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  1. [media]http://youtu.be/-cfx0kzO3Vg[/media]
  2. Josh Fossgreen is a professional electric/stand up bass player from Sonoma Ca who has studied Victor Wooten's Ten Elements of Music Model extensively. I have the pleasure of working with him on my website.[list=1] [*]You can check out one of his funny youtube videos here [media]http://youtu.be/WAvPKVAOopA[/media]. [*]If you like his style you can sign up to take a free month of his advanced bass guitar class here: [url="http://www.interactivemusicteacher.com/advbasslessons"]http://www.interacti.../advbasslessons[/url] [*]If you are a beginner you can sign up to his free beginner class here [url="http://www.interactivemusicteacher.com/freebasslessons"]http://www.interacti...freebasslessons[/url] [*]You can study with him 1 on 1 via skype. Here's Josh's personal website [url="http://joshfossgreen.com/onlinebasslessons/"]http://joshfossgreen...inebasslessons/[/url]. [/list] PS. He is freakishly tall for a musician.
  3. Josh got a lot of requests for a tutorial from his original video, so here it is. [url="http://interactivemusicteacher.com/blog/2012/01/28/dont-stop-believin-tutorial-solo-bass-party-trick/"]Don’t Stop Believin’ TUTORIAL – Solo Bass Party Trick -[/url]
  4. Another Bass Lesson From Josh Fossgreen. [b] [url="http://interactivemusicteacher.com/blog/2012/01/23/how-to-sound-good-at-slap-bass-without-being-that-good/"]How To Sound Good At Slap Bass (without being that good)[/url][/b]
  5. [url="http://interactivemusicteacher.com/blog/2012/01/16/dont-stop-believin-bass-party-trick/"]http://interactivemu...ss-party-trick/[/url]
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