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Everything posted by lxxwj

  1. The Hyperdrive sounds awesome, but it's massive.. However I do admit that it can do more distortion than the Phat Phuk if you don't have a tube amp.
  2. Oh, if only I didn't need a decent amp so I could buy meself a Xero/Oxide combo..
  3. I also recommend the Phat Phuk B. Amazing little box.
  4. Ant can ya give us the signal chain? Looks confusing but epic..
  5. lxxwj


    Belongs in the for sale forum.. Just scroll down a bit.
  6. Wren and Cuff Phat Phuk B. It's the only real overdrive I've found, everything else is mostly just blendable distortion or fuzz. It's basically a boost with a germanium circuit that drives your amp as well as giving some drive of its own. Very awesome pedal. That about covers every aggressive tone you'll ever want, but for anything with fuzz I suggest the Iron Ether Oxide and for distortion the EBS Multidrive. A word of advice: Boss makes good flangers and choruses, but not dirt pedals. Trust me on this one.
  7. There are a few Marshall 1W amps, and there's also the Orange Micro/Tiny Terror. Neither are combos, but you can buy a small speaker from Orange (the PPC108) for 100$. So it would be the same (for the Micro and the 108) as a 350$ combo amp, but with the option of hooking up a more powerful speaker if needed.
  8. Prowl around in the back. I like to stare off into space while I play (if I'm not improvising) so that usually helps with any stage fright. Probably the best thing to do is to turn up the lights on stage so they're kind of in your eyes so you can't see the crowd; works every time.
  9. [quote name='woodyratm' timestamp='1330788366' post='1563032'] I like the sound of the IE. May see about that. And a small exp pedal. [/quote] There IS a filter factory up on ebay now for ~$200. That's about 143 pounds/quid/squid, pretty cheap for a pedal. However, you'd have to get a rack and switching system to use it (kind of a pain) so a Xerograph might be the better choice.
  10. Phat Phuk B is what you're looking for. The ODB-3 is a nasty-sounding fuzz (to my ears), and you can't really get that kind of natural sound out of it. On an unrelated note, I see my signature has gotten to you, eskimo..
  11. [quote name='WalMan' timestamp='1330781049' post='1562900'] Was working through Time for the gig next week last Sat morning ([url="https://www.facebook.com/events/209959032374317/"]Epsilon @ Holbrook Club Horsham[/url] if you're interested BTW) and when we finished the drummer said something along the lines of "that Nick Mason's a lazy ****er. Only plays kick & snare in places" which the keys followed with "Rick Wright's not doing a great deal" to which I added "...and most of the time the bass is playing one note/bar" (at least on the songs we are covering) [u][b]HOWEVER[/b][/u] I should add that all agreed that be that the sum of the parts was still huge. Got to enjoy a bit of Pink Floyd....and I do both listening & playing. Most taxing bit for me on Time is the intro where I'm being the clock on the bass and playing the bass on the bass pedals [/quote] Intro to Time on a bass? This I need to see. Videos please!
  12. Money. Heard it on the radio, looked up the lyrics, and here I am.
  13. [quote name='Blademan_98' timestamp='1330778833' post='1562841'] Welcome aboard I have been a huge fan for a long time. Enjoy the experience! [/quote] I certainly will, I think. This stuff is like nothing I've ever heard before.. kinda funky, blusey, jazzy, all at the same time.
  14. It was fabulous. That is all.
  15. Thanks Shep, now my head hurts. [quote name='bobbass4k' timestamp='1330722114' post='1562326'] The current paltry 10-pedal board: I sold my Groove Regulator because I wasn't using it, now it looks like I'm starting a band where a filter would be very useful. D'oh. I don't wanna get one I've had before though, so I'm thinking of importing a xenograph. [/quote] Sweet, another XP-100 user. *high-five*
  16. Meditate with a piece of paper in front of you while listening to music. Something hits me most of the time. With this method, I find when I start writing it's just riffing off the song I'm listening to a lot, but after a few lines something opens up and I can just write my feelings onto the page. ..Only problem is when I read it over afterwards I realize everything I wrote sucks. Just rinse & repeat..
  17. Can't find the STUDIO version (thanks a lot, youtube) but I can find some live sounds.. sounds like a ton o' mids with a light flanger.
  18. [quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1330637887' post='1560954'] Just received my TC Electronic Nova Delay (iB Modified edition). WOW! I think my Boss DD-20 just got replaced!! [/quote] What's the difference between that and the normal Nova Delay? Couldn't really figure it out from the TC website.. Oh so basically it has better bypass. Couldn't you just use your massive true bypass switcher system for that?
  19. The Fender Rumble 150W combo is your friend. That sounds like a fretless (as stated before). Maybe a spot of fuzz? The SFT might work nice also to simulate the buzz of a fretless by distorting the note right as it's played rather than sustaining it like most distortions. Remember, there's always ebay and amazon to order things from!
  20. Murdoc Nicholls. Not the best/most interesting bassist by far, but he had a nice use of the occasional dirt effect and some cool basslines, as well as being the fourth member of Muse. Cool guy. Another underrated player (in my opinion) is John Davis of Nerve. Crazy effects there, but overshadowed by Jojo Mayer on drums most of the time.
  21. [quote name='TRBboy' timestamp='1330463850' post='1558016'] Yeah, well I've already got the MXR M80 and the ODB3 and I'm happy with what they do, I just want to add a compressor. They trouble is, do I buy a Comp, a pedal board, PSUs, etc, or do I just sell what I've got and buy a B3 to simplify and save some dosh? [/quote] Go ahead and sell what you've got, except (maybe) the Mini Q-tron if you really like it. Then, get a B3, and then later you can add some more specialized pedals on a board.
  22. I personally prefer the Phat Phuk B over any other overdrive/distortion for bass. If you like the sound, you could save some space by dropping the M80 and putting that in.. I personally don't believe in Multi-Efx, and think that everything from Line 6 and Zoom doesn't sound good unless you're going for a digital sound. However, the Zoom has tons of different pedal emulations, and if you're starting out then you'll probably only want "real" versions of the effects you use most often and have a certain preference for. So for example, you could use a Copilot FX Orbit for your fuzz, a Memory Man for delay, a tuner, and the Zoom for everything else.
  23. Higgie those are awesome! *wishing I had artistic skill*
  24. I hate to say it, but all the Big Muff variations on youtube sound muddy and the Bass Muff Pi (green one) I have sounds terrible to me. The Oxide is the only fuzz that I've liked so far..
  25. Eskimo, that is a beautiful setup you have there. Some day I'll be using that same PT Jr. too..
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