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Everything posted by Bloodaxe

  1. [quote name='3V17C' post='8861' date='May 29 2007, 10:21 PM']and also alot of the bass playing on Kat Bush's albums over the years - particularly the red shoes album. peace c[/quote] Could well be John Giblin, also played for Brand X alongside Percy Jones. Pete.
  2. Hmmmm.... It looks a bit grey/brown in the photo, which makes me suspect it [i]might[/i] be elm.
  3. [quote name='beerdragon' post='7130' date='May 26 2007, 02:29 PM']I always liked the sound Greg lake had, (ELP. King crimson etc.) no mean player either.[/quote] Jazz with a pick, later went on to a Gibson Grabber or Ripper at which point his sound went completely to pants IMO - somewehere around the Works stuff. 21st Century Schizoid Man is one helluva challenge - cracking stuff!. Pete.
  4. Possibly able to drop in, will have to see if I can blag a lift off a mate in Didcot. If it works out, I'll bring the TSB-400 with whammy bar & he'll probably drag down his Dan Armstrong Plexi monstrosity. Pete.
  5. Bloodaxe


    What's the future like? Any good?
  6. Programming it isn't that hard if you're used to wee clicky MIDI button things. I haven't quite got my head around the PC Editor app that they give away for it, but it does seem to work. My main gripe is that the programs are not organised into banks of 10, just one long list from 1-99. With my present floor controller (8-way Rolls MP80) this makes life difficult. That all said, how much practical use 100-amps-in-a-box are on stage is another question, I've a strong suspicion I'll settle on 1-3 variations & leave it at that. Tonally it's hard to judge at the moment until I can wind it right up - should know more in a month or so. Pete.
  7. This'll be mine, then... 3' 6" of carpety goodness. Haven't had a chance to try it at full tilt yet as I'm afflicted by neighbours, but initial trials seem very encouraging. Pete.
  8. And he could sing.
  9. Used to swear by Ernie Ball Hybrids, but took a punt before Christmas on a three-pack of Hartke nickle plated 45-105's off the 'bay & have never looked back. Various sellers, but there's usually someone flogging them for about £18 inc postage - 6 quid a set? Yes Please. Pete.
  10. Definitely Other... 1981 Aria TSB-400, 1984 RSB Deluxe-5
  11. Whilst we're on the topic of Thunders, The Bass Gallery in Camden has a 1A in the window at the moment. I asked on Saturday how much & was told Er... dunno, it's not on the system... probably about £100. Their number... 020 7267 5458 They also had a mint Aria SB-1000 in Dark Oak for the princely sum of £850 - ouch!
  12. Pre-gig bumpage... Doors open at 7:30. £13.50 advance, £15 on the door. If anyone's up for it I'll be in the Pillars of Hercules in Greek Street until about 8:00 - 8:30 Pete.
  13. They've got a reputation as good solid workmanlike basses. Personally I'd think £150 is pretty close to its value as it is. Alternatively.... [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=011&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&viewitem=&item=320112800763&rd=1&rd=1"]Aria SB-700[/url]. This is the passive version of the SB-1000. One to watch. Pete
  14. Excellent stuff, the translations are pure gems! I was intrigued by "Stealth Plug - There Is A Stock", but it won't seem to load. Duly bookmarked.
  15. Those were the days... [i]Everywhere[/i] seemed t have a second-hand shop piled high with manky old tut - Selmers, Wems, Sound S*ittys, Copicats (some of which actually worked) etc. etc. for peanuts. Oh for a time machine & a grand.
  16. The SB-1000 reissue is a tad pricey though, £1200 at Denmark Street prices. On the 'bay at the moment is this [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Rare-1980s-Aria-SB-900-Electric-Bass-Guitar-JAPAN-SB_W0QQitemZ120119511131QQihZ002QQcategoryZ4713QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]SB-900[/url] with a BIN of £450. Same as an SB-1000 but with two pickups. Pete.
  17. Bloodaxe


    All Sorted! Just when I'd got used to the brownness of BT, someone's turned the lights on. Massive Kudos to all who've been bothered to do all this. Pete.
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