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Everything posted by Bloodaxe

  1. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1418316051' post='2629124']Is this an SB-900? I spent some time learning the different SB models some time ago, but unfortunately have forgotten it all now [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Aria-pro-II-original-custom-body-bass-guitar-/171573079513?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item27f28d6dd9"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item27f28d6dd9[/url] [/quote] Yup. It's a Series II from Feb 1981. The stacked pots, recessed jack & one piece cover plate give it away, not to mention the open-book headstock. Good price at the moment, be interesting to see where it finishes. These are absolute tone monsters - by rights they ought to go for more than an SB-1000 (IMO), but thankfully they don't.
  2. [quote name='miles'tone' timestamp='1417435482' post='2620232'] Spending time soaking up some Willie Dixon will do you good. Great blues bassist who wrote many many of the blues classics that we know and love. [/quote] +1. Add to that some good 'Best Ofs' by the likes of Elmore James, Howlin' Wolf, Muddy Waters, Jimmy Reed and John Lee Hooker & you'll have a very good selection of standards & not-so-standards. Some albums I'd recommend:— Bluesbreakers - John Mayall & Eric Clapton A Hard Road - John Mayall & Peter Green Girls Go Wild & What's The Word - Fabulous Thunderbirds Live At The Fillmore - Allman Brothers Texas Flood & Couldn't Stand The Weather - Stevie Ray Vaughan
  3. I used to get no end of trouble with this. It's one of those situations where the order of connection is important. Try these variations: 1: Plug in Superfly, switch on, wait for Windows to recognise it & then launch the editor; 2: Launch the editor & then switch on the Superfly; 3: Plug in Superfly, switch on, [b]Reboot[/b], wait for Windows to recognise it & then launch the editor. Hopefully one of them will work. Did you have the Superfly plugged in & switched on when you installed the editor? If not, uninstall the editor & give it a go - it may be that the editor needs to see the amp as part of the install process. TBH I gave up with the editor. I didn't need the parametric option or the ability to tweak the compressor & I was disappointed that there didn't seem to be a way of bulk downloading the presets as a backup - you can do them singly, but that's a bit of a pain in the jacksie. Pete.
  4. Hard To Handle Highway To Hell Play That Funky Music Addicted To Love
  5. [quote name='bobunit' timestamp='1415980708' post='2605834']Do you know if Loyds requires a photo ID?[/quote] Not according to this: [url="http://www.lloydsbank.com/legal/proof-of-identity.asp"]http://www.lloydsban...of-identity.asp[/url] [quote][b]If you cannot provide one of the above, you will need to produce one document as proof of your identity and an additional document as proof of your address as follows[/b]: [b]Proof of identity[/b]:[list] [*]Benefits or State pension notification letter [*]Current UK non photo driving licence [*]Blue disabled drivers pass [*]All other current signed passports with valid UK Visa not listed above [*]UK Birth Certificate (under 18s only) [*]National Insurance Card (under 18s only) [*]Medical Card/Certificate (under 18s only) [/list] [b]Proof of address[/b]:[list] [*]Bank, Building Society or Credit Union statement (we do not accept statements printed off the internet) [*]Current UK non photo driving licence (only if it is not been used as your proof of identification) [*]Utility Bill/Utility Statement or Certificate/Letter from a supplier of utilities dated within the last 3 months [*]Local authority tax bill/council tax bill for current year [*]Benefits or pensions notification letter confirming the right to benefit (only if it has not been used as your proof of identification) [/list] [/quote] Surprised at the age restrictions on the last three P.O.I. requirements. P.
  6. [quote name='edpirie' timestamp='1415221851' post='2598168']I'd be up for this but it'd be tube from central London so limited gear.[/quote] Same here. In a way, it might be a good setup if there was no parking so everyone [u]had[/u] to come by public transport with whatever they could carry. Lots of micro-rigs could make for a bash that's a bit different. I had a couple of possible venues in mind for the 2010 bash; one of those (Creekside Studios) is no more as the site's being redeveloped, but an early contender was the [url="http://www.coachandhorsesbluesjam.com/home.shtml"]Coach & Horses[/url] in Leyton High Road. They have a large-ish function/pool room at the back & it's not the busiest of pubs unless Leyton Orient are playing at home. I could make enquiries if anyone's interested? Pete.
  7. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1415185443' post='2597496']Anyone previously looked into doing a bash in Central London somewhere?[/quote] There was one back in 2010, details here: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/72161-london-region-bash-2010 I'd most likely be up for another one. P.
  8. Done, but Question 2's reply options are a mess due to a misplaced header - I went pot luck on that. The combination questions (e.g. Business/Theory) need to be split out & made separate. Personal info = None Of Your Business, but I reckon I've given enough info to give you some data without compromising my privacy..
  9. "Bad To The Bone" for me. Great song, but there's nowhere to go.
  10. [quote name='Weststarx' timestamp='1412848517' post='2572585'] Any of you guys and gals know of any Blues artists I can check out? Thanks [/quote] As listed, there are loads. For me on the list of 'must haves' are: The first two Fabulous Thunderbirds albums - 'Girls Go Wild' and 'What's the Word'. b=Keith Ferguson John Mayall's 'Bluesbreakers' and 'A Hard Road'. b= John McVie Rory Gallager 'Live in Europe' b= Gerry McAvoy SRV's 'Texas Flood' and 'Couldn't Stand The Weather' Any of ZZ Top's first six albums, but 'Fandango' & 'Tres Hombres' stand out for me Dr Feelgood - 'Down by the Jetty', 'Stupidity' and 'As it Happens' & loads of others. A 'best of' Chuck Berry will get you hours of pain if you choose to attempt Willie Dixon's bass lines. JBG is a good example as is this dose of WD having fun: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_rVjPPS09g[/media] P.
  11. Black nail varnish?
  12. Dan Erlewine's take on CA drop-filling:— [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTVScFJoe24[/media] The bit on strip sanding is pure gold dust, as is his tip about honing the razor blade.
  13. I'll pitch in with Tom Holt. He sits somewhere between Tom Sharpe & Robert Rankin, but not as farcical as the former & nowhere near as outré as the latter. Recommended: 'Flying Dutch', 'Grailblazers', 'Faust among Equals' and 'My Hero' (although the last two do stray into Sharpe's territory a bit). He's also penned some novels set in ancient Greece that sit on the slightly silly side of things. 'Olympiad' stands out for me. P.
  14. [quote name='AntLockyer' timestamp='1410023496' post='2545496'] Yeah pretty gutted as I think it would have really got going. We are looking at other places in Greenwich to host this. In other news we have a weekly blues jam, Thursday nights at the Woodman, Ide Hill. Great room upstairs and we can make all the noise we want. [/quote] Saw Mr Cook at the Pelton last Sunday & he dropped the bad news about the Plume. Shame, but that's neighbours for you; the same thing happened to my old regular Tuesday night at the Forest Hill Hotel... it's flats now While I remember, the Pelton Arms jam is cancelled this month as DG is off gallavanting with 9 Below Zero. Normal service will resume on October 26th. P.
  15. Check the foam/rubber gasket between the speaker chassis & the baffle. If it's sprung a leak it **could** be blowing by & making the noise.
  16. Most tunes fall into the 'busk it' category, but here's a few that don't quite fit that profile: [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwt15IwwTdw"]Boom Boom[/url] - John Lee Hooker. There's also the Dr Feelgood version which has a subtly different arrangement. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5unZ3BTqck"]Sweet Home Chicago[/url] - This version by Foghat. Mostly it's a question of watching for the stops. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gDhR1R3S0s"]Stormy Monday[/url] - Allman Bros is the default, but make sure first as the T-Bone Walker original doesn't have the changes & it sounds a right trainwreck if you're playing the changes & no-one else is. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duRp_avXtMM"]My Babe[/url] - Little Walter. A I-V-IV with a II-V-I section during the solos. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNsLyQGSqIg"]Crosscut Saw[/url] - Token Rhumba [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7eANGHVQS9Q"]Black Magic Woman[/url] - The Santana version is the default setting, but the Peter Green original is worth knowing. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MH2eg0qa2jA"]Sitting On Top Of The World[/url] - Another tune with multiple versions, but the Cream one is probably the standard. I'm particularly fond of the BBM version in the link. P.
  17. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1408751699' post='2533294'] Is it good for metal though? Would you need metalwood trees instead? [/quote] [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lignum_vitae"]Ironwood[/url]
  18. [quote name='PlasticB' timestamp='1408561261' post='2531416'] Fantastic, thanks, I was about to buy 500kΩA ones, as I thought it needed them being dual coil. [/quote] Fitting 500kΩA's won't kill anything, in fact they'd give a slightly higher output & a bit more top end. The standard value tone cap would have less effect though. However if you're like me, that wouldn't matter. I run mine pretty much wide open & use the amp to alter the tone.
  19. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1408312510' post='2528980'] Wibble. This whole thread is in a foreign language. I don't even know why I'm here. Luckily for you I don't tend to post pics.[/quote] Modern cameras (even those in 'phones) can take fecking ginormously huge pictures. If you post these without tweaking their bits it can block up teh interwebz for some of us. [quote name='ead' timestamp='1408310482' post='2528940'] For techno muppets like me, what's an optimiser and what is the opitmum image size/resolution etc please? [/quote] IMO... For essential stuff (pictures of kittens etc.) 800px by 600px @ 72ppi &, if possible, set the file size to 250KB or less. For instances where a higher quality/viewing size is desirable (e.g. if it's to go in a For Sale thread), then 1024 x 768 & 250KB to 500KB ought to be an elegant sufficiency. If you need to display it on the Moon, icastle's already posted the spec. An optimiser (like the one built into [url="http://www.irfanview.com/"]IrfanView[/url]) should make this easy enough... Image >> Resize/Resample (or CTRL+R) brings up this:— To set the maximum file size, you have to do a 'Save As' to get this dialogue box:— This box only appears for JPG & GIF; other image types trigger a format-dependent box with appropriate options. Here's a 250 KB (actually 239 KB) pic at 800 x 600: Same image forced to 100 KB:— It's a bit grainier, but you can still read the pot code and just about see the reflected switch code (under the brown wire top right). Here it is again, but now squished to a mere 50 KB:— Noticeably grainier, the pot code is starting to go & the reflection of the switch code has had it. Still acceptable though, depending on what you want the image to show. One caveat with any of the freeware image-mulchers... beware of unwanted add-ons. The app that Skank linked to wants to install all manner of browser toolbars, & while it's possible to turn down the first lot, I gave up at the second hurdle as there seemed to be no way of declining the free PC Health Checker that it desperately wanted me to have. IrfanView isn't 'clean' either, but it's a whole lot more upfront about it & presents a nice clear checkbox for you to untick. P.
  20. Hammer-on. Poor quality but at least it's 'FoxtonCam' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z53X25xxB7o Ffwd to about 2:55.
  21. [quote name='PlasticB' timestamp='1407933798' post='2525452'] I have just acquired the same guitar as a project, it has TSB400 Custom on the headstock. I need to make up a wiring harness for it, hence can anyone tell me what rating the pots are and also what the capacitor is in the photo. Thanks [/quote] Pots should be 250kΩA & the capacitor is 0.047μF.
  22. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1406465888' post='2511647'] Yes... I think I'll go back and try a few...half pints, mind..!!! [/quote] Fatal mistake. Some moons ago I went to Catford beer festival on a Thursday evening. As I had an 08:00 start at work the following day I went for the 'sticking to halves' bit. Got in & felt as rough as a badger's rough bits - which made no sense as I'd 'been sensible'. All was explained when I tallied up what I'd drunk - 5 1/2 pints in 1 1/2 hrs.
  23. [quote name='Fisheth' timestamp='1406333775' post='2510797'] Can someone close this thread please? [/quote] We need pictures & soundclips
  24. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1406287683' post='2510161']That is the Bloodaxe of your moniker and I claim my five pounds.[/quote] I suppose it is, but the moniker dates back to BassWorld days whereas the ZZB was bought in a fit of mid-life-crisis madness in 2007. Self-fulfilling prophecy perhaps? [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1406287806' post='2510162']Probably not that helpful, but have you tried shortening your strap and having your bass a bit higher up? The 'correct' height is supposedly the same sitting down as standing up. Not very rock 'n' roll though, I'll admit.[/quote] This is a tactic that is oft stated, but one that I strongly disagree with. I cannot play sat down for longer than 10 minutes or so as my right wrist is forced into a really uncomfortable angle. We're all nailed together differently & there's no 'one strap fits all' solution - straight wrists is the target IMO, however that's achieved. OP - if there's any way that you can 'dress to the left' as it were, you'd probably find that your options were much wider - might be worth having a discussion with your doctor. That said, I find that the Explorer tends to migrate to the right of its own accord somewhat. P.
  25. [quote][i]You: attitude, ability, likable. Strong backing/harmony vocals a must. Ability to learn quickly and play at an expert level. Late 20s to early 40s only, please.[/i][/quote] That age range could actually restrict their choices, as it's arguably the core age range for raising a family. If I were in that position, that'd be a killer as there would be no way that I could "[i]be available for all shows including holidays and some weekdays.[/i]" Raise the bar to 45+ & the availability issue is likely to be less of a problem. [quote][i]Us: modern pop, rock and country cover band. We play complex, interesting, fun, upbeat party rock songs with both male and female leads. [/i][/quote] Present tense. So are they already an active outfit? What do they mean by 'complex'? If I were thinking of applying, some sort of sample set list would be an aid here as I have a very low tolerance threshold for Country. Video link would be good. Male & Female leads throws up the **possible** red flag of a Husband & Wife band. [quote][i]Connections to all major festivals and venues. Playing as many as 20 gigs in spring/summer and at least once a month during fall/winter. Corporate sponsorship.[/i][/quote] Connections, eh? Heard that one before. Examples? "Corporate Sponsorship" ...Meaning what exactly? Free coffee at Joe's Diner or a tie-in with a professional event organiser? If the latter does that imply some kind of pay guarantee? Gig expectancy seems decent, but doesn't square with this: [quote][i][i]*** THIS PROJECT WILL LAUNCH IN FALL 2014 ***[/i][/i][/quote] Any gigs already booked? With all this 'Corporate Backing' & these 'Connections' you'd think that there'd be some kind of carrot to dangle. Nothing gets a band gig-ready like having a gig to be ready for. [quote][i]Only bass guitarists with video samples will be considered.[/i][/quote] Fair enough, it allows for a quick decision on ability, stagecraft etc., but it's a two-way street - I'll show you mine if you show me yours. I doubt I'd apply for it. Apart from the fact that I fail on three of their basic criteria (I don't sing, wouldn't call myself a 'quick' learner & I'm well to the north of their age expectations), there's a strong hint of 'dreamer' floating over the rest of it. That or it's one of those pay-to-play 'management' companies that's looking [s]for some new suckers[/s] to expand its A&R portfolio. If I did meet their criteria, I'd be asking some very probing questions. P.
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