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Everything posted by lxxwj

  1. [quote name='Zydian' timestamp='1331624718' post='1575884'] Your first guess was the correct one. When I play live I always use my 78 Gibson Grabber and my Gibson Les Paul oversized, but the output levels on both basses vary to much. I use the lpb's to give a little "edge" to my bass sound. [/quote] You *could* just use one for the quieter bass, and replace the other with a Wren & Cuff Phat Phuk B for the "edgy" sound..
  2. [quote name='leftyhook' timestamp='1331593036' post='1575667'] well that just about sums up the whole high end of the musician world doesn't it? I don't think I will be able to sleep tonight after that bit of info. Another vote for Entwistle for me. In fact the whole of the Who. Bish-bash-Bosh-crash-overplay....sounding like a bunch of 14 year old's in their first band rehearsal [/quote] Keith Moon is pretty epic, but for the most part I agree. aaaand Doddy just stated that Fender can be bribed. This scares me.
  3. Geddy Lee - he can multitask and he can play fast, but nothing special. Chris Wolstenholme - mostly his effects/tone that everyone obsesses about. he's no more skilled than Geddy Lee, maybe a little less. Flea - he can slap. okay. he can also sing occasionally. however, i admit he is better than everyone on this list except maybe Geddy. he can actually do some nice fills if you listen closely. i respect him, but quite overrated. Cliff Whatshisface (from Metallica) - it's metallica.. how good can it be? John Entwistle - he uses a lot of treble and distortion. okay. only good riff he had was in "My Generation." come at me, bros. John Paul Jones - decent i guess.. page was way more talented. only good riffs he had were "ramble on" and "fool in the rain." okay, so he's better than entwistle. big deal. nothing innovative here.. And no, Justin Chancellor is NOT overrated, dammit! EDIT: i believe it's Cliff "Burton." i still think he's overrated.
  4. [quote name='Zydian' timestamp='1331564100' post='1574863'] Latest version of my board, pre-wiring [/quote] Two LPB-1's? Are those for varying output levels from various basses or just for different boosts?
  5. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1331507948' post='1574066'] I believe they're actually.... Crap. [/quote] +1 sir.
  6. [quote name='Al Heeley' timestamp='1331504610' post='1573991'] sharpened it up a bit in photoshop, rigt hand one looks like TOSSER!! T555ER....? [/quote] Apparently it says "Rocktek" which is hard to make out.
  7. [quote name='simwells' timestamp='1331490697' post='1573681'] Bottom right is hard to identify as it's a rocktek but is missing the top bit with the pedal name on it. Probably be the distortion, chorus, delay or phaser. [/quote] Looks blue/green-ish, so I'd say chorus.
  8. Reminds me of Floyd. Touch of Crosby, Stills, and Nash in there as well. I like it!
  9. Music Man Stringray. Perfect for RHCP.
  10. [url="http://www.mooeraudio.com/en/ProductInfo.asp?id=13"]http://www.mooeraudi...tInfo.asp?id=13[/url] Looks pretty legit. Demo: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjcD7rrJQb4[/media] Best part is the voice/reader program messing up the pronunciations!
  11. Can't help you with those.. they're both too old for me. Can you get a better shot of the one on the right? Kind of reminds me of an old Ibanez wah. Look at the labels on the knobs too. ..is that a Digitech Grunge in the background..? Oh, nevermind, thought you had them. Right one looks like _SS_ER but I can't make out those two letters.
  12. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1331453477' post='1572899'] ...surely that would be something without a roof? [/quote] Then this: ..silly picture won't get smaller..
  13. What about this 'un? I was thinking something like this:
  14. Ringmod just sounds like (to use a British expression) buggered-up tremolo to me.
  15. I always thought of a flanger doing something like this: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hw808PYST1c[/media] At the beginning and around 5:45. It also is really apparent right at 6:05. (on both the guitar and the bass) Now that I listen to it, I suppose flanger IS pretty watery.. but with some grit and while playing chords, there's this really obvious "whoosh" on the highs that I think of as flange. But in actuality, it has BOTH.
  16. Good point, they all have pretty wide ranges.
  17. [quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1331401251' post='1572470'] New blog post! This time: Modulation & LFO's... [url="http://www.sheponbass.co.uk/blog/2012/3/8/signal-chain-basics-part-iii-modulation.html"]Shep on Bass: Signal Chain Basics, Part III: Modulation.[/url] The original intention was to cover filter-based effects as well but due to the size of the post filters will be covered in a post of their own... Enjoy. Comment on the blog with any feedback, additions or insults Shep [/quote] Always thought that flanger was the whooshing, airplane-like sound.. Phasers are more watery, for sure. Chorus is just your sound mixed with the detuned sound but can also have a watery effect as well as the usual "not in tune" wobble-y noise.
  18. Ah, well I suppose I wouldn't want to increase volume and an envelope at the same time.. So what do you suggest for a volume pedal? The Ernie Ball ones are only good for active or passive electronics only, which is annoying.. I'm looking for something with a variable range so it can be from silence or from my current signal, like a boost.
  19. I've been looking at the reviews for the FV500L (which supposedly goes bad in a couple years due to the build quality) and it has terrible reviews, but no other pedal has both volume and expression that I know of. Do you guys know about any that are good for both applications?
  20. I feel inadequete..
  21. Moog EP-2 is always an option.
  22. inb4 Shep gets here and educates us about something he endorses.. Akai should be fine, it's not called "9 volt" for nothing. ^_^ The VT2 is 12V. [quote name='woodyratm' timestamp='1331078697' post='1567476'] Hah I imagine he'll be along soon. I think he's like us and lives in this forum! [/quote] I live on this forum so much, I have a room upstairs.
  23. Closest dealer is France, but they don't carry that one pedal.. However there are tons in the US, and you could always pay for shipping overseas. Probably the closest one in the US is this: [url="http://www.pedalgeek.com/cgi-bin/new_shop.cgi?config=&uid=&uzc=&command=link--wc-ppb"]http://www.pedalgeek.com/cgi-bin/new_shop.cgi?config=&uid=&uzc=&command=link--wc-ppb[/url] However it is on backorder. Seems like there's no way to win this one..
  24. [quote name='woodyratm' timestamp='1330985624' post='1565986'] My amp plans are put on hold for the next 6 months or so. Unless some kind sole wants to buy my power amp/speakers/pt2 hahaha [/quote] I'm gonna have my first gig this month or next month (if things work out) so I need a better amp than my current Frontman that has random volume changes.. But then! I can finally start my journey..
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