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Everything posted by BigBeatNut

  1. [quote name='Dr.Dave' post='8974' date='May 30 2007, 07:54 AM']These are terrific combo's and well done to whoever buys it.[/quote] Thanks, DD There you go ... thumbs up from two basschatters .... what are you waiting for ?
  2. [quote name='steve-norris' post='9062' date='May 30 2007, 11:17 AM']Nice collection, particularly the lakland and Starfire, if the Starfire is ever totally neglected and needs a new home drop me a line, this will be followed very quickly by a call to Fred for a set of Darkstars[/quote] I may drop a pair of Darkstars in there myself That was the plan a year or so ago, but I got side-tracked with other basses.
  3. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='8596' date='May 29 2007, 01:54 PM']Have a bump mate [/quote] Don't mind if I do. Cheers !
  4. BigBeatNut


    [quote name='steve-norris' post='8289' date='May 28 2007, 08:04 PM']On my acoustic surfcaster i used labella tape wounds which i loved, i tried a set of tru-bass tape wounds on my current charvel but hated them, the sound and the feel.[/quote] That's interesting, you and I have both found that tapewounds work well on a piezo-equipped bass, less well on a bass with mag pickups. [quote name='steve-norris' post='8289' date='May 28 2007, 08:04 PM']I would love a Lakland HB with the optional darkstars, my dream bass. Next year maybe,what a pity the new Ibanez is short scale.[/quote] I think maybe you should check the lakland website, I [i]think[/i] they'e discontinuing Darkstars as an option in favour of their own pickup line. BTW if you're missing your GK 700RB115, I happen to be selling one (Kidding, I'm sure you must have had a reason to sell).
  5. BigBeatNut


    [quote name='steve-norris' post='8124' date='May 28 2007, 03:39 PM']Well spotted, it's not mine as it was in sunburst, very nice semi's. I used to string mine with black nylon Tape-wounds for a huge upright tone very playable compared to a lot of semi acoustics , why did i sell it, why [/quote] Are they completely hollow ? And what brand tapewounds did you use ? I've found the status tapewounds to work fine for that purpose on my Status Electro, not sure they work as well on my Lakland HB. And because they're low tension, they need a lot of truss rod tweaks when you fit them. Andy
  6. I've got a nice little laney bass combo for sale. 50 watt , 12 inch speaker. The biggest downside to it is obviously the low wattage. It will probably be most useful either as a practice amp or else for very quiet gigs, e.g. very small venues or for accompanying acoustic instruments. The upsides are :- It's got lots of facilities. It's got sweepable mids, built in limiter (advisable if you're going to gig it), switchable pre-shape, EQ defeat, in addition to the expected pre/post gain, bass/mid/treble/prescence. It also has headphone output and an effects send/return. It's in very good nick and has had very little use. In the last 5 years it's hardly been touched at all (I have other amps now, and a headphone amp for practice). Prior to that it got used, oooh, as much as 3 times a year. Always used in the home, never gigged. 1 owner from new. I'm offering this up for sale at £80. I'd prefer buyer to collect (I'm in north London) but I might be persuaded to come to another arrangement. Prefer cash on collection, but PayPal might work, please ask. I've got a small [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=823"]feedback thread[/url] you may want to check. Andy
  7. Feedback from [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showuser=222"]s_u_y_*[/url] on basstalk.co.uk, dated Apr 27 2007. [quote]We managed to organise a last minute quick meeting as I was in the area and he was free. A friendly meeting and honest transaction. People like Andy makes buying on BT a pleasure. Thanks! Froilan[/quote] Quoted with permission.
  8. BigBeatNut


    [quote name='steve-norris' post='7482' date='May 27 2007, 08:37 AM']They also made a semi acoustic with a thicker body and acoustic bridge, these are even rarer and the only one i turned up on an internet search was the one i sold yeasrs ago.[/quote] I might have bought it if I'd known. Spotted one of those on the dudepit maybe a year ago ... in fact [url="http://www.vintagebass.com/thedudepit/attachment.php?attachmentid=5850&stc=1"]looking at it now[/url] I'm sure I would have bought it from you. Andy
  9. Up for sale: My Gallien Kruger 700RB 115 Combo. Here's what it looks like. More pics [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/33223270@N00/tags/700rb/"]HERE[/url]. Here a link to the [url="http://web.archive.org/web/20020811155842/www.gallien-krueger.com/PRODUCTS/COMBOS/700RB_115/700rb_115.html"]SPECS[/url] Note that mine is the 'Mark 1' or whatever. There are key spec differences from the current one: mine is 225 watts as it stands, 380 with a further 8 ohm cabinet. The amp as biamped, and the tweeter gets an additional 50W. This is a great amp, full range, very deep (and bought for that very reason) with none of the flab that you might expect from some 15's. I think I'm right in saying CrazyKiwi is a fan of these amps, certainly I chatted on bassworld with someone about how good they are, but since bassworld is now gone, unfortunately I can't find the postings to support that. Very portable, as 1x15's go, because of the wheels and tip back feature, which also means you can have it aimed up at you, monitor style. It's seen fairly light use, probably about 30 gigs over 4 years. It's almost always been transported in my car (rather than knocking around with other gear in a van). 1 owner from new. I'm selling because this is oversized for the gigs I now do, so I now have something more appropriate. Because of the size, I'd [i]prefer[/i] this to be picked up (I'm in North London), but if you have other ideas, let me know. Over the coming weeks, it seems possible I'll be travelling London to Gloucester by car, and London to Doncaster by car. If you're near one of those routes we can probably work something out. Even if you're NOT near one of those routes, please get in touch ... we could always meet halfway, maybe? Cash on pickup preferred. Paypal might be an option, please ask. I've got a small [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=823"]feedback thread[/url] you may want to check. Andy
  10. It looks like you mean the 'Essential Elements' Book/CD/DVD from [url="http://www.gollihur.com/kkbass/instruct_mat.html"]this page[/url] (it comes out at the right price) . Thanks for that. Andy
  11. Feedback for BigBeatNut goes here, including past transactions on bassworld.co.uk and basstalk.co.uk.
  12. I've posted an update to [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?p=4234293#post4234293"]the repair thread on TB[/url]. Basically M & J Healy's did a great job of fixing the bass, sufficiently to let me carry on finding out if DB suits me, without having to spend loads on repairs up front. Can't recommend Healy's enough .. really helpful and well worth the 2 hour round trip across London. Andy
  13. I bought the Lakland HB here ... well, on bassworld actually. I don't think there are that many fretless ones in the country. (Based on what I've seen on forums and on ebay). The DA Starfire is one of those made in late 90's/early 00's. Not sure if they made DA SF's in the 60's/70's so it's debatable if it's a 'reissue'
  14. [quote name='BigRedX' post='7173' date='May 26 2007, 04:01 PM']Is the Lakland HB a lined fretless or are thos just very skinny frets?[/quote] It's a lined fretless .... which was very disorientating after playing unlined for a couple of years (the dots are in the wrong place, too, compared to unlined).
  15. Can anyone recommend a teacher in London, preferably North London ? PM me or post messages here as you like. Thanks, Andy
  16. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='6562' date='May 25 2007, 03:14 PM']i was looking at one of them lakland semis on 'tinternet b4 actually, they seem nice.[/quote] It's very nice to play. It's actually completely hollow, which makes it a bit different to most basses that are described as 'semi'.
  17. BigBeatNut

    My lot

    My lot ... in approximate order of how much they get played at this moment in time. Reghin d/b, 3/4 Lakland HB Status S1 Status Eclipse Status Electro Lakland 55-94D Hohner B2AV '79 Precision DeArmond Starfire
  18. BigBeatNut


    [quote name='steve-norris' post='4518' date='May 22 2007, 04:35 PM']I like it![/quote] Is that yours ? Whoever it belongs to, I am soooo jealous ....
  19. [quote name='velvetkevorkian' post='3621' date='May 21 2007, 01:40 PM']Looking at it again, for me it all comes down to how bad the cracks are. As long as the top can be made structurally sound (and my untrained eye suggests you shouldn't have too much problem, although I have no idea of cost) then getting the soundpost and bridge in the right place is a moments work for a luthier.[/quote] My untrained eye is telling me the same thing. It's outside the line of the bassbar, which I assume is providing the structural strength, and near a free edge (the f-hole). I'm hoping the crack can simply be left alone, but I'd like a luthier to confirm it. [quote name='velvetkevorkian' post='3621' date='May 21 2007, 01:40 PM']That said, what's an extra inch and a half on top of 41"? [/quote] To someone like me who's used to 34/35 inch scale, it's exactly an inch and a half too much
  20. [quote name='daflewis' post='3469' date='May 21 2007, 10:52 AM']it looks like the top is solid wood, if that's true for the rest of the bass then it could be worth a bit more than you thought.[/quote] The top looks solid to me (you can see all the exposed grain where the edges have been scuffed). However it's a flatback, and the back appears to be several pieces of wood. The label in side says "Made in Roumania, Reghin" .... I've checked the current websites of romanian bass makers, and my bass (I think) appears to be the sort of thing that currently sells for 800 euros. Suspect with the luthier work coming up I might have been better off with a new Eastern European bass .... except mines got a lot of (cough) mojo of course Thanks for all the advice (everyone) and the luthier info in particular. Andy
  21. [quote name='velvetkevorkian' post='3505' date='May 21 2007, 11:34 AM']Nice! Regarding a tilted bridge, this is copied from Bob Gollihur's advice I got with my new bass... "As you bring it up to pitch, watch the bridge’s angle — it should be at ninety degrees, perpendicular to the top of the bass. If it’s a little off, give it a gentle “karate chop” at the top to move it to the proper position. Of course, the feet should be centered on the inside cut in the f-holes. You’ll see that the side of the bridge facing the tailpiece is vertically straight, and that’s the side that should be perpendicular to the top. Otherwise, string strain will start to warp the bridge on you." Hope it works well! edit- although looking at those cracks on TB, I'd probably get that seen to first.[/quote] Velvet: I'd be willing to try that, but for one thing, someone seems to have deliberately moved both soundpost and bridge towards the endpin by maybe an inch and a half. So I could do a couple of things 1) Follow your advice and finish up with a scale length that's an inch and a half too long 2) Figure out (with a luthier) why the bridge was moved (relieve pressure on the crack, maybe ?) and get the whole thing put right. Any way you look at it, I'm going to need a luthiers advice I think.
  22. [quote name='daflewis' post='3286' date='May 21 2007, 02:27 AM']i'm sure she's a beaut' ...welcome to the club! hard work but well worth it.[/quote] Thanks for the welcome, but I'm not sure 'beaut' is right ... looks like [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=334101"]it may need a luthiers attention[/url]. Can ayone recommend a London luthier ? Andy
  23. Okay ... I'm in the club ... here's my new toy Slighty iffy quality photo for a slightly iffy quality bass
  24. Does anyone know if the [url="http://www.bassbooks.com/shopping/shopexd.asp?id=432"]DVD 'Evolving Bassist' (Rufus Reid)[/url] is useful on it's own, or do you need to have the book too ? I'm really looking for something (Book or DVD for preference) to get me started on correct technique / posture etc, so if this isn't the right thing I'm open to suggestions. Cheers, Andy
  25. [quote name='owen' post='1444' date='May 18 2007, 02:45 PM']To the general public, anything to do with Double Bass is a 'cello of some kind![/quote] Surely not ... a real double bass is nowhere near in size to a cello ... appreciate some people might get confused over EUBs ... but double basses ?
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