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Everything posted by BigBeatNut

  1. [quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1404138164' post='2489617'] For those who use Youtube, there is a little cheeky program, called [url="http://www.listentoyoutube.com/"]http://www.listentoyoutube.com/[/url], which if you type into a browser, will call up the site, you then copy and paste the Youtube link of the song into it, and it will convert and download an mp3 version of it for you. : ) [/quote] You've just reminded me of http://chordify.net/ .... you give it a youtube link, and it builds a chord sheet for you. Not 100% reliable, but what it gives you saves a lot of effort over doing it all from scratch, you just have to go back over it and correct (once you've cut'n'pasted into a spreadsheet).
  2. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1404125230' post='2489439'] Check out grooveshark [/quote] I will do ... thank you.
  3. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1404124683' post='2489429'] When I was playing in my covers band I went out and bought the relevant CDs with the tracks that I needed to learn on them. I thought that if I'm going to be earning money playing the songs the least I could do is buy the CD with it on. As a plus I got to hear some other great songs that I wouldn't have done otherwise. [/quote] I understand completely where you're coming from, but, I don't think I can ask every band member to go and shell out for 14 cds (right now) or 28 cds (for a reasonably sized giggable setlist). 17 or 34 mp3 ... maybe, but I don't think I can ask, that's up to individual band members. Actually, I suppose that's one benefit of the spotify approach, if you're paying spotify then the bands are getting at least something back.
  4. Here's the thread titled "How do you share tracks with bandmates ?" -- [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/240065-how-do-you-share-tracks-with-bandmates"]http://basschat.co.u...-with-bandmates[/url] And here is 'My content' (attached) Any ideas ?
  5. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1404083626' post='2489206'] I was using SoundCloud until a couple of months ago when they stopped it from being used as a tool for internal use by bands. Thanks, SoundCloud. [/quote] How did they enforce that ? Is every track public or something ?
  6. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1404076785' post='2489138'] We used a closed group with Copy - it's similar to Dropbox but the free storage is way larger. If you set it up correctly then each band member can get really large storage and each person effectively shares their storage across the group. Eg If user A has 20Gb and user B has 40GB then there's a band total space of 60gb. In Dropbox if the total volume stored went to 30Gb then user A would have lots of problems. In Copy this is just fine and it works perfectly /) [/quote] Ooh, that looks interesting, thanks.
  7. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1404074949' post='2489108'] We're an originals band so I'd be delighted for as many people as possible to hear the songs. I send mp3s of our rehearsals and writing sessions... and I've no doubt misunderstood your question. [/quote] For clarification: (just in case anyone picks this up part way through) I was talking about sharing commercial recordings so that my band can do cover versions. I probably went a little far in playing devil's advocate over why a service provider (Dropbox or web hosting) might find reasons to prevent you sharing MP3s on the assumption that the MP3s are commercial recordings for which you don't have copyright.
  8. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1404073469' post='2489083'] They're only available to people I send links to! [/quote] And the people they forward the links to, and anyone who snoops the internet traffic containing the emails, and anyone who snoops your mailbox (like gmail). :S But you're right, if the files are not part of a website as such then any kind of automatic discovery and mass re-use is unlikely. Thanks. [quote name='r16ktx' timestamp='1404073801' post='2489089'] Yes, there used to be a big hoo haa about that back in the day, my 2p is that a handful of tracks to a handful of people for the specific reason of learning the same version of a song is 'fair use' too trivial to enforce copyright on and royalties should be covered by the PRS licencing [/quote] That's a sensible point of view.
  9. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1404072387' post='2489067'] I upload mp3s to my website and email links to bandmates. They can then stream them from the site or download them to their desktops for playing. [/quote] Yeah, that's quite like the Dropbox thing I guess. I wonder if either DropBox or your (website) service provider would object to you making mp3s freely available though ? [quote name='Chaos Daveo' timestamp='1404072577' post='2489070'] Youtube [/quote] Doh, of course ... I'll see if that can fill in the gaps that spotify couldn't cover. It would be nice If I could get all the tracks in one place though, I'll see how that works out.
  10. I'm interested in how you share tracks with bandmates. Seems that Spotify gets used for this but for me it has limitations in that not every track is available on Spotify. I've just put together a playlist on spotify, but it's missing about 20% of the tracks I wanted to include. Does anyone still burn CDs for bandmates ? Audio CDs or data CDs with MP3s ? What about other services like Spotify ... online 'radio' services that are more comprehensive ? What about file-sharing services like DropBox ? Not sure about the legality of this approach even if you limit the share to 4 or 5 bandmates . Any other possibilities I've missed ?
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHrhYXZmU44
  12. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1401125386' post='2460334'] whenever I see these ridiculously sized pedals, I imagine a tiny neat little pedal board, light and easy to carry.......and a huge heavy valve rig behind it with a couple of back-up basses on stands. Is the size of ones pedal [i]really[/i] that important? [/quote] On some of the stages I play, a PT nano (which is loaded with 1590A pedals, a touch smaller than the TCs) is the biggest pedalboard I could get away with.
  13. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1398605752' post='2435648'] There's a banner at the top of the page with a discount code PRYMAXE15. If it doesn't work, use the built in chat to ask them and they will sort you out with one that does. [/quote] Are you saying there's always a 15% discount available and you just have to ask ? There's no banner right now, that's why I'm asking.
  14. Thanks. I kind of get the distinction between the 2024/5 and 1024/5 basses now .... but haven't heard much about the relative difference between the 1024/5 and the 424/5 basses ... Is there another thread I should read ?
  15. Trying to understand the differences between a BB2025 and BB425X and searches on here haven't told me a lot ... can anyone help out ? (I already own a 425X) Most particularly, I'm trying to understand the difference in value when they appear to be two strongly related basses. What I know already: X means it's got a scratch plate and front mounted controls. On the two examples I'm comparing the 2025 is 3TSB and the 425 is solid white. Apart from that, there's an awful lot that looks the same ... body shape, 5 piece neck, 4+1, tuners P+J pickups, vol/tone/pickup switch. The bridge is similar construction, bent plate, though it looks like the bridge pieces are different. So what's the deal ? I[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]s 2025 the made in a different country ? Is it just the 2025 that's hand finished ? Different woods ? [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]TIA ...[/font][/color]
  16. [quote name='BB2000' timestamp='1401198087' post='2461016'] The question has been asked many times on this forum, but a for sale thread probably isn't the best place to discuss it. [/quote] Fair enough ... I shall search
  17. Hi, can someone help me understand the difference between this and a BB425X ? Biggest difference I can see is that on the 425X the controls are in a front cavity, hence on a plate, and also with a scratch plate. My 425X is plain white finish, and this is sunburst. Apart from that, body shape, neck, pickups controls and bridge all appear to be practically identical. EDIT just noticed my 'P' pickup has pole pieces, not blades. So is this made in a different country ? Hand finished ? A vintage piece ? Different woods ? I'm interested in what accounts for the difference in value.
  18. [quote name='dudewheresmybass' timestamp='1401125742' post='2460341'] My mini board for my pub rock band. Sounded sweet in to the lh500 and mbc410, using my mp jag [/quote] Nice ! Don't you find that LED on the BMC a pain though ? I've got a [url="http://www.lightdims.com/"]light-dim[/url] on mine ... brings it back to the level of other LEDs on my board, and makes it possible to read the settings on the BMC's pots.
  19. Great little pedal. Wouldn't be without mine. Have a bump.
  20. PM'd
  21. Ronnie Earl: Idle Moments [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yaKxUr3KlXg[/media]
  22. John Barry's Iprcess file theme ... pure genius IMHO [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBCqP7R42K0[/media]
  23. Paramore: Still into you. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlEsbdJt4is[/media]
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