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Everything posted by BigBeatNut

  1. Was having great fun with this little setup the other night. Envelope Filters have always been a problem for me, my preferred string for normal use (an old set of flats) doesn't have a broad enough frequency spectrum for a filter to bite on, and I've gone through a few filters trying to find one that will do the job. Last night I discovered a pedal I've had for a few years appears to be perfect for the job: The SYB-3 (on program 10). Always used it on the synth settings before. It seems to have enough tweakabilty of the right sort to get something out of my strings. The only other thing that comes close that I've found is the Proton. Tried a meat wad and couldn't get on with it at all, couldn't find suitable settings on the Enigma Q-balls, the AW-3 is really not tweakable for Q at all, and the Bassballs (okay, not really an env filter) is either too subtle, with fuzz off, or with fuzz on, just delivers that unique bass-balls sound and nothing else. I can't believe I've found the most tweakable EF in this multi-purpose, non-boutique, pedal. Oh, and the AW-3 is a lot of fun with the expression pedal tweaked for 'Humaniser' sounds 'O' -> 'I'
  2. Errrm ... are they not available yet ? Quick searches on eBay and Google Shopping revealed nothing.
  3. [quote name='phagor' timestamp='1364764784' post='2030716'] It lives! Zoom MS-60B Multistomp for Bass Patch 1 to 10 Test [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7rXx84fO8M[/media] See the user's other videos for patches 11-20 and 21-30 Zoom MS-60B vs Sansamp Bass Driver [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1820_IXnxg[/media] [/quote] I don't know how I missed this news ... looks like an awesome pedal.
  4. Here's the Lakie HB in a band context for anyone interested. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNndzya6ZYg&list=PL162E4E77310C4785[/media]
  5. Came across old videos of me playing this recently ... made me very nearly want to buy it back
  6. The SFX B[sup]3[/sup] is a great warm-up or fatten-up tool for me. From 12:00 back to 7:00 the tone control is a treble roll-off, somewhat like a passive tone on a bass. From 12:00 to 5:00 it progressively lifts the treble a little and cuts the bass a little ... I don't use this much. The EQ curves on the sfxsound demonstrate that well and some people on seeing those curves have drawn comparisions with a Big Muff tone control. The scoop switch scoops the mids at about 800 - 850 Hz. Works great for me
  7. Was having great fun with this little setup last night. Envelope Filters have always been a problem for me, my preferred string for normal use (an old set of flats) doesn't have a broad enough frequency spectrum for a filter to bite on, and I've gone through a few filters trying to find one that will do the job. Last night I discovered a pedal I've had for a few years appears to be perfect for the job: The SYB-3 (on program 10). Always used it on the synth settings before. It seems to have enough tweakabilty of the right sort to get something out of my strings. The only other thing that comes close that I've found is the Proton. Tried a meat wad and couldn't get on with it at all, couldn't find suitable settings on the Enigma Q-balls, the AW-3 is really not tweakable for Q at all, and the Bassballs (okay, not really an env filter) is either too subtle, with fuzz off, or with fuzz on, just delivers that unique bass-balls sound and nothing else. I can't believe I've found the most tweakable EF in this multi-purpose, non-boutique, pedal. Oh, and the AW-3 is a lot of fun with the expression pedal tweaked for 'Humaniser' sounds 'O' -> 'I'
  8. [color=#282828][b]Who's bringing what list[/b] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]EBS HD350+ EBS cab -The Greek[/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Roscoe Century 3005/ Overwater J4 - The Greek[/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Markbass Mini CMD121P & NY121 cab - Lozz196[/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Some form of Precision - Lozz196 (very predictable there)[/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Ebay double neck kit finished - irvined[/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Alpher Custom Bass - StephenYork[/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]70s Fenders, Status S2s - Fat Rich[/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Ibanez GSR-180 (modded), Line 6 combo, pedals and myself[/font][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] - Bottle[/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Heavily modified Fleabass (if ready by then!) - Aende[/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Warwick Fortress Masterman - Aende[/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]500W Ashdown + 2 x 210 Eminence loaded cabs - Aende[/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]3 Year old daughter and possibly a Border Collie - Aende[/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]MIM Fender Presicion - seashell[/font][/color] [color=#282828]1983 USA Fender Jazz / Line 6 POD X3 LIVE if anyone's interested - xilddx[/color] 1980 Aria SB-1000F + Ibanez Promethean 5110 - Bloodaxe. A selection of tiny pedals and a bass or two from [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/200857-my-little-lot-iv/"]this lot[/url] - bigbeatnut
  9. [quote name='bobbass4k' timestamp='1365193463' post='2036713'] Not sure where Ryan gets these LED's. [/quote] Looks like you could do with some lightdims ... [url="http://www.lightdims.com/"]http://www.lightdims.com/[/url] ... I only needed one ... couldn't adjust the settings on my EWS BMC without something like that, the LED blinded me.
  10. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1364506112' post='2027550'] I've replaced my patch leads with the Diago Patchfactory kit (smallest plugs ever, they're only 11mm!), [/quote] They look pretty cool, but they're not the lowest profile, my Hosa pancake jacks are 7mm high. Or was it diameter you were talking about ?
  11. [quote name='cd_david' timestamp='1364567530' post='2028276'] My latest: Unknown alder body, Status unlined graphite neck 70s vintage fender tuners, fender high mass bridge and EMG pickups. Truly the best Fretless I've ever heard or played, it's got mmmwwwaaaah but a huge bottom end and super clear. Excuse the phone pics. [/quote] Complete class. Black is where it's at
  12. [quote name='Ancient Mariner' timestamp='1364418057' post='2026317'] I'm sure all the mooer units were genuine. [/quote] I'm sure they are, too Genuine in the sense that they came from exactly the same source as every other Mooer pedal. Call me cynical, but the announcement looks to me like a bunch of fibbing and scaremongering in order to try and keep us away from the cut-price outlets.
  13. Anyone else seen this ? [url="http://www.mooeraudio.com/en/news_show.asp?MsgID=48"]Mooer Urgent Announcement 14th March[/url] If I'm reading that right, they're claiming that Mooers sold through W'T'F and Marcmart were fakes (okay, 'not genuine', that's close to 'fake' isn't it ?) I've got to say I find that scarcely credible. Would anybody go to the bother of make a fake copy of something that's already a copy of something else ? I suppose it's possible that there's a factory that supplies mooer that's also supplied other outlets (W'T'F, Marcmart) direct, but it's a stretch to call those products 'not genuine' (to my mind) if that is what's happened.
  14. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1358696253' post='1943484'] I tried out the black distortion pedal the other day. Quite nice, but did remove a fair chunk of low frequencies, plus adding a lot of mids as well. Ideal for guitar solos, but not so much as a bass drive - which I`m sure it wasn`t made for anyway. [/quote] Which one was that ? The Black Secret ?
  15. Count me in Is it too early to start the list of what everyone is bringing ? Any special requests to bring anything from 'my little lot' ? (see sig).
  16. [quote name='Westie9' timestamp='1363419513' post='2012440'] Is there such a box type thing on the market which acts as an 'Instrument In' jack next to an 'Out' jack? [/quote] Google for 'brightonion'. They build a wide variety of utility (non-effect) pedals. UK based.
  17. [quote name='deepbass5' timestamp='1362559636' post='2001177'] Now you tell me Though i was gonna change the world of bass playing as we know it [/quote] On the bright side, there's a thread on talkbass where at least one guy talks about how to get better tracking out of it. AFAICR this involves feeding it the simplest signal possible, boost the bass, remove the treble, can't remember any more.
  18. That's a beautiful bass .... please somebody save it from getting a fret job. There just aren't enough unlined fretlesses in the world.
  19. [quote name='bassmanady' timestamp='1362342588' post='1998725'] Yeah stop posting..reminds me of the one i sold [/quote] Hmmm ... we do [url="http://basschat.co.uk/user/3144-bassmanady/"]have similar tastes in basses[/url] .
  20. [quote name='BigBeatNut' timestamp='1361821019' post='1991521'] Have you got the Pure Octave already and if so how do you find it ? I pretty much ruled it out for my tiny board, because of the warbley demos I heard (plus more reports of same). [/quote] [quote name='LiamPodmore' timestamp='1361822023' post='1991554'] I haven't yet, but i plan on getting one to give it a go. Though i'm not entirely sure whether it's even worth getting an octave at all yet. Liam [/quote] I tried both the Pure Octave and the Pitch Box at the London Bass Show. The listening environment was a little challenging, but they sounded much more warbley in person than they did in the demo videos. I'd suggest trying one out before buying if you can.
  21. [quote name='voxpop' timestamp='1362303433' post='1998046'] I hate this 'buyer pays fees' selling technique. It is the responsibility of the seller to pay the fees not the buyer. I simply refuse to buy from sellers who insist on adding extra fees to their sales. [/quote] I don't see the problem. That's based on the assumption I think what he's saying is, he will accept your choice of payment provider, provided it doesn't cost him extra (he says 'I will accept paypal', I'd guess that mean he'll accept other things too). If he was only offering paypal, and price was inclusive of fees, I think he would most likely bump up the prices by whatever the paypal fees were. (That's what I would do). Net cost to the buyer, exactly the same.
  22. [quote name='Merton' timestamp='1362239893' post='1997436'] Trade for what...? [/quote] Something like a 5-string P ... P/MM pickup config would be ideal, simple P or P/J could work for me too. EDIT: I think it would probably need to be P/MM to persuade me to trade that Eclipse now.
  23. [quote name='Merton' timestamp='1362175998' post='1996946'] Stop posting pics of that utterly stunning Eclipse please!!! [/quote] I took that photo with the intention of posting it for trade ... but having played with it again I'm not sure I want to do that. [quote name='BassBus' timestamp='1362180936' post='1997005'] The S1 looks pretty special too. [/quote] Yeah, that's special ... that's a keeper for sure.
  24. My Eclipse Ltd and S1 Classic. I don't think I've ever posted decent full pic of these.
  25. [quote name='marcus bell' timestamp='1361968511' post='1993718'] The black Lakland <3 [/quote] That's my favourite, sound and looks. Only disappointed in that I couldn't easily lay hands on an unlined 55-02 or 55-94.
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