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Leon Transaxle

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Posts posted by Leon Transaxle

  1. He's been at a Jazz now too

    Maybe I just don't get out an play enough but what aspect of bass usage would result in what appears to be damage from large chucks of gravel hitting it at a considerable speed?

  2. [quote name='BRANCINI' timestamp='1339680229' post='1692556']

    Didnt someone make Rexine ( like coloured tolex ) covered guitars and basses in the early 70s. Cant remember much about them, but they were definitely around. Bit like a smaller SG shape I think. My mate had a 2 tone one. Might be somebody on here old enough to remember them.
    They were selling these back in February but seem to be our of stock now.
    They were available in red or blue Tolex.

  3. Seems high to me BICBW.
    However I am more used to 1s and 2s.
    My Thunder 1 cost £118 new back in 1983 - not that that has any real relevance!

    Having reread you post I notice you don't specify if its a bass or a guitar. I followed a direct link from the front page and didn't realise you had posted in 'other instruments'.

    Around the time I got my bass I was playing in a band where both guitarists had Thunder 2As. These were one of the few decent yet affordable instruments you could get at the time. No Squiers in my day!

  4. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1339372890' post='1687714']
    The fact that this can exist at all is profoundly depressing, as is the fact that someone thinks anyone with half a brain cell in working order would buy it.
    But it has a bid!

    [quote name='rushbo' timestamp='1339400517' post='1687774']
    That's a hundred miles of wrong right there. And yet I feel almost compelled to bid....
    Not you is it?

  5. Not used it live through a PA but used I've used my BD21 for recording via a cheapo, definitely not gold-plated XLR cable into the line in of my USB interface with no problems. I think they mean the BD has the gold plated connectors.

    Someone who actually reads the instructions first! They are always the last resort for me.

  6. [quote name='chaypup' timestamp='1339185276' post='1685187']
    Nice looking Thunder and someone may get a bargain.

    Hey Its the active version of mine.
    Shame it has no guitar strap or I'd be all over it :P

  7. Anyone fancy a Tele bass?


    Bet that wasn't what you were expecting!

  8. I haven't even got the Bronco yet ,it went in the post yesterday, but I get the impression that Broncos, or at least some of them, are routed for a humbucker sized pick up.
    The pics I've seen on TB sort of suggest that. It looks like as long as they are no wider than a strat pick up they should fit.
    It was more the fact I'm sort of lost with the whole hot rail, cool rail sort of thing. Generally I've a firm beliver that more is more but is hotter necessarily better in a bass?

  9. Is this a bit OTT as a replacement for the stock Bronco pick up?


  10. [quote name='bigjohn' timestamp='1338648213' post='1677643']
    My 90s MiM Deluxe Series P Bass Special has a Jazz neck.

    The slightly earlier US made California Series (same parts, different factory) also has a Jazz neck, being made from the same parts ;)
    +1 for the Deluxe P bass but, if its like mine its active so migfht diverge from the P bass sound the OP was after.
    Sounds damn good to me though

  11. Cheers Henry,
    Now why didn't I think of that?
    I use a capo all the time on the guitar as my limited skills means I have to transpose and capo to work round the things I'm too rubbish to play!
    Never thought of applying it to the bass.

  12. It appears I am developing OA at the base of my left thumb which is beginning to make stretching my hand a painful experience at times so was thinking of trying out a short scale bass to see if that makes the faster bits of playing any less traumatic.
    I don't want to spend too much as its only a taster.
    The question is there's a mid 2000s Bronco with a Seymour Duncan P/U upgrade on the Bay at the moment. The price of this delivered is only about twenty quid less than a new EB0 would cost from GuitarGuitar if I got it next time I was in Brum fro a visit.
    So what to go for? I can accommodate either the mudbucker tone or the single coil into what I play. Its more a question of the quality and the whole playing experience is more important.
    I suppose with a Bronco there is option of a short scale Fenderbird project at a later date.

  13. Got one of the standard emails from Amazon today.
    They are currently selling a M-Audio Fast Track Pro with what looks like the full Pro Tools MP 9 (not the LE version) for £125.
    The Fast Track Pro with the LE version is $249.95 on the Avid web site.
    It looks like these are on clearance as MP 10 is now out. I snapped the last one another retailer had for £115 but there are still plenty in stock at this price.

    I have been using the single channel Fast Track for a while and the quality is excellent. I just find one line and one balanced input at a time a little limiting.

  14. Surprisingly little action on this


    It looks in pretty good nick. Certainly better than mine.

    Do I need another Thunder? Do I need a drive down to Barry?

  15. I was just watching one of the early episodes of Metal Evolution.
    In it Purple do a live version of Smoke on the Water.
    Anyone know what Rick Roger Glover is playing? It looks like the standard 4001/4003 type shape but has what looks like two black back sloping single coil pick-ups in a similar position to where neck and mid are on a strat (if that makes sense).

  16. A couple of months ago the band my daughter plays with recorded a few songs together with a family friend who was trying out his recorder for the first time. I offered to clean up the recordings a bit and they put them onto SoundCloud.
    One of the tracks was a folky version of a Mark Owen song which sounds like this [url="http://soundcloud.com/aatd/aimsley-the-doctors-four"]http://soundcloud.com/aatd/aimsley-the-doctors-four[/url]
    While I was mucking around in Reaper with the various songs I thought it would be fun to do my own interpretation of this song.
    So, after a bit of slicing, dicing and reassembly using Recycle and Reason, recording in Reaper and much plundering of the 'net for sound clips I ended up with this [url="http://soundcloud.com/leontransaxle/fmw_anarchic_freight_mix"]http://soundcloud.com/leontransaxle/fmw_anarchic_freight_mix[/url]
    I don't know whether you'd call it a remix or an alternative version.

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