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About harleyheath

  • Birthday 23/12/1965

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  1. Sorry indeed it seems problems posting pics, I've put links to photobucket hopefully that will cure it? The maker is Adolf Stowasser. Thanks for any help
  2. A picture of the front, if that helps? http://i1159.photobucket.com/albums/p637/harleyheath/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zpsoywsr6m9.jpeg
  3. Hi, Was wondering if anyone had or knew of this maker, or would have any idea of year, there seems to be a few makers of this name over the years, it has some writing on it an at first I thought this might be a repairers mark (mainly due to the last maker stoping in 1948, but I'm not sure, any help or I do would be great! Thank you!! http://i1159.photobucket.com/albums/p637/harleyheath/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zpsab9akhqv.jpeg
  4. Hi, Yes it's a rosewood, comes from Madagascar, it's a true rosewood, unlike many so called rosewoods out there. It's hard an heavy and will need to be wiped with alcohol before it's glued, takes a superb finish. I've been told it's sound is very similar to old Brazilian rosewood which was considered to be the best about so should sound lovely an bright. Bloody rare nodays an not so easy to get hold of now they have put all the CITES laws into place! Which sucks!! Love a pic if you use it. It's a beautiful colour!
  5. Sorry should of said, its not my bass i'm making it for a customer, yeah it does only tune to standard, and funnily enough the fella does use a hipshot extender, so they'll be no way of telling if thats in tune without a proper tuner, but it not my call, sure it'll be handy.
  6. I have an Ashdown ABM that gone a bit belly up, crackling and sometimes just not working, light in the UV meters gone an the valve might be playing up too, would love to get it sorted an not bin it, phoned Essex amp repairs and they was "yh send it in no probs, we'll sort it' i know its away from you but you could get it posted for under £16, worth a thought if you can't find anywhere else. What ever you do don't phone Ashdown. coz they really don't give a sh*t! My 2x10 combo is the first one ever made and my 1x15 extension cab is the 3 one off the line, you'd think they would want to keep them alive.
  7. Hi all out there in bass land I'm probably going to be fitting a wittman pro tuner to a bass i'm making http://www.wittman-spins.com/tuners.html I have contacted wittman about specs, compatibility with active circuits and most important size of the cicuit board that goes into the cavity, but have had no reply, has anyone out there used them or have them fitted to one of there basses. I really need to know if it works with active, the size of the circuit board as the cavity is pretty crammed at the mo. Any help would be great. Thank you very much! Heath
  8. Thank you very much!
  9. Oh an you come from my old stomping ground of essex, where abouts are you?
  10. Hay Binky, I most certainly don't mind being compared to pedulla, sweet, I see you own some serious basses, 13 strings, wow!! nice!! Thanks dude hope you have a great week!
  11. yh kind of all of the above, lol. i'm 47 never wore one when I was young, remember them bringing the law in an being the rebellious young oik I was i didn't and old habits die hard I guess, plus I don't like wearing them, no excuse, my bad! recon I will from now on, lol, still nearly 30 years of driving an on major whacks till now guess I was due one, lol. hasn't affected my driving but I think I might sell the harley, I wouldn't be here if I had been on that. now the thought of driving into a slurry tank, on the bike, in summer, with just shorts on, that would be too funny! lol as said basses always get a seat belt, but then they are better looking than me, and need protecting, hehe
  12. Thanks for your well wishes! Yh lessen very well learnt! Loss of cash is a pain but I can recover, but yh the potential loss of limbs or life is a different matter ay! Funny coz I always put a seatbelt over my basses while in the front of a car! Lol
  13. Here's a laugh for ya, I was in the construction game nearly all my life, needless to say I've drove large vans all my life an still own one, but not having owned a car of my own for nearly 25 years I bought a little run around to buzz about in, insured it third party, fire an theft as I've never had a crash an it was cheaper, now always driving a van I've never worn a seatbelt, an in my new (old, lol) car it didn't have a seatbelt alarm, which I was more than happy about, but after 8 days of owning it I managed to write it off, air bags are great but don't stop you sliding forward when stopping rather sudden, knees not good now, bedridden an not happy!! losing money sitting around, lost all my money on the car an a good lessen learned! Full com, seat belt!! Just glad I'm still here to see my daughter grow up! Bad but very lucky day!!
  14. Here's a laugh for ya, I was in the construction game nearly all my life, needless to say I've drove large vans all my life an still own one, but not having owned a car of my own for nearly 25 years I bought a little run around to buzz about in, insured it third party, fire an theft as I've never had a crash an it was cheaper, now always driving a van I've never worn a seatbelt, an in my new (old, lol) car it sudnt have a seatbelt alarm, which I was more than happy about, but after 8 days of owning it I managed to write it off, air bags are great but don't stop you sliding forward when stopping rather sudden, knees not good now, bedridden an not happy!! losing money sitting around, lost all my money on the car an a good lessen learned! Full com, seat belt!! Just glad I'm still here to see my daughter grow up! Bad but very lucky day!!
  15. Hello Dave, Good to see you on here, I'm hoping to sand up your body woods this week end so I should have some better photos for you.
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