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Everything posted by BigBeatNut

  1. [quote name='EdwardHimself' timestamp='1318763198' post='1405819'] TBF i think it would be fine without that bridge. [/quote] TBF the "bridge", as it is, dominates the whole bass
  2. Mine's a markbass CMD112P so considerably less than that ... sounds ideal.
  3. [quote name='lemmywinks' timestamp='1318603772' post='1404260'] The Giraffe stands are ok, not bad for small rigs. You can get them to sit level too so they can be used for seperate heads and cabs. If i were putting more weight than my current rig on it then i'd want something with the locking system at both sides though. [/quote] So what's the weight of your current rig ?
  4. That does look pretty close ... better than I could find. Thanks
  5. This thread just demonstrates how subjective the subject is. There's some truly h-uggly basses here we all agree on and some that severely divide opinion. I love the warwick dolphin, infinity and starbass, but dislike nearly everything else they make ... the headstock detracts even from the ones I like. Couple of pet hates that are probably uniquely me. I mean ... what were they thinking of with that top horn ? And this ... I mean ... the body shape isn't even beginning to happen. If anyone is inclined to take offence ... please don't. I'll happily post pics of basses I love and/or own for you to take the p*** out of. Andy
  6. [quote name='Delberthot' timestamp='1318595088' post='1404108'] My new Gallien Krueger MB210 2x10" combo [/quote] Nice ... what brand/model is that stand ? I could put one of those to good use, if it collapses for transport (and it looks like it does). Andy
  7. [quote name='bfirsh' timestamp='1318369611' post='1401385'] Postgres is fantastic and would solve most of our problems, but unfortunately IPB doesn't support it. [/quote] Hold on ... so IPB sells a forum solution that effectively nobbles performance ? Time to start putting the pressure on to support it maybe ? You've probably thought of this (I'm sure you have) but what about open source solutions, either for support of Postgres with IPB or (probably too late) for forum software ?. If an open source (postgres) forum solution exists you could use that to apply leverage to IPB maybe ("fix it or we walk") ? Again, you sound like someone who's already thought through this kind of stuff, so apologies if so. Andy
  8. [quote name='BigBeatNut' timestamp='1316461141' post='1378382'] Is anyone looking at this please, it's a bit bonkers. '[url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=user_activity&mid=220"]My Content[/url]' is [i]mostly[/i] ordered nicely by date, until it gets to the last page , then there's a whoopsy (technical term). I've circled the misplaced item in red in these snapshots of the end of page 2 and the beginning of page 3 (my last page). This is obviously a bit annnoying as one of the most recently updated threads is on the very last page, out of sequence. Could somebody take a look please ? Thanks, Andy [attachment=89774:basschat_content_end_page_2.gif] [attachment=89775:basschat_content_beg_page_3.gif] [/quote] I'm still getting this same problem ... the last page has some of the most recent threads. I thought there was a fix for this ? Any news on that ? Andy
  9. Great ideas there. Thanks.
  10. A good selection there, thanks all. [quote name='Ian Savage' timestamp='1318418050' post='1401794'] ... and partysounds WAS but I don't know if it's still going. [/quote] Sounds like it's a one-man show and he was out of action for a while for health reasons. See bottom of the page [url="http://www.partysounds.co.uk/blog.php"]here[/url].
  11. [quote name='Ian Savage' timestamp='1318418050' post='1401794'] Bandmix and Forming Bands are alright, .... [/quote] Those two are just what I was hoping for ... forming bands in particular looks spot on. Thanks
  12. I thinking of starting to look for another band to play with. Any recommendations for sites for networking with other musicians or finding "bass-player wanted" ads etc, etc ? Another option would be a site where I could show my music tastes, and my musical 'CV' (hah!) and just wait for the call I'm sure I've come across such a thing before but I didn't bookmark it and I've no idea if it was the best one anyway. BTW ... I'm discounting myspace, which I used to regard as a musicians networking site, but myspace seems a bit dead these days. Also, I've already put something onto 'Bass players wanted/available' on this site. (Apologies if this is asked frequently, I find it hard to put the idea into a few words and so it's hard to do a search for it) Thanks, Andy
  13. [quote name='Hamster' timestamp='1318288602' post='1400236'] I'll pass on your comments to our tech man, but it will take a back seat while he's trying to figure out why some members have virtually full speed/glitch free forum access and others are really struggling to even post or open a forum. [/quote] Fair enough.
  14. Is someone looking at this ? It hasn't had a reply from a fixer-type-person yet.
  15. Well, so long as I remember it's broken, no great problem I suppose ... I can find the right info (or better info at least) in other places.
  16. [quote name='Bobby K' timestamp='1317735396' post='1393870'] Ok, so I had a good go on a nice unlined fretless last night..... Turns out you all had a point [/quote] Glad to hear that. A lined fretless sometimes works out expensive in fingerboard maintenance too (I've had two where the lines expanded differently to the main board, resulting in bumps that needed fixing), so I'm sure you're doing the right thing. Andy
  17. Looking for like-minded people to make music with - apologies for the vague genres in the title ... more clarification to come. Primarily, I want to make music for music's sake. I'm long past the point where I think I'm going to 'make it' and since I don't have the constraint of having to make a living from music, that gives me the option of looking for opportunities to make music that I'm really passionate about. And I do get a kick from playing to an audience that enjoys what I'm doing. So, if you're still reading, it's probably easiest to define what I like by reference to a few example CDs [url="http://www.amazon.com/Funkify-Your-Life-Anthology-Meters/dp/B0000033GN"]The Meters[/url] (partic Cissy Strut), [url="http://www.amazon.com/Modern-Funk-Various-Artists/dp/B000V8M5GS"]Modern Funk[/url], [url="http://www.amazon.com/What-Happened-Television-Greyboy-Allstars/dp/B000O590C0"]Greyboy Allstars[/url] (particularly 'still waiting'), [url="http://www.amazon.com/Vintage-Reserve-Galactic/dp/B002HMHSH2"]Galactic[/url] (partic 'Century CIty' and a large part of 'Ya-ka-may'), [url="http://www.amazon.com/Go-John-Scofield/dp/B0000069NM"]John Scofield[/url] (partic 'Chank'), [url="http://www.amazon.com/Killion-Floor-Orgone/dp/B000VDDBJS"]Orgone[/url] (start with 'Funky Nassau'), [url="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000V638GQ/ref=dm_mu_dp_trk3"]Jonny Lang's 'I am'[/url], [url="http://www.amazon.com/Handful-Blues-Robben-Ford-Blue/dp/B000003N5R"]Robben Ford's 'Good Thing'[/url], [url="http://www.amazon.com/Electric-Funk-Jimmy-Mcgriff/dp/B000005HDD"]Jimmy McGriff[/url] (Spear For Moondog part 2), [url="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00123LM6U/ref=dm_mu_dp_trk7"]Cold Blood's 'When I'm Kissing My Love'[/url], and any number of [url="http://www.amazon.com/Worlds-Rarest-Funk-45s-2/dp/B000PITY7W"]retro-funk[/url] [url="http://www.amazon.com/Texas-Funk/dp/B00007DNFL"]collections[/url]. That's probably enough to give you a flavour ... if you like, forget the particular artists and see if that sounds like your kind of music ... I'm not hung up on whether you know those artists, just if it's the same kind of music that makes both you and I go 'Oh Yeah !' Look forward to hearing from someone Andy
  18. [quote name='Fitz666' timestamp='1317897307' post='1395835'] Loving the revamped site. 1 question though, where it the "Mark Forum Read" button? I cant find it.... [/quote] Right at the very, very bottom of the page ... "Mark Community Read" (does it for the whole of Basschat) Andy
  19. Is anyone looking at this one ? (It didn't get a reply.) For clarity this is a problem with 'View New Content' with 'Topics I participated in' and 'Past Year' selected. Thanks, Andy
  20. This looks like it's fixed right now (though I've said that before, and the bug came back). Was the new version 3.2.3 installed by any chance ? Andy
  21. [quote name='FenderJazz' timestamp='1317339711' post='1389781'] I was looking for some advice on knowing how good you actually are at bass. [/quote] That's lacking some context ... you can't really answer it until we also know the answer to "good enough for what ?" If all you want to do is play Stevie Wonder songs and 70's funk in your bedroom it sounds like you are already good. If you want to be remembered by bassists across the world for the next 50 years, statistically speaking, it's highly likely you're not good enough And as others have said, if you want to find out if you're good enough to play with a local band, the only way to really find out is to take the first steps and find out, by auditioning for bands, advertising for bandmates, seeing if your mates play guitar/drums etc, finding out about local jams (blues jams are a great way to get started) etc. Don't forget, if you only try to do things you know you can do already, you're never going to learn new things ... you have to tread into unknown territory to progress, and that includes putting yourself into situations you've never been in before. Best of luck Andy
  22. [quote name='BigBeatNut' timestamp='1316641959' post='1380964'] When I go to 'View New Content' and the click 'Just Items I follow' the list contains lots of items I DO NOT follow, in addition to a few that I do. Screen shot below, with the few good results (2 out of 25) highlighted. Is this something you guys can fix ? (I do appreciate you're all doing this for love, not money, BTW) [/quote] Is anyone looking at this one ?
  23. [quote name='daz' timestamp='1316772107' post='1382568']yeah the Rods were pub rock badwaggon jumpers, pretty good live though by all accounts.[/quote] Very good live ... I remember a gig at the Nashville with Eddie & HR, 101ers and Danny Adler's Roogalator ... great stuff.
  24. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1317039368' post='1385728']Always good if the user amends the title to 'SOLD' though. Cheers[/quote] That gets my vote. I get irritated when edits go further than that though, e.g. title wiped out, or last price wiped out, or (worse) entire first post reduced to 'mods, please delete'. One for the wishlist: Something to prevent all of the above. Andy
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