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Everything posted by lxxwj

  1. I'm pretty sure xotic has a dual blend of some sort. For a 3 way blend, you'd probably have to get it custom built. http://martoneaudio.com/Home.htm This guy can probably do it for you, easily.
  2. Alright cool! Active preamp eh..?
  3. Anyone ever played this thing? I've been thinking of getting a lefty model, and I've always wanted a 5-string.. various good reviews online and such, but I wanted to ask you guys first. Although, it'll take me awhile to save up for one, but nevertheless! What are your experiences with Steinberger spirits? ...and of course, I'll stick some (better) EMG's on it and a string converter so I won't have to use those terrible 'double-ball' strings.
  4. [quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1328483619' post='1528008'] Why are we ALL playing the same sh*te old songs? [/quote] This made my freaking day. Well played, sir.
  5. "Clocks" by Coldplay. Decent song by all accounts, but after practicing it so many times (and with a bad guitarist and keyboardist too), I couldn't listen to any Coldplay for months afterward.
  6. Delay is absolutely the most fun effect ever, except for (possibly) pitch bend. Nothing like hearing your notes follow you around, creating harmonies with yourself..
  7. Needs more delay! EHX Memory Man w/ Hazarai should work nicely as an all-in-one delay.
  8. lxxwj

    Line 6 M Series

    Chorus and flange is the best part for me, so sounds like something I wouldn't buy.. Wait, where'd you get a bugcrusher? I've always wanted one!
  9. lxxwj

    Line 6 M Series

    Are they actually any good? I mean, they ARE digital, and digital is evil, but they're showing up on tons of pedalboards and multi-effects units are pretty logical.. but are the sounds any good? I just want to check in with you guys before putting down 400$ for an M9.
  10. Pssh, compression isn't necessary. But if you really want to get one, the MXR bass comp would probably work well, as well as the Keeley 4 Knob.
  11. Ah, makes more sense now.
  12. [quote name='Gunsfreddy2003' timestamp='1328220133' post='1524123'] A few changes and additions in recent weeks so thought that I would post again. Might change the MuTron for something smaller and lighter - GR2 maybe? [/quote] That's probably the most compact, useful board I've ever seen. I want to play through it! What's the LS-2 for?
  13. I WISH I had a B7K.. might save up for one, not sure what my priorities are right now.
  14. Distortion: Proco Rat (original, whiteface reissue, and turbo all work great) Overdrive: Darkglass B7K, best preamp/od ever. Fuzz: Iron Ether Oxide Check 'em out. These are my personal favorites. The Proco Whiteface Rat Reissue is the best guitar distortion ever created, so I would assume it would sound awesome on bass. However, Justin Chancellor of Tool uses a Turbo Rat with a midrange boost from an EQ for that famously gritty sound, so choose what you like best. Youtube is your friend.
  15. [quote name='woodyratm' timestamp='1328054176' post='1521257'] I thought this said effects used by rastarat. slightly disappointed now [/quote] Rastarat? What IS that?!
  16. Whoa! NICE! Where'd you get that? Lesse, looks like a Univox Super Fuzz, some sort of Zvex pedal, and a Whammy IV. Nice pic! Might be a vexter fuzz factory. ..still not sure how he gets that awesome solo for "Loud Pipes." Sounds like a ton of distortion and feedback.. possibly ring modulator? those things can make all sorts of sounds.
  17. Attatched is a pic of Mike Stroud's pedalboard, or at least part of it. He's the guitarist of Ratatat. Not exactly bass, but I thought you guys might be interested. Looks like a crybaby wah, Moog ring mod, volume pedal, and a RAT 2. He has a pitch bend effect somewhere (one octave up, sounds like), I think that might be controlled by that volume pedal.
  18. Darkglass B7K for some of that fretless growl.
  19. What's GAS? Seems like everyone around here has a "GAS list."
  20. [quote name='bartelby' timestamp='1327921665' post='1518659'] Off on a bit of a tangient, but I like the look of this! [url="http://www.atomosynth.com/krakken.html"]http://www.atomosynth.com/krakken.html[/url] [/quote] They are quite awesome looking. Not sure about the sound, I haven't found many good sound clips/videos..
  21. Refusal? o_O I'll sell it to ya over ebay if ya want. Probably for 250$. It's gonna take me a few weeks to get the listing up, still gotta box the ol' thing!
  22. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1327664371' post='1514920'] Liar lxx, welcome to Basschat. You have the same bass as my first [/quote] Woo! Nostalgia factor!
  23. Not really my pedalboard, but my meager collection. I don't use any of these for bass, but I use the equalizer and wah for guitar. Here's what they are: -Dunlop 105Q Bass Wah -DOD FX40B 7-band equalizer -Dunlop Crybaby Classic Wah -EHX Bass Big Muff Pi -EHX Freeze Sustainer -Boss OC-3 Octaver -fOXX Fuzz/Wah/Volume (refurbished, bought from their website for 200$) Eh, nothing special. I'm probably gonna sell the fOXX and get something Moog-y. Or a Source Audio BEF Pro. Not sure where my loyalties are at the moment..
  24. Can't blame ya on that one! Maybe in ~5 fews I should bring my board over and jam, just to see how it works.. Having YOUR board underfoot must feel epic.. o_O Infinite possibilities.
  25. [quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1327841826' post='1517461'] Users of the Hothand can likely add more here, but as I understand it, you can only manipulate one parameter with it? If you wanted with the MP-201, you can manipulate 4 parameters on any unit or combination of units at the same time... So you coul hook it up to the 4 knobs of the Moog LPF and move them all with one foot, all doing different things, or with 4 LFO's or combinations of different t functions. If the Hothand has the capacity to control multiple functions (or multiple Source Audio pedals at once) then that opens more doors. If it can't, I'm sure it will only be a matter or time until it can! [/quote] You can. The motion-to-expression/midi has both a direct CV out AND a midi out, so you could conceivably control 2 things right there. But when you hook up the midi to a midi-to-cv converter, you can get as many outputs as the converter gives you. You probably would have to blend things a different way, though. Might be wrong about both CV out and midi out being on at the same time.. Kinda sounds like they are, though. You can also chain source audio pedals together to have the hot hand controlling them in series, and I would think if you got a bunch of receivers you could control them all with one hot hand. I'd have to get one to find out for sure.
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