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Everything posted by musophilr

  1. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1342135998' post='1730392'] "Oi Keef, ows abaht bringing Bill back on Bass?" "Yeah Mick, magic innit" [/quote] Keef, for all his dissolute image, is frightfully well spoken. I reckon he'd have said "Jolly spiffing wheeze, old chap".
  2. [quote name='4000' timestamp='1342166097' post='1730507'] I sympathise. I've been trying to get a definitive diagnosis for my arm/hand problem which has some not dissimilar symptoms (started in in earnest December), although there are other issues too, for 6 months now. What's depressing is not only is it dragging on, but nobody really seems that interested, despite me pointing out that I'm a musician and that it's also affecting my full-time job. When I asked my doctor what I should do in the meantime she said, and I quote, "I'll leave that up to you". I wish you the best of luck because if my experience is anything to go by you'll need it. [/quote] I found the best way to get a response out of a GP is to tell him you can't do your job with this problem (he doesn't need to know [i]which[/i] job). As soon as a GP hears that phrase, he'll get you back to work ASAP. Let's face it he works for HMG and is funded by taxes HMG wouldn't get if you weren't working. The NHS only exists to get workers back on the job as soon as possible and thereby to minimise the tax shortfall caused by being off work. Anything else (for example but not limited to: care for the old, the disabled and otherwise unemployable) is "crumbs from the table" and is only there to kid us into thinking it is there to make us feel better when we're poorly.
  3. WEM Dominators are nice kit (if you like that sort of thing). Highly prized by some, so if you sell, make sure you get a good price. Subject to being able to hear yourself on stage, why not invest in a passive DI box to put between your bass and the WEM, and send a copy of the bass signal to the PA? That'll ensure you are heard out front, allow you to keep your beloved amplifier, and only cost you around £20!
  4. Jeff Berlin on any of the Bill Bruford EllPees he played on. Lee Sklar or Jimmy Johnson playing for James Taylor. Bert Ruiter for Focus.
  5. Identify intro, verses, choruses, middle etc, time sig, tempo ... do a chord chart. This maps it all out and makes it easier to learn. I have my own private notation for stops etc. Put the song on a cassette so can use it for playing along practice, and also put it in the car. Then I learn the bass part. Internet "tabs" are pretty damn useless anyway so I rarely bother with them. I can't do stuff without a chord chart!
  6. There's an exercise you can do for tennis elbow. Stand in front of a desk or table and lay your hand palm upwards on it (back of the hand on the table too, wrist almost at right angles). Reach across to the affected elbow with your free hand, clasping the damaged arm with your fingers. Then gently lean forward keeping the damaged arm as straight as possible. The gently stretches the damaged tendon, exercises it and helps it to slip easily through it sheath (which it doesn't, when inflamed and damaged, which causes the pain). I got this off my GP and it works. best of luck
  7. [IMG]http://i1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb376/musophilr/GAS.gif[/IMG]
  8. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1341390798' post='1718021'] Thanks once again for all your great comments and encouragement. I'll keep you posted with any major developments Next rehearsal is Monday .... [/quote] Nice one Seashell. Enjoy. BTW isn't a major development when you go from C minor to Eb?
  9. and if you enquire about insurance for musical/business purposes from your current insurer, and you don't like what they tell you, don't they record it somewhere that you've asked, so any other insurance company you approach (even for non-music/business use) will know that you've asked about it and try to load your premium anyway?
  10. My moobs are probably the right size then
  11. I started standing stage left because the people I looked up to (Ritchie Blackmore in particular) stood there and I thought it was the coolest place. I do it habitually now, as a guitarist. The other guitarist & bass player in our band have a stated preference for stage right, which suits me fine. When I had a gig as a bass player, the keyboard chap would always have stage right, while the guitarist & singer always went as central as they could get, which left me with stage left again, which I didn't mind.
  12. [sup]I liked this on wind chimes:[/sup] [sup][QUOTE][/sup] [sup]As the verse approaches, a finger dragged slowly backwards or forwards across the chimes creates a tingling sound, the equivalent of dusting an already sugar-heavy cake with additional icing sugar. They also make a particularly alarming noise when they topple over, but that has, so far, not been employed in any Top 40 hits. [/QUOTE][/sup] [sup] [/sup]
  13. How does the Boss box know how to do pitch correction? Do you tell it what key you're playing in and it corrects to the nearest note in the scale? Do you have to play at concert pitch for that to work? How does it deal with key changes, accidentals, and blue notes?
  14. Politicians have theirs, often called "manifestos". Nobody believes in them, but still we end up paying, evey time.
  15. [quote name='wally8' timestamp='1340378553' post='1703767'] Really naffed me off as people more gulliable would of been scammed. And if the bass was real it would of been killer!!!!!! [/quote] and a substitute of "would've" for "would of" would have been awesome /pedantry
  16. Thomann are very very good. You do need to be aware though that they had (and maybe still do have) this policy of selling electrical goods only with european 2 pin plugs. That's OK if you can substitute a British kettle lead or cut the plug off a captive lead to put your own 13 amp 3 pin plug on it, but if your product comes with its own special wall-wart you'll end up having to supply a european adapter for it which sometimes is not the ideal solution. Get a biggish order up, as shipping fees don't apply if you spend more than 199 euros.
  17. You get PLI thrown in with your MU membership. Good deal.
  18. [IMG]http://i1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb376/musophilr/GAS.gif[/IMG]
  19. Rick Wakeman used choirs on some of [i]The Six Wives of Henry VIII[/i], and [i]Journey To The Centre Of The Earth[/i]. Try also Enya - she layered her voice a lot but that doesn't mean you can't do her songs with lots of voices.
  20. [b] [size=4]You are a real musician when...[/size][/b] [size=4]... the man at the dole office starts encouraging and helping you to find musical work instead of hassling you to get an office-y day job. [/size]
  21. [quote name='LiamPodmore' timestamp='1339675728' post='1692445'] The upstairs of my house is perfect for that. The room i'm in is the biggest, and it shares a wall (insert window here) with my oldest brothers bedroom, which is the perfect size for a control room. Liam [/quote] Upstairs is OK until you get fed up with fetching stuff up & down the stairs whenever you go out to play, or when your recording gear is upstairs and you'd like to record the piano but you can't because it's downstairs. The other thing is you can't be on any adjoining wall which ideally means detached, restricts choice of semi or end-terrace, and precludes mid terrace.
  22. [quote name='LiamPodmore' timestamp='1339667390' post='1692170'] When your biggest concern whilst re-arranging your bedroom, is the storage location of cases, and where you're going to put your stand. So far i still haven't got it fully worked out. Liam [/quote] ... which leads me to the fraught subject of finding a new house. Not just one that ticks the usual location, price, and environment boxes, but also has a ground floor layout convenient for using its biggest room as a studio.
  23. FWIW just go for it Seashell, I don't need to repeat all the good advice in previous posts, but I do wish you well with it. BTW commiserations about the dodgy personal stuff. Scrape it off your shoe, 'cos if you can keep rhythm there's bound to be people who will want you to play bass for them, even if for now you keep it simple. Just go for it.
  24. Rickenbacker. But that's because I heard other people playing them first.
  25. It's happened to me and I say "Oh wow, thank you!" to people I don't know. Recently an open mic host complimented me afterwards, but I know him well, so after thanking him I confided that I hadn't been overly impressed with my own performance.
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