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Everything posted by pendingrequests

  1. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1353866224' post='1879136'] I have invested plenty but would still expect to be told not to use my full rig for gigs where it's not required, if someone is using the wrong gear for the gig when they have other options ie their smaller amp I see no problem in telling them? [/quote] Maybe they dont have the luxury of having two rigs. And it seems they are the type of guitarists that if you told them to bring a smaller rig, they might not be best pleased.
  2. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1353869417' post='1879182'] I don't really trust music shops... I like to talk to the person actually fixing my stuff and tell them whats wrong, instead of having a third party. [/quote] Well the guys in Belfast Guitar Centre and Bairds always repair in house and Matchetts possibly. There's only 3 guys in Belfast Guitar Centre, so anytime you call in, just talk to the guy you were dealing with. Simple . I think it's Jon in there (Canadian guy) who knows a good amount of bass stuff.
  3. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1353866537' post='1879140'] FFS, had a reply written out, but it didn't send. Anyway, cheers for the info man. I'm assuming you are in some local band? Do you know of any good bass amp techs around these parts? need somebody very reliable and competent, and the closer to ballymena the better [/quote] Play in a quite few man yeh. I don't unfortunately, so if you find one tell me! The best people I would suggest is the guys at Belfast Guitar Centre or Bairds if you talk to Darren. Hard finding the right person in N.Ireland to repair your gear.
  4. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1353689756' post='1877553'] Oh dear, are you their bassist? haha. [/quote] Nope. Just very good friends.
  5. You shouldn't be pluggin straight into the interface as the tone will be horrible. If what you're saying is that your amp as a DI on it, just use it. I've been in plenty of situations where this has occurred, with DI's on a bass amp or just a standard DI via my Boss EQ pedal and the bass sounds perfectly fine. Tbh, I once recorded with a full ampeg rig that was mic'd in about 3 places it sounded horrible. DI for me personally sounds great. You could spend weeks, months even looking at how to record bass amps with mics/no mics etc. Just record, play with the DAW's EQ or bass emulators and see what you get.
  6. The suggestion that they should downsize or change their rig isn't realistically going to happen. If I spent a good amount of money and my time investing in my bass rig, then some new guy said to me, "you should change it, its too loud". I wouldn't be best pleased with this new member. Its an unfortunate situation, but the two guitarists will just have to find out the hard way (from a promoter or potential manager or other source) that they are too loud and if they want to push further, they will need to sort it.
  7. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1353634846' post='1876916'] I feel the need to apologise for them :/ Nah, as far as indie pop goes, they are alright. [/quote] I don't! They've done very well for themselves and a great bunch of lads, who worked hard to get where they are Paolo Nutini - 10/10 The Strokes - Last Night Elton John - Step Into Christmas That time of year...
  8. Not really related to anything in the bass department, but your shipping to Northern Ireland is seriously overpriced. Any other major music website does not charge extra to ship here for any products. £18.99 just to ship a cable?
  9. Been using the Alphin Musician Pro Ear Plugs for about 4 years now. On my second set as I kept losing the different filters and the ear pieces themselves stretch and eventually dont fit in your ears anymore. So glad I started wearing them. The key chain they give has especially been a blessing if I ever go to a last minute gig or club, they are always on hand. The only trouble I now have is I am starting to sing in a few bands, so wearing ears plugs is extremely difficult when trying to do a harmony. No major problems (yet!) few short bursts of a high frequency then disappears after 10-15 seconds.
  10. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1352683024' post='1866192'] That sounds wrong to me - sure the dealer isn't just tryin to flog you a new case (whilst also selling the original Fender case to someone else)? [/quote] There may be the gig bag, I'm not entirely sure, but obviously I want something abit better than that. I know the dealer very well, so I can assure you he isn't try to flog me into a new case Speaking of which, anyone recommend the Hiscox cases? Think he is ordering me this one: http://www.dv247.com/cases/hiscox-std-epb-larger-style-electric-bass-guitar-case--56184
  11. [quote name='LeftyJ' timestamp='1352660580' post='1865796'] What? A new American Fender that doesn't come with a case? [/quote] yep, its just the bare bones, which gives it a really good price for an american made fender.
  12. The Fender FSR (First Series Run) American Precision Bass. Been looking for a precision for quite a while and had my eye on the 50's series, but I tried one out and the neck just wasn't for me. The finish on this is absolutely gorgeous. For those who haven't seen one, it looks as it if has been sanded at the factory, stained then shipped straight to the shop. I've put my deposit down, so its not in my possession yet. Getting a Hiscox case ordered in first. Thinking about a black pickguard will set this thing right off! Will post a pic when I finally get my early christmas present to myself in hand
  13. I have been using their Analogue delay pedal when I use my double bass bow on my Fender Jazz for some ambient stuff in church. Works for the job and for I paid for.
  14. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1351691569' post='1854232'] I find that hard to believe. I can believe that the induction loop cabling is buried within the wall but what idiot would bury an active power amp? What happens when it fails? [/quote] Well the guy I spoke to had been working there since it was installed (almost 10 years ago from what he told me). Furthermore, I wasn't in the mood to argue with the guy since he had a wedding to cater to and if i tried to speak to someone else they would have probably said the same thing.
  15. Just an update guys, So we were back at the Hotel with the horrendous induction loop system. I asked a member of staff can we turn it off, I got a straight 'No'. Looking bemused I asked him why not and apparently when they build the Hotel, they build the power amp for the induction loop system [b]within the wall [/b] allowing no access to it. A well deserved hand clap for the designers. So we did the gig and yes feedback from both guitarists was happening at the end of every song. Horrid on stage and I am sure out front, but the couple were very happy, so I guess that's all that matters
  16. [quote name='Mottlefeeder' timestamp='1350946409' post='1845561'] Hope this helps David [/quote] Thank you very much David. Great explanation as to why my Jazz bass doesn't get affected as I do in fact keep the pickups at the same level
  17. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1350822139' post='1843794'] Are you playing through the venue's sound system? [/quote] Thanks for all the replies guys. Firstly, no we aren't using the in-house PA. We use our own. We were actually at the same hotel on Sunday for a wedding fair and once again the feedback was happening. We are back this Saturday to play a wedding, so we will look into getting in turned off, but from our last time there, getting it turned off seemed to be a problem for the staff. Either no one knew how to turn it off, it couldn't be turned off, or they didn't want us to. Very frustrating, but will try again. Plugs are few and far between where the stage is, but looking at your results that may not be an issue? Our Lead guitarist (Stage Right) switches between a Gibson Les Paul, to a Fender Strat after the first 4 songs. Going through a Fender Bassman. Rhythm (Centre) uses a Telecaster through a Vox. Solid State. We are having more problems with the Bassman. So we may experiment, with placement if we can't get it turned off. Keep the solutions and questions coming guys, very much appreciated
  18. This is something one of the function band I play in are coming across much more often these days. Basically, the guitar amps are giving out a serious amount of feedback without being put through the PA. No micing, just plugged into the nearest outlet. If the guitarists, face the front (their back to the amp) we get feedback, yet if they turn around, it stops. The bass amp is unaffected We are blaming the hear aid Induction Loop system, which I am still trying to figure out how or why this could be happening or affecting the amps. Has anyone else heard or this, or happened to them? We are getting quite a lot of bookings form one hotel, where this seems to happen the most oh and the best part: they don't know how to turn it off, or believe it cannot be turned off due to discrimination for the disabled. Is there anyway around this?
  19. A good friend of mine, who I trust, isn't gigging much anymore and wants to get rid of it for a great price. From prices I have seen online, its a pretty good deal. Anybody have one/played through one to justify paying for it?
  20. Thanks guys Feel very welcome
  21. [quote name='JamieMillsBass' timestamp='1341934557' post='1726475'] Welcome!! You play in any bands on the Belfast scene? [/quote] Thank you and thanks to all of you! Especially you local ones I play for Allie Bradley and I am doing some shows with Silhouette in August. I dep in The Russian Dolls from time to time. Great cover band usually in Filthy McNasty's.
  22. Thought I would finally introduce myself, since I'm loving this forum Playing bass for nearly 10 years now (just dawned on me how long that is!) and whilst cramming as much of it into my life, I am a Audio Assistant for the BBC, a Freelance Sound Designer for Theatre and Film and work for a media and production company called Filmtrip. Safe to say I love keeping busy My last purchase was the amazing Ampeg PF500 head and matching 15" cab. Saving for the Fender 50's precision bass in two tone sunburst. On all the usually social network sites if you wanted to extend our hello
  23. I've never seen the need for them, obviously about from a tuner and maybe a EQ pedal. I use my EQ sparingly when I plug into house gear to get as close to my sound as possible. The day I get endorsed and start touring the world, I may buy another pedal
  24. I had one for years and never suit me. I suppose the heavy weight of the neck was an issue and getting above the 15th fret was near impossible when playing live. Great sound though and would be perfect for a studio, but unless you're the guy from The Darkness, it doesn't look good without spandex
  25. Great singer! My only issue is your drummer needs to be more in the pocket
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