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Everything posted by SlapbassSteve

  1. Hi all, I've been a fulltime professional bassist for just over a year now. In addition to my work with the ukulele band I'm available for studio work and dep gigs, alongside giving lessons and providing guitar setups and maintenance. If any of this sounds useful to you, give us a shout! Based in L15 but can travel wherever public transport and taxis can take me...
  2. Just had a listen, very interesting! Guestlists and the internet have a lot to answer for it seems.
  3. Are we talking originals or covers here? Completely different bits of the industry, no punter should ever have to pay to see a covers group or tribute singer- that should be paid for by the bar. Conversely, originals bands tend to benefit more from tickets etc as people should want to see them specifically rather than just be pleasantly surprised to find live music playing- bottom line is that from my experience originals bands BRING people to a venue, covers bands KEEP people in the venue for as long as they're playing
  4. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1392056523' post='2364172'] Does the tension feel higher than Chromes of the same gauge? [/quote] To me, considerably... although some of this might be down to how the different metal feels to my fingers?
  5. I wanted to like them(they're great value!) but the scarily high tension and green silk(ewww) both conspired to foil my plans. As far as flats go, light D'addario chromes are the only I've ever been able to withstand playing for more than five minutes.
  6. I think the reason is it's so rare to need more than 20, and when you do it's difficult to access them without a bigger set of cutaways. Thinking about it though, I guess it depends what you're used to. My U-Bass has only 16 frets, and I find myself really missing the high C note that would be there if it had 17. There are a few things I have to play down an octave to accommodate this, the ad lib bit at the start of Don't Stop Me Now for example
  7. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1391990542' post='2363438'] Someone had better tell Rick Rubin. [/quote] I hope someone does. Stadium Arcadium is one of my favorite albums in recent(erm actually maybe not, it's 8 years old now... scary) years, but the CD/MP3 mastering is awful, just plain awful. There are some really beautiful dynamics on there and it's all lost under a metric tonne of compression.
  8. BBOT style bridge, as new, from a basically new precision FL I sold recently. Looks identical in every way to mex fender ones too. Includes mounting screws but no allen key £10 inc 1st class postage
  9. I've a lot of love for my U-Bass and it does a lovely upright sound when played near the neck, so if not a U-Bass proper the aforementioned Harley Benton copy would at very least be a perfect portable backup bass for the precision. See also the Aquila ShortBassOne if you want less of a ukulele vibe and some really cool red strings(I really need to try one of those soon myself!)
  10. I'd never heard of these before seeing this but it's beautiful! Where were they made? Must be rarer than hen's teeth!
  11. Fender Precisions are in, Jaydee's and fretlesses are out. Way off the world at the moment, as has been said there just isn't any fretless in today's pop music... I've been interested to see some slapbass creeping back into the charts though. Fretless next maybe, this stuff seems to come and go in cycles. I've got a fretless that was given to me by another bassist which I keep 'just in case' I'm ever called up and asked to play a fretless specifically, but can't see it ever getting used outside my living room.
  12. This is the first I've heard of these but for £100 I'm sure trying one out!
  13. Bump! Top pedal this...
  14. Apparently I thought I sold this. It's still in my pedal box so apparently I didn't. £30 posted!
  15. In response to the first few posts about money being a factor I was surprised to find out today that according to Time magazine the NFL has never paid any acts who perform during the halftime show- they've all performed purely for 'exposure' alone... presumably RHCP's management wanted them to do it to boost sales of the last album..?
  16. Fantastic buy! I've had a Thunder Jet and it was a great bass, but the 1A's are superb. Welcome aboard!
  17. [quote name='wombatboter' timestamp='1391430212' post='2356983'] I always thought that when you've made a lot of money it gives you the freedom to refuse to do this kind of playback-stuff.. unless they give you even more money. I don't think that RHCP are poor (they got paid 500.000 euros to do a festival here in Belgium) so I guess they have a choice. [/quote] I think in this case it's more of an 'exposure' thing. One way or another Beyonce got a whole new audience after performing last year...
  18. [quote name='Rayman' timestamp='1391436238' post='2357088'] I'd still offer my Model T and a hard case for it? [/quote] Thanks, but it's just not something I could see myself holding onto for that long, and selling this Fender has been proving tricky enough haha!
  19. Bump!
  20. Still no takers at £300 collected? I'm going to have to withdraw if this doesn't go VERY soon at this price Still open to trade offers too folks!
  21. [quote name='Dazed' timestamp='1390849281' post='2350374'] Cheers Steve ! Hope all well with you? I'm honestly in 2 minds over this. I'm only using it occasionally at home, but everything I play through it sounds so good, I'm very tempted to keep it as its also so light and compact for the massive sound that it kicks out. [/quote] I'm good thanks! I know what you mean, I got to the point where I never used a bass amp except for rare home practice and I was in two minds about selling for ages, but while I was regularly gigging with it and not just going through the PA I'd never have dreamed of using anything else
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