red rooster
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Everything posted by red rooster
flat strings and precision not sounding right.
red rooster replied to red rooster's topic in General Discussion
Hi thanks for the answers we don't really touch the amps teachers set them for us we just plug in and go sort of thing.going to try playing both basses today see which sounds better ill let my girls and wife decide then go from there.or maybe put a sett or rounds on the precision. Decision s decisions. -
Ok hi all was at bass classes last night I normally take my precision which has flat strings on it and generally it sounds ok in most songs we play .I got asked to go do a song with the youngsters a seven nation army song easy enough but it just didn't sound right timing and notes were ok but the bass just didn't seem to cut it.got home and played the same song on my active bass and the difference was unreal.now obviously I'm don't want to be lugging two basses about for different songs thinking maybe just go with the active .never noticed The difference before.
Thanks folks just going to put my head down an play ,have a sort of comp going with my daughter who can play the best lol,she definitely learns thinks a lot faster than me ,but I'm more consistent any way sure it will be fine on the day ,going by the reports I've heard of last year's concert don't think alcohol is a go idea I'm bad enough sober.
Thanks lads happy jack I'm just playing with my daughter on bass the little ones playing something else the girls are fine with it they do concerts all the time for loads of different things it's not the playing that worry me I can do the songs lol nervous maybe .
I go to lessons every week with my two girls one plays keyboards she's nine ,whilst my other daughter who's twelve plays bass with me,its a group thing where lots of dads and mums go and play different things with there kids .Well we've got a concert coming up in three weeks time an to put it blunt I'm crapping it ,I can play the songs we've to play and keep in time and when everyone's together,drums,guitar,keys,singer and bassists it sounds really good ,but I'm quite a shy type of guy really enjoy playing and learning but the thought of playing in front of others freaks me out.any tips.
What was it like for you being a bass beginner?
red rooster replied to Gomez68's topic in General Discussion
well for me it was issues with my hands im 46 and used to climb indoors and out twice a week then through work i got white finger and carpel tunnel syndrome in my hands and wrists so had to stop with the climbing ,sure i do other things ive got rifles ,shotguns and do some sea fishing ive also got two girls who are learning music so weve a few guitars a piano,an accordian and various other bits and bobs lying round the house .Ive always liked the sound of the bass and seem to be able to pick it out of whatever i listen to so basically i bought one and ive been noodling on it ever since i play id daily it goes to work with me im not keen on learning songs tabs etc i enjoy learning the notes and scales and playing about with them ive been playing the major triads for a few days now and im enjoying them just messing and playing them in different orders i also go for lessons once a week with my 12 year old daughter ,she keeps me right and the best bit my hands feel better than they have in years sure its all down to the excercises and moving them about on the bass. -
Hi chris i normally play with my thumb i think maybe the problem lies there i just tried playing it finger style and your spot on no problem with it ,thanks.
Im playing a tune where ive to play an open note on the E string then move to play 2 d notes on my a string but im having trouble stopping my e string from ringing out whilst im playing the notes on the a string and i also need to play the notes on the A string really fast.help
Was at class last night and one of the fellow students asked if i fancy going to an open mike night now bearing inmind were both beginners i really dont know if i want to or not,I can play simple 12 bar blues well kind off ,i know my notes on the neck may take a moment to find them im ok at playing major and minor triads 1,3,5 kind of thing i can play one or two tabs ,I can keep a simple rythm going but dont know if im ready for this .should i go maybe just to watch at least.
Hi im also a newbie also learning 12 bar blues ,i find breaking it down into little bits and learning them seperately helps me blues is simply a set pattern so learn the patterns then you can play the same patterns any where on the neck,a good book i found is bass guitar for dummies,Also worth looking at major triads just playing the the 1,3 and the fith note also a really easy pattern to learn and would get you jamming with your mates as long as you know the note there playing in you can play along and sound ok with just those 3 notes ,basically your root note then the third note of the scale then the fith note honestly it sounds hard but its really easy and you can play them in any order to mess things up a bit ,hope it helps .stuart
Was trying to play something the other day and it was jumping all over the neck so basically i was getting a bit lost so i found some sticky dots and numberd my frets 1 to 12 the stickers are behind the neck nobody can see then except me the difference to my speed,being able to find the notes im looking for is so much more quicker im now hitting the notes right and there sounding like the should ie not humming ,ringing etc im able to concentrate more on gettint the notes sharp getting my fingers in the right position,but lol my daughter who i take classes with (shes only 12) says im cheating and is giving me a slagging should i take them off.dots that is honestly they make a hell of a difference to my playing.cheers stuart.
Please excuse another silly question , my squire bass 60 classic precision with flatstrings gives me a sound I really like. But last night I was messing around with a traben active bass that my daughter has clamed for herself and holy cow that thing can growl seems to produce a multitude of different sounds when you adjust the nobs so I'm wondering if maybe there's a peddle switch or something I could run my squire through to produce similar sounds. Any thoughts no I'm not buying another bass. I can use the traben any time I like but I tend to take my squire out with me to work in the car etc. got a little amp and headphones at work and a vox for messing in the car.
CamdenRob thanks for that ,and thanks to everyone else who has replied honestly for a beginer to get replies like these thats great ,thanks alot im going to stivk at it learn both notes and scales.
Hi folks thanks for the replys , First off I'm happy with my teacher been going afew weeks now and I can play 2 or 3 covers ,I'm ok with tab I do find I need to break it down into small bits and learn it in my head first before I can learn it on the bass.I also do ask questions quite a bit. Not sure where I want to go with my playing don't really like just learning covers, I like playing blues runs etc think I'm more inclined to play with some mates just jamming etc so really need to know what I'd play if for instance a guitarist said we're playing in g or e or any thing just thought knowing the notes was the easiest way go least then I could just play root notes...back to the scales I learnt two yesterday can play them up ,down back to front etc my timeing can suck a bit at times. But I'm having fun what it's about .
Thanks blue I kept my opinion to my self , I'm not to bad as I know the notes on the fretboard so I can work the scales out , but a few of the people were getting quite confused .I know playing the scales and saying the notes as you play them helps. I'm lucky I work for my self so I can sit an practise at work between doing other things .
Was at bass lessons last night and our teacher was trying to teach us the major scales now I understand that you can play the scales in various ways positions etc but to me learning the notes on the neck should come first ,
Was at bass lessons last night and our teacher was trying to teach us the major scales now I understand that you can play the scales in various ways positions etc but to me learning the notes on the neck should come first ,
Thanks guys anyway I bought it , was for leaving at work playing in the car kind of thing. Me and my 12 year old daughter go to college for lessons any way got it home and my daughter fell in love with it was the usual dad can I have it . So me being a big softy says yep yours if you want it so I'm now using her old yamaha rbx for work an messing with. Lol she's like a pig in poop not put it down.
Noticed one in guitar guitar going for a good price what's peoples thoughts on them. Would be something to leave at work noodle on etc. currently got a squire 60s series one classic vibe but not keen on leaving it at work.
Any one know if guitar guitar do a price match promise.
Was sitting the other night playing some 12 bar blues when a film started on the TV well a song started playing and without any conscious effort I found my self playing along to it I never really noticed I was doing it till I looked up and found my wife and daughters stareing at me , my daughter says dad you've just played that song 'wife accused me of practising it honestly never noticed I was playing it my fingers just new where to go , is that playing by ear I do admit to being able to pick bass lines out of songs and play them in my head kind of thing. Probably sounds silly and I'll never manage to do it again. Stuart
New bass for around a grand.or keep what I've got.
red rooster replied to red rooster's topic in General Discussion
Decided to keep my squire going to follow suggestions and get a decent amp,Igot a set of ernie ball flat strings today so im going to try using them for a while should be a little easier on my fingers.thanks for all the suggestions.cheers stuart. -
New bass for around a grand.or keep what I've got.
red rooster replied to red rooster's topic in General Discussion
lol ok folks i was keeping the squire anyways ,was just thinking of something else so recomendations for a decent amp.an leads.cheers stuart. -
New bass for around a grand.or keep what I've got.
red rooster replied to red rooster's topic in General Discussion
Thanks folks to be honest that's what I thought everyone would say , so I'll keep my squire I've a practise amp so I'm ok there also no neighbours so I can practise whenever I like .not really clued up on effects and things like that. May use the money to get more lessons probably the best idea. -
Hi all not been about for a while first I slashed my left thumb and cut the tendon got that fixed, then I broke my right hand got that fixed so hands are fine again time to start playing with my bass I'm a total beginner had a few lessons and just booked a years worth of lessons at college so I'm really going to try an learn lol.Ive got a 60 s classic vibe squire I use just now but I've got around a £1000 I don't mind buying another bass with so should I just stick with my squire or buy a bass for life sort of thing it's only really blues and funk I like playing if I don't buy another bass I'll just buy other rubbish lol. Thanks Stuart.