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Everything posted by BigBeatNut

  1. [quote name='BigRedX' post='553699' date='Jul 28 2009, 10:22 AM']Many thanks for that link. The bass is certainly closer to what I want than the other suggestions so far. Good upper fret access and a non-existent heel design - very smart! I'll be sending an email asking about one later today. However the string spacing would have to be changed for me. 13mm at the bridge is simply far too tight.[/quote] No idea if you're still looking, but that bass reminded me of another bass that was designed for Carles Benavent ... this time built by Jerzy Drozd ... [url="http://www.jerzydrozdbasses.com/barcelona.htm"]LINK[/url] Given your preference for near symmetrical, and the fact this thread was last updated 18 months ago, I suspect I'm way off target. I'd welcome any other 5-string semi suggestions too (that's not really hijacking this thread is it ? ) Andy
  2. [quote name='Delberthot' post='1082986' date='Jan 9 2011, 11:04 AM']Roto flats are perfect for me as I play right at the bridge on my Thunderbird. Seem to be about half way between TIs and Chromes.[/quote] Any idea where labellas sit on your scale ? Similar to Rotos ? (Labellas and TIs I know fairly well, not the others) Andy
  3. [quote name='Huge Hands' post='1082625' date='Jan 8 2011, 09:46 PM']I just thought it worth a mention in case something like this is your issue, rather than Labella just being bad full stop.[/quote] Appreciate that, thanks ... I might venture to buy another Labella set in that case. Andy
  4. Looks like the case was originally designed for one of these or these or these Any takers ?
  5. The case is made for Thunderbirds and the like (BC Rich Ironbird, MockBird), but I acquired it because it was a good fit for the DeArmond Starfire I had and it also worked well for a Lakland HB. I think the catalogue number is RB 20624 but I can't be certain as I can't lay my hands on the tags that came with it. If you're thinking of using the case for some semi, you might want to check the fit first ... the semis I used it with were a very snug fit. £20 plus whatever it costs me to post it (you get packing for free). Andy
  6. [quote name='TheRockinRoadie' post='1076657' date='Jan 3 2011, 07:14 PM']Today i made my 2003/4 MiM abit blacker! [/quote] Whoa ! When I first looked at that I thought it hadn't been strung but I just spotted the packet for the roto tapes in the first pic. Nice Did you need to modify the the nut for those fat strings ? I think I spy a needle file there so I'm guessing you did. Andy
  7. [quote name='Faithless' post='1045559' date='Dec 2 2010, 08:00 PM']* Active MEC J/TJ pickups * Active MEC 3-way electronics[/quote] If you don't mind, could you tell me what the electronics do ? Does it allow you two mix the 3 pickups any way you want (like, for instance, 2 blends ?) or is the double-jazz at the bridge just effectively a single pickup ? Andy
  8. OMG what a stunner. Hollow, fretless, unlined and 5 strings ... my perfect bass. Just no way I can afford it unfortunately
  9. SOLD. With some regret I might say. Lovely bass, but it just wasn't getting any use.
  10. Status [url="http://www.status-graphite.com/status/frames/index_home.html"]here[/url] . Labella's (limited choice) [url="http://www.stringbusters.com/frameset.asp?MAIN=http://www.stringbusters.com/ko-kat/BASS%20STRINGS/LA%20BELLA/"]here[/url] or [url="http://www.juststrings.com/labellaelectricbassguitarblacknylon.html"]here[/url] (make sure you're sitting down before you check the postage on a single set) If you're going for tapes you should really try and find some recordings first ... quite a different sound to rounds. Check out the conversation [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=100546&st=20"]here[/url] for more options and opinions.
  11. The owner of this bass ... [quote name='FlatEric' post='1038692' date='Nov 27 2010, 11:58 AM']Guild B301-F Even the strings are black!! [/quote] ... could obviously tell you more about the Roto's
  12. [quote name='Jacqueslemac' post='1063758' date='Dec 19 2010, 05:28 PM']I don't want to hijack the thread, but I'd like to put black strings on my Warwick. Any suggestions/recommendations?[/quote] You want strings that just look black or are you after the tapewound sound ? For black tapes you can't go wrong with Labella's ... have a set on my RA Deep 5 and they're great. Fat and vintage. Roto's black tapes are more easily available, not used them enough to characterize the sound. Status black tapes are very reasonably priced and I know they suit the Status Electro I have (fretless, piezo) ... also worked well on the more conventional pickups on my Lakland HB. A harder, less vintage, sound than the Labellas. Hope that helps. Andy
  13. [quote name='Hrodvitner' post='1050159' date='Dec 7 2010, 07:47 AM']My Lighthouse Basement "Black Beauty"[/quote] Very cool bass. I like the way there's a contrast between the pickguard and body even though they're the same colour. The builder has pulled off the same trick in white [url="http://www.lighthouse-bass.com/Lighthose_Basses_ENG/Gallery.html#34"]here[/url]. And that's a very cute amp. I want one of those despite the fact I have a more practical (for me) markbass 1x12 combo. Andy
  14. [quote name='Heartbreaker' post='1049025' date='Dec 6 2010, 09:12 AM']Have got the Cherry 55-02 up for sale, see for sale section, cheers, Rob.[/quote] Was that post responsible for the sale at 1:55 ? Andy
  15. [quote name='Heartbreaker' post='1048441' date='Dec 5 2010, 05:23 PM']My Laklands 55-02 Deluxe QMT cherry burst, maple board, very light at only 8.6 lbs [b](FOR SALE £840)[/b] 55-94 Deluxe QMT cherry burst,. ebony board 55-02 Standard Natural finish, maple board[/quote] That's a very nice 55-94 ... not a conversion from fretless by any chance ? (I'm thinking about the lack of dots, combined with ebony fingerboard). Andy
  16. Thanks for the compliments, all
  17. Note on trades: I would prefer cash, not trade. I want to fund the bass I've just bought. The chances of you having a bass I want to trade for are near to nil. I want to reduce the collection. My interest in pedals is pretty limited. A compressor might do it, provided it offers lots of control (forget two-knob ones). Also tone shapers such as MXR graphic EQ, or pedals that offer a slightly valvey warm-up, such as DHA VT1. A bass POD X3 would go down nicely as would a nicely gloopy envelope filter. Not interested in choruses, delays, distortions, flangers. phasers ... you get the picture. Please don't be offended if I say no thanks Andy
  18. Got through the PMs quicker than expected. So ... this is now [b][size=3][color="#483D8B"]back on the market.[/color][/size][/b] Get those PMs in Andy
  19. Disappointingly, two deals have fallen through. Still working through the PMs in order though, so still on hold. Andy
  20. I keep on finding more threads I can add my bass to ... I'll bet there's a fretless thread, an ebony fingerboard thread and a 5-string thread thread if I look hard enough .... Anyway, my new arrival, Lakland 55-02 fretless Andy
  21. Like the Jagauar/Panther above and the Guild fretless ... I'd consider one of those as a trade at the moment as it happens. Here's my new arrival, Lakland 55-02 fretless And the one I want to [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=112056"]sell[/url] (or perhaps trade) Andy
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