Guitar Tab"[/url] - bucketloads of free stuff for all platforms. Pete
  12. [quote name='SS73' post='691272' date='Dec 22 2009, 09:19 AM']Thinking about it when our Guitarist uses my Burman, it does the same thing especially with a tube screamer, although all 4 EL34's go blue in unison.[/quote] In unison I can understand - just means they're working very hard & might shorten their lifespan. It's the idea of just one doing it that makes me think something might be up. Pete.
  13. [quote name='Low End Bee' post='691518' date='Dec 22 2009, 02:03 PM']Reminds me of a friends gig where he had written the set list in pink hi lighter pen. On come the stage lights. Blank page. This is a bloke who'd been on TOTP, OGWT and everything. [/quote] Ahhh... A [url="http://www.spinaltapfan.com/articles/stonehenge.html"]Spinal Tap Moment[/url]! [b]martthebass[/b] Go for it, I say. Rock 'n' Roll, Don't Believe A Word, & Comfortably Numb all work just fine without Speed Bumps. Alternatively get yer Jack Bruce hat on Pete.
  14. Some Kind of Wonderful by Grand Funk Railroad is doing it for me at the moment.
  15. [quote name='Jesso' post='690580' date='Dec 21 2009, 12:54 PM']I really should know this, but is a 73 P nitro or polly?[/quote] Nitro. Rory's Strat (in the earlier picture for any that were wondering) was a '61
  16. [quote name='Ant' post='690619' date='Dec 21 2009, 01:40 PM']Yeah it does, especially with distortion on[/quote] The blue glow is electricity in motion - could be the bias (or a component thereof) or the valve's on its way out. One pair or all four? Any sign of "Mirror-ing" (like you usually get at the top) around the [u]middle[/u] of the glass envelope?
  17. [quote name='Faithless' post='690490' date='Dec 21 2009, 11:24 AM']So, I wanted to adjust my Ibanez GSR205's neck, and it seems that truss rod doesn't want to be tightened anymore- and there's still quite a lot of room to tighten the neck.. A guy in music store told me, that bass' neck could be too dry to adjust it. He also said, that there are some sort of humidifiers (normally used for acoustic guitars, not letting them to dry out), that could a bit of help to me. Anyone could give an advice, what should I do in this case? Thanks, Faith.[/quote] I'd say he was talking utter tosh. Probably a silly question... you have slackened the strings before trying to adjust it, haven't you? If you have, try loosening the truss rod first - could just be a bit sticky. Oh, & find another local tech. Pete.
  18. [quote name='twowheeledwriter' post='690500' date='Dec 21 2009, 11:31 AM']If a [b]Eurostar train[/b] (f'rinstance) has been in the cold for a while & becomes "well chilled" & then brought into the warm there's a risk (albeit small) of condensation forming within it - & water and electricity are well known for not getting on.[/quote] Only if it's been subjected to the "wrong kind of snow".
  19. [quote name='hitchy64' post='690445' date='Dec 21 2009, 10:27 AM']I had a tx off our drummer this morning and he's thrown in the towl !!! Time to move on with this other drummer, he is really good and he is only 18 years old!!! [/quote] Probably the best solution you could have wished for. BTW there's [i]nothing wrong[/i] with teh Quo - Lancaster/Coghlan were one of the tightest rhythm sections going.
  20. [quote name='Ant' post='690448' date='Dec 21 2009, 10:29 AM']One of my power amp valves has started to flash blue when I'm playing, what's that all about then?[/quote] Badness. Could just be a bias adjustment issue, but sounds like something's on the way out. Does it flash (!) in time with your playing? Especially when you're digging in? Pete.
  21. [quote name='Jesso' post='690158' date='Dec 20 2009, 09:21 PM']We insulated the inside of the back of the van to try to avoid any type of condensation building up (it used to) and it seems to have worked. Also, we use good quality covers or flightcases on everything.[/quote] Sounds like you've got the security angle pretty well covered then! & if it seems to be working then it don't need fixin' The point about cold & damp's attitude to nitro finishes is best rammed home with a photo... Pete
  22. [quote name='Mokl' post='690144' date='Dec 20 2009, 09:13 PM']I know, it's just that I don't like having my integrity or experience questioned...... lol[/quote] None of us do, mate - still happens though . From what I read at the top of the page, you've got a spot-on attitude to Customer Service - the punter may not leave with what they thought they wanted, but what they actually needed & that's such a rare commodity these days. Chalk this one up, put it behind you as best you can, & carry on as before. Pete.
  23. [quote name='Jesso' post='690110' date='Dec 20 2009, 08:22 PM']I know that it's probably ok to leave the P.A. and even the amps in the van overnight when it's cold, but I feel like over a long period of time it might be bad for guitars. Jesse[/quote] I'd personally be very cagey about leaving electrical equipment in the van for any length of time. If an amp (f'rinstance) has been in the cold for a while & becomes "well chilled" & then brought into the warm there's a risk (albeit small) of condensation forming within it - & water and electricity are well known for not getting on. I trust there's an alarm on the shed? Pete.
  24. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='690060' date='Dec 20 2009, 07:27 PM']Or get some florescent tippex.[/quote] Or even ordinary tippex:
  25. [b]1) How long have you been playing Bass Guitar/String Bass for or both?[/b] Electric only - 28 years Fretted, 7-8 months Fretless [b] 2) If you don’t play string bass/bass guitar have you thought of doubling up on either to get more recognition as a bass player?[/b] No - String Basses scare me. Recognition isn't why I do what I do (but it's nice when it happens). [b]3) Who are your favourite exponents of both string bass/bass guitar?[/b] String - Willie Dixon Electric - Jack Bruce/Neil Murray All within a Band context [b]4) Do you think that both the bass guitar and string bass are important as bass instruments?[/b] Yes. [b]5) What genres do you think are important for bass players to listen to?[/b] All - inspiration can come from the most unlikely places. [b]6) Do you think electric guitarists can learn to play bass guitar more than string bass?[/b] In theory, yes, depends on the guitarist. The reverse maybe a more interesting avenue to explore though. [b]7) Do you think bass can be used to solo as well as accompany other instruments?[/b] Yes - Google/Youtube Colin Hodgkinson & Nils Henning Oersted Pedersen. [b]8) Do you think it is important to learn to sight read?[/b] It doesn't hurt, depends on your personal goals though. [b]9) What do you think of bass guitars such as 5 string/6 string e.g. as being an add-on to the bass players role?[/b] They have their uses. Depends on player preference & material. [b]10) What are your opinions on electric upright basses as a substitute for the string bass?[/b] Not really a substitute, more of an alternative. [b]11) What is the best amp to use for bass guitar or string bass?[/b] Personal preference - I know of a DB player that uses a 300w Ashdown & 4 x 10 (Pete Pritchard) [b]12) What pickups for string bass are the best for capturing the natural tone of the instrument?[/b] Outside my purview - Fishman seem popular.
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