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Everything posted by SlapbassSteve

  1. Let me know if you decide to post this, fancied one of these for a while now
  2. Goes without saying this is all a personal preference thing(and of course this is assuming they've been properly set up and not just left with the mile-high action they were shipped with), but I've had the same with T-birds, love the look but hate the neck... I've owned two so far and will probably end up buying more, even though the necks are a nightmare. Modern Player Jag bass was a pain too, gorgeous looking thing but a really chunky neck, I played one expecting a Geddy Lee type job and was let down a tad. Warwick basses I've tried have also been a huge disappointment- the necks are lovely and thin, but too deep(?) of a C shape to be comfortable without drastically altering technique, like an exaggerated Rickenbacker. *ducks for cover* Best necks I've ever tried... was going to write a list but actually they're all Fenders so you've already got an idea of the kind of stuff I mean . Just not the MP Jag.
  3. Affinity Teles, especially the maple fretboard Indonesian ones are lovely. I had a Squier Indonesian Standard Tele once and it didn't come close to my mate's Indonesian.
  4. Amazed this is still here, lovely basses!
  5. It's difficult to headbang with glasses on! Luckily mine aren't essential for anything besides driving and feigning interest in lectures at uni
  6. Cheers for the pointers guys! I've actually played the bass since I wrote the OP and the pups are nowhere near as bad as I was expecting, interestingly it does sound vaguely Rickenbacker-ish, especially on the neck pickup. Very very tempted by pushpull series/parallel switches for each pickup though, and for sake of the cost of a capacitor I'll see about giving iiipopes's suggestion a go too- would I be right in thinking that would act like the 'vintage' switch on a Ricky?
  7. MXR micro amps are great, though I'd be inclined to use a compressor or EQ pedal with the gain turned up a bit instead
  8. That is some fantastic playing!
  9. A mate of mine's metal band used to go on to Left Bank Two by the Noveltones... quality entrance!
  10. Just taken delivery of a Modern Player Telecaster bass from Mike, genuinely nice guy and the bass is all as described. Really fast dispatch too, meaning I've received it in plenty of time for this weekend's gigs, perfect. Buy with confidance! Steve
  11. I can see Get Lucky being one of the big songs of this summer... cover bands take note! I love how they're trying to bring live instruments back into dance music, if the album proves as influential as all their others it'll be great news for session musicians.
  12. My trusty Westone Quantum. [attachment=132879:S1050287.JPG] [attachment=132880:482838_10200590591837268_1666544918_n.jpg]
  13. Just seen the actual song will be released tonight at some point! [url="http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1705910/daft-punk-get-lucky-release.jhtml"]http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1705910/daft-punk-get-lucky-release.jhtml[/url] -anyone know what time 12:01am ET is for those of us on this side of the pond? Can't wait...
  14. I've just bought one of these and already I've started thinking about modding it as it looks like it might lack in versatility from the extreme positioning of the pickups- I've also heard very few good things about the tone of mudbuckers, and also that a series/parallel mod is possible... I'm thinking about maybe installing push/pull pots for each volume for the s/p mod... anyone know how I would go about this?
  15. That's one expensive set of autographs on what I'll hazard a guess from the description is an unbranded guitar...
  16. No worries, not at all surprised it went so quick, bargain!
  17. Is this still available by any chance?
  18. I'm not sure how this sort of thing hasn't been made illegal yet. Looks like it's been towed behind a car, and that logo ain't foolin' nobody! £225? Squier Strats are barely worth £25 in CrackConverters these days, and in decent condition at that.
  19. I think I might have missed something here! Definition of groove seems a big thing but overall the implication is that all players specialise in one style at the expense of others..? Playing in different styles is a part of being a well-rounded player, part of my grade 8 was doing a given chord sequence in plenty genres. I'd say I'm equally at home playing rock or something funky, and all stuff in between. Also... just because a player's band require a certain style, does that mean that's all they can do? For all I know the bassist in Cannibal Corpse is actually a closet funk-fanatic, but decided to join a metal band rather then yet another soul covers outfit..?
  20. Avoid anything without 'funk' or 'soul' in it... If I had a penny for every funk/soul band I've seen where the name features either I'd be able to retire. 'Soul Sublime' 'Soul Squad' Our Souls'...
  21. [quote name='BandGeekBarclay' timestamp='1365540785' post='2041008'] Hm, is a nice Squier of equivalent quality? I've heard some good things about Squier and while it'd be nice to have a Fender badge, if I can get a nice instrument that's also fairly inexpensive then I'd be happier [/quote] Squiers are massively underrated, it took a new set of pickups to complete it, but the stock neck on my indonesian standard jazz is one of the best jazz necks I've ever played and the rest of the bass ain't shabby either. However the Mex fenders made after the upgrade in 2007/8 are some of the best ever made IMHO, my '08 precision runs rings around every Squier P I've tried, and that's a fair few. Be interested to compare an '08 Jazz with my Squier, but bottom line is if you can afford a Mex Fender made in the last five years or so, go for it, but you'd be better off getting a Squier then anything before 2007.
  22. No mention of '[i]leaning on amp for a second or two between songs during the third set at a pub where the crowd isn't bothered[/i]', '[i]looking tired[/i]' or '[i]answering back to the singer[/i]' on there...
  23. Could any unused strings be making contact with the pickups? I sometimes get this on my Jazzes when the pickups are set high and the action set low.
  24. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgOcV0O7k48"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgOcV0O7k48[/url] -bit of a hidden gem this, anyone mastered it yet? Spent all night on it and I'm about 90% there but respect to the guy that recorded it... unless it was done on a synth and I'm learning something not intended for humans...
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