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Everything posted by BigBeatNut

  1. [quote name='blackmn90' post='939284' date='Aug 29 2010, 11:41 AM']And M & J Healey said they don't work on basses that have been bought off the internet. Although im sure if it was older and not a cheap bass im sure they would because they came highly recommended as well.[/quote] I'm staggered. I bought a very cheap and fairly beaten up bass off eBay that was badly in need of some TLC and M&J Healey provided it ... not once but twice. Maybe he thought it was worth the investment in me as a customer so I'd come back to him when I need a proper upright. Great guy, went out of his way to get me a workable bass out of what I'd purchased, and for a reasonable price. I'm surprised he couldn't help you. Andy
  2. I swap back and forth between flats, tapewounds, and D'Addario Nickel Plated Roundwound, the sets that start at 040. Those are labelled 'bright' (versus 'super bright' for the pro steels). I also avoid ultra-bright strings, so you might find those to your liking. They're light compared to flats, but not so light as to compromise the tone in the way you describe. How would you compare (or contrast) labella flats and D'Addario Chromes by the way ? I'm guessing you find them in the same ball-park as you use them both ? Andy
  3. [quote name='JimBobTTD' post='960634' date='Sep 18 2010, 06:21 PM']You say they sound and look different - do they feel different too? Have you tried a load of sets, or just a couple? I'm just trying to see whether this is an[/quote] Just a couple ... the first was strictly speaking a mis matched set anyway (jamerson B with the rest of the set starting at 043 G) but even though the Jamerson was, at .128, the right gauge for a B for that set, the sound was wrong, and the surface of the flats looked different. 2nd set was bought as a 5-string set, .128 B, and the B looked and sounded wrong in just the same was as the Jamerson B. So that's one or two sets ... depending on if you think the Jamerson B was supposed to sound different anyway. Not a big sample ... but I'm not inclined, at the moment, to spend another £40 to discover it's the same every time ... particularly if someone can recommend a 5 string set of flats that they like. Andy
  4. I like Labella flats for 4-string, but when it comes to 5-string sets, I've found the Labells B-strings inconsistent with the rest of the set (in sound and in looks too, suggesting they're manufactured differently). The B's are just lifeless, no punch. So can anyone recommend me flats like Labellas, but are known to have good 5-string sets ? Thanks, Andy
  5. [quote name='zero9' post='954746' date='Sep 13 2010, 01:53 PM']You could try www.status-graphite.com for around £25 and superb service.[/quote] How do Status flats compare to LaBellas ... in sound, and feel, I mean ? I ask because I'm not so keen on TI flats, and so far I've not had good results so far with LaBella 5 string sets, though they work well for me on 4's. Andy
  6. [quote name='Oggy' post='894854' date='Jul 14 2010, 04:48 PM']I’ve just visited the probass site, can’t believe the prices (what the.....). Wonder if they’ll ever do a 30” or 32” - hope so .[/quote] I'm hoping they start doing 5ers, 35" scale, personally .... any model with an MM at the bridge Andy
  7. [quote name='G-funk45' post='937544' date='Aug 26 2010, 09:22 PM']Can you split the bridge pick up ...[/quote] If it's a bog-standard JM, yes. [quote name='www.sandberg-guitars.de']Split Switch: the pickup split switch splits the humbucker (bridge pickup) to a single coil pickup (only neck direction coil working). Switch pushed in neck direction = split (single coil), switch pushed in bridge direction = humbucker[/quote] More [url="http://www.sandberg-guitars.de/index.php?option=com_rubberdoc&view=doc&id=15&format=raw"]HERE[/url]
  8. [quote name='Nickytwister' post='936483' date='Aug 25 2010, 09:56 PM']Well worth buying.[/quote] Definitely.
  9. [quote name='Nickytwister' post='936483' date='Aug 25 2010, 09:56 PM']Take it easy fella.[/quote] I was doing just that Just adding my limited knowledge on the subject. Sorry if the way it read caused offence. Andy
  10. [quote name='Nickytwister' post='936250' date='Aug 25 2010, 06:57 PM']Well Lakland aren't the same firm anymore - there was a bit of a change of management last year - I believe Dan Lakin's no longer involved. Most of the products are changing name; so in that respect what they make in the future will be different.[/quote] There was a lot of discussion of this one on TB (you may already know). After all the fuss died down, it seemed to me that the consensus was that Lakland would carry on being a great company (both the products, and the after-service, not that that affects us much over here). Based on the fact that the new main man (whose name I forget) has been a business associate of Dan Lakins for some time, and before that, a freind (back to early teens I think). So yeah, there will be people who will claim that the Lakin-era basses are special in the same way that pre-CBS fenders are special, but there doesn't seem much grounds for that at the moment (unless you're really particular about your bass being christened 'Bob Glaub' versus 44-64 or whatever it is now). Which leaves us with .... Yes, it's special because of the barts Andy
  11. [quote name='Nickytwister' post='935989' date='Aug 25 2010, 02:17 PM']... you can't get them like this anymore.[/quote] You mean with the barts ?
  12. Nice bass I have it's twin, but fretless. Just strung mine with Status tapewounds, and I think that's the best it's ever sounded. What brand flats did you use ? Andy
  13. I've seen a 3 knob DHA VT1 Purist Bass for sale. The middle knob is "colour". My best guess is that this is a tone control. Can someone confirm and/or explain in more detail ? Thanks, Andy
  14. Interested in the VT1. Trouble is, it's by reputation only, don't honestly know much about them beyond "warm" and "valve". So a couple of Q's: 1) What does the 'colour' knob do ? Sounds like tone-shaping, but what, treble roll-off ? 2) Does it do warm and clean(ish) ? I'm really not looking for distortion, but I've read the 2-knob VT1 does a great 'clean and valvey'. 3) I've got a feeling this needs a 12V power supply, if so, are you selling one with it ? Thanks, Andy
  15. [quote name='Lenny B' post='921079' date='Aug 10 2010, 10:42 PM']There's a guy in one of the workshops above Music Ground in Denmark St who I think does pedal repairs - [url="http://www.timmartenrepairs.co.uk/contact/"]http://www.timmartenrepairs.co.uk/contact/[/url][/quote] That sounds good ... [quote]Modifying and repair of guitar effects pedals[/quote] ... I'll give him call. Thanks.
  16. Right. Amp repairers do not like to repair pedals it seems. So, can anyone recommend a pedal repairer in London ? Andy
  17. Hmm ... guess I'd better pick an amp repairer from the list, then.
  18. Was just playing through my sansamp BDDI when it sputtered for a bit, then died. LED is on, but no sound coming through. In Bypass it's fine. Tried swapping in a new battery, and running it off the power adapter, no difference. LED always indicates on or bypass (new battery, old battery, on mains power) but no sound when on. The sound just before it died was something like what I've been told is the sound of a capacitor breaking down. Any recommandations ? For London repairers ? Or anything I can do myself ? Andy
  19. [quote name='molan' post='918405' date='Aug 7 2010, 10:42 PM']Looks like it's hardly ever been played [/quote] He has a time machine ... haven't you seen that wacky looking DeLorean around his neigbourhood ?
  20. Immediate aims are merely to 'get good', not necessarily gig with it (another reason there's no reason to rush, except for bargains, of course). The DB stuff that gets me going are things like Chris Wood (MMW/John Scofield), Christian McBride (partic Philadelphia Experiment) and a couple of obscure funk things ... often stuff with lots of space and so the bass will be heard ... so I'm not about to drop into some well-defined genre (e.g. Jazz, Classical, Rockabilly) and it's difficult to define what I need in a bass. I've seen blonde, laminate basses and they look good ... but I don't know if that's going to be a compromise in sound terms compared to a fully carved.
  21. [quote name='chris_b' post='913985' date='Aug 3 2010, 03:44 PM']Hi Andy, go for the Gedo, then you can sell me your Deep 5. Yessss!![/quote] Heh heh The Deep 5 stays, no matter what. Strong contender for my most favourite BG ever. Thanks, all, for the advice. Andy
  22. [quote name='Bilbo' post='913561' date='Aug 3 2010, 10:03 AM']I am increasingly happy with the bass. As my technique settles in and I am starting to find things coming a little easier, I am finding that the bass' potential reveals itself more and more. The build quality is pretty good for the money; I am particularly happy with the end-pin and the machine heads (are they called that on a db?) but the whole thing feels robust and fit for purpose. With the new Evah strings, it sounds better and better as my hands get comfortable with the wider neck (watch that l/h thumb folks).[/quote] How did you decide on the setup that you wanted ? Were you playing an EUB or DB already ? It's one of the things that make me hesitate over buying, most particularly buying new. I'm sure that as I settle down with a new bass I'll want action changing, and of course action going up (sure to happen as I get increasingly comfortable with an upright neck) will mean a new bridge. Or an adjustable one in the first place. It's stuff like this that's making me think I should carry on with my EUB a bit (that's got a tilt neck) before taking the plunge with (say) a Gedo. Andy
  23. [quote name='fatback' post='913166' date='Aug 2 2010, 08:47 PM']Looks handsome to me [/quote] Looks pretty classy to me too
  24. Thanks ... I think it's unlikely I'll get it now. Just read Bilbo's thread on his Gedo ... good info there, I think I might just bide my time.
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