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Everything posted by BigBeatNut

  1. [quote name='Bassulike66' timestamp='1321545174' post='1440484'] What's the string spacing on this? [/quote] In the absence of a definitive measurement for this bass, I'm pretty sure that Sandberg JM5's and PM5's are 19mm .
  2. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1321532806' post='1440210'] They've taken the images down but here are a couple .. I think the blonde one is gorgeous [/quote] That's getting pretty close to an ACG Recurve ...
  3. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1321388490' post='1438656'] I had a five string once and although navigation of the fretboard became less of a problem after some homework, I was never able to fully adapt my slapping style to cater for the narrower spacings and extra fretboard width. [/quote] Shoulda got a 5 with 'proper' string spacing e.g. Lakland at 19mm (bridge) versus MM (17mm I think ?). Won't help with the 'extra width' thing though. (if that's not going even further off-topic)
  4. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1321374107' post='1438396'] * Apologies to French speaking folks, my usual Alt+0234 method is not producing an e circumflex here. [/quote] ê I'd forgotten about that stuff, but it appears if you do ALT+0234 [b]in notepad[/b] then copy and paste in here, it works.
  5. [quote name='PURPOLARIS' timestamp='1321208119' post='1436496'] I tend to stay away from open strings as much as possible as I prefer to fret the note which gives me more control over it. [/quote] Ditto.
  6. [quote name='cetera' timestamp='1289220981' post='1016279'] I'll be at Shepherds Bush Empire on Friday! [/quote] Nooooo ... missed it ! I was walking into Sheperd's Bush tube about the time I should have been walking into the Empire. I need to find a better source of gig info, obviously. Favourite track is "I want you to want me". That's off live at the Budokan I think ... I'm pretty sure the 45 I have is live anyway. BTW anyone seen this ? I like it almost as much as the original (for very different reasons). [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPNhnIwT920[/media] Andy
  7. [quote name='deepbass5' timestamp='1321185613' post='1436147'] Some interesting things coming out of this topic, The old 5 string debate, one reason I eventually went down the 5 route was all those 80 -90's disco songs below E and playing notes up an octave just didn't do the song justice, the other thing a 5 string gives you is even more flexibility changing keys and avoiding open strings. [/quote] I don't do disco but agree totally on 5ers being beneficial for key changes and less worries about patterns involving open strings. Eb on a 5er is not a problem. [quote name='deepbass5' timestamp='1321185613' post='1436147'] I guess the main point coming out here is we don't like playing out of our comfort zone. As said above we probably are best placed to change keys with least mental work than on other instruments. [/quote] Particularly on a 5er, yeah Andy
  8. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1321181839' post='1436079'] The Hot Hand wireless adaptor is the glowy ring thing that the bassist is wearing on his right hand. Can't really hear what he's doing with it (if anything) though... [/quote] Just listening to the sounds: There's only one sound happening at that time besides the drums yet the bassist is doing all the handwaving and the guitarist is working the 'blackberry' ... so you'd think it was the bassist manipulating the guitarists sounds. OTOH it appears to be the bassists pedalboard that has the soundblox pedal / hot hand plugin (check vid at 1:47) and I can't see anything similar on the guitarists board so who knows ? Andy
  9. Just checked my 'fretless' search again (for sale forum) and discovered some recent updates (under a month old) as late as page 21 (out of 31) mixed in with updates from 2009/2010 on the same page. That sounds like it's consistent with Sphinx indexes being out-of-date with the main database, possibly related to the cron settings we were looking at yesterday. Any chance of giving Ben a prod ? Andy
  10. For the record ... problem is still there. I'm working round it.
  11. Looks highly likely the most recent patch has fixed this ... I'll keep an eye on it.
  12. Hearing there was a patch applied recently, I checked to see if this was fixed. Unfortunately not ... bug is still there ...
  13. Looks hopeful that this one has been fixed ... I'll keep an eye on it.
  14. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1319977210' post='1420673'] Correct. The auction description says something about strange tuning, that'll be because the principle of having the 12th fret halfway along the string is one that has eluded the Butcher of the Bass. [/quote] That's a bizarre advert ... from the text it's clear he knows someone has ****ed up while putting that together, but most of the advert is spent extolling it's virtues as a custom. Hope nobody is daft enough to bid.
  15. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1319895104' post='1419831'] More New Orleans funk.... [/quote] Wow ... thanks for reminding me just how good Jon Cleary's band is. Definitely worth catching next time they're in the UK. Andy
  16. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1319845096' post='1419403'] Seen on That Ebay: [/quote] Maybe I'm interpreting the the perspective wrong, but it looks to me like that won't intonate correctly. (In addition to not being pleasant to look at) Andy
  17. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1319669488' post='1417211'] Here you go: [/quote] I enjoyed that . Didn't know the number but the twin guitar solo near the end was a bit of a giveaway as to the original band.
  18. That's good to hear (the fix I mean) ... thank you.
  19. Hi, Search results ordering is broken. I search for fretless in 'For Sale:Basses'. 1st page of results includes recent threads, at the top marked as not read, followed by older posts up to about 1 month old, marked as read. 2nd page of results includes recent threads, at the top marked as not read, followed by older posts up to about 3 months old, marked as read. 3rd page .... you get the picture, the pattern repeats on every page of results. If I'm sorting by date of last thread update, ALL the recent results should come first, all the results on the second page should be older than the first, etc, etc. This is a horrible bug. It's a schoolboy error, in web-programming terms. How much did you pay the people who provided this software, it really is atrocious that they let this through. The rant is, if you can't tell, really directed at the providers of the software, not the volunteers who run basschat. Andy
  20. [quote name='muttley' timestamp='1318778237' post='1406072'] The Ibanez Affirma looks OK to me. The EDA 900, OTOH, doesn't. I think it's down to the lower horn that seems to have grown all blobby. [/quote] Hmmm ... let's A/B those two ... [quote name='megallica' timestamp='1318598375' post='1404165'] The Ibanez EDA 900 [/quote] ... to my eyes the Affirma is marginally less ugly, but still ugly.
  21. Ooh look what I just found
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