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Posts posted by lxxwj

  1. Anything but a synth! :o
    I've found a midi to cv module..
    Blending would be useful though, I suppose. You could
    probably do both with motion control, but it would probably be easier with
    a pedal..

  2. So you're saying that ~500$, discontinued, whammy IV-size, complicated thing actually has its uses! ;)
    I think I may need to get myself one of those. In time.

    There are 2 routes you can go about this, it seems. One is the hot hand LFO, the other is the pedal-controlled
    LFO speed like yours. I was thinking about combining the two: obviously, Moog is higher-quality, but if I could convert
    the hot hand to midi and the midi to CV I could possibly control a LPF like the MP-201.

  3. Ah, those are back in the Whammy DT era! :D
    Still, my mind is blown. I think I understand what's going on though..
    So the MP-201 can control the rate of the LFO too, with just an LPF?

    Pssh, weddings. If I ever get married, I'm doing it with a solid bass guitar over my shoulders..

    ..wait, smaller? Did I read that right?

  4. [quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1327796578' post='1517053']
    Actually, if you want to be precise, looking at the placement of the jack sockets on the photo of Johns gear, he is controlling the LPF's cutoff and resonance with the MP-201. I'm actually surprised he doesn't have it connected to the Mix as well as that would allow him to blend wobbles in and out smoothly.

    I alter the resonance by hand as track to track as its not something I find I need on the fly.
    Already one step ahead of ya, checked out the MF101 on the Moog site to figure out were those cables were! ;)
    Kinda acts like.. a synth-wah or something, amirite?
    On the fuzz thing: Now I see why. ^_^ I would still stick to the simpler stuff though, only one fuzz on the (metaphorical) board for me!

    phil's cracking me up! xD

  5. Thanks! :D

    Now this man taught me (not personally, but through music) that basses CAN have
    effects, just like guitar. Originally, I was quite closed-minded in thinking that
    guitarists made the best use of effects; but after getting into Nerve, I figured out
    that they work on bass, too. And thus began my journey..

    Now looking at his board, after seeing your board (panther) it looks small..
    but it's quite effective. Only thing I don't understand is the need for an MP-201.
    What's the point when you can just use any old stereo CV pedal?

    Now, I *do* respect the noisebox and the copilot orbit on there, but if you already
    have a mammoth then couldn't you just have a phaser after that for the same effect?
    And those two do similar things anyway.. <_< /hate

  6. Incredible bassist, thought you electronic music bassists would appreciate this.
    (if you haven't seen it already!)

    Scroll ALL the way down.. ;)

  7. I respect the MXR comp and octave, and I actually like their bass envelope filter,
    but their fuzzes just don't cut it for me.. :unsure:

    But if you're really into an all-MXR board, then you should probably get a TC Electronic Polytune,
    it fits with the theme better! :D

  8. [quote name='woodyratm' timestamp='1327672002' post='1515134']

    Best fuzz I've used. Also Taylor's awesome.
    From the samples and demos, I'd have to agree. This is definitely the one I'm gonna get.

    [quote name='blind pilot' timestamp='1327686949' post='1515464']
    Stolen from TB - there is a massive thread on JC's set up! Its helped me bundles! [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/f36/tool-tone-fx-sticky-thread-ver-1-a-620296/"]http://www.talkbass....ver-1-a-620296/[/url]

    His dirty channel goes to a Proco Turbo Rat, then a Boss GEB-7, then a Prescription Electronics Depth Charge, then out to the amp. The Turbo Rat and GEB-7 (boost low-mids and highs) are always on, the Depth Charge is used only for the distorted intro to "Flood" in concert.

    His main channel then follows this path:

    Guyatone VT-X Tremolo (used in "Lost Keys" and "Right in Two")
    Digitech Bass Whammy (used in "Eulogy", "Third Eye", "Schism", "Ticks & Leeches", "Lateralus", "Disposition", "Vicarious", "The Pot" and "Right in Two")
    Tech 21 Sansamp GT-2 (used for all distortions on Aenima and Lateralus, as well as on "Vicarious", "The Pot" and "Lost Keys")
    Boss CE-5 (used in many songs, most obviously used in "H.", "jimmy" and "No Quarter")
    Boss BF-2 (used in "Forty-Six & 2", "Pushit", "Schism", "Lateralus" and "Jambi")
    Boss DD-3/6 (used in "Pushit", "Third Eye", "Schism", "Disposition", "Jambi")
    Guyatone BR-2 (used in "The Pot" and "Rosetta Stoned")
    Colorsound Tonebender (used in "Jambi" only, as far as I am aware)
    Foxx Fuzz/Wah (used in "The Pot" live; in the studio, it was another unverified wah)

    Justin also has a second, smaller board that is placed close to his amp that he uses for "Lost Keys". This board contains a second Sansamp GT-2, Guyatone VT-X Tremolo and Boss GEB-7. He places it next to his amp so he can generate the necessary feedback while turning the tremolo on and off.
    Thanks man! This is awesome!
    However, I'm pretty sure it's an Rx Overdriver, not a depth charge.

  9. [quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1327658956' post='1514786']
    And being from North Carolina you have 3 of the greatest things on earth right on your door step...

    1. Krispy Kreme Donuts...

    2. Roscoe Bass Guitars

    3. Moog (Being an effects manic, if you have not yet taken the trip to the Moog shop, I'll be somewhat surprised!!)
    Taking the trip this summer! ;)
    We also have barbeque and Pepsi, if you're into that sort of stuff.

  10. Oh, anyone have any idea what fuzz would work nicely on that bit in Schism with the pitch bend? I'm guessing
    it's a tone-bender, from looking at his gear.

  11. [quote name='phil.i.stein' timestamp='1327613470' post='1514344']
    take a good long look at Mr.Excane's demos (scroll down a bit......). i'm after a Depth Charge, myself, but no luck so far. :unsure:

    i've tried many, some gated, some not.

    depends what you like, smooth and furry, or aggressive and hairy ? :D

    link - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/138296-my-pedal-demo-video-collection-free-pedal-giveaway/"]http://basschat.co.u...pedal-giveaway/[/url]
    Thanks, checkin' 'em out.
    That Iron Ether Oxide is pretty smooth, I must say.
    I'm more of a smooth fuzz guy myself! ;)

  12. Already transcribed his rack and amp setup! ;)
    You could say I'm obsessed.

    After listening to it live and demos of the animato and russian, I'm thinking it's mostly
    the Russian.

    But back to the main question: Favorite fuzz pedals? Anyone?
    On a side note, I think I've fallen in love with the Russian! Such
    amazing tone! *drool*

  13. What fuzzes do you guys like best? Which ones sound the best on bass?
    Personally, I'm really liking the Woolly Mammoth.

    Trying to find that "Hysteria" tone..

  14. [quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1327531254' post='1513108']
    Actually, I have found an Overdrive to be the hardest thing to find that sounded good. I wanted something very very slight, a tiny, warm crunch that sounded natural and gritty without being anything like a distortion or fuzz.

    I've had/have a number of distortion and fuzz pedals I love, but only a few months ago have I actually integrated an OD into my set up. 12 years I've played bass and never kept an OD pedal for more than a few months. I now have a Full Tone bass Drive and for what I want - It's staying for life!
    Love fulltone effects, but mostly for guitar. Not sure if this is what kind of overdrive
    you're looking for, but the Darkglass B7K is very versatile (and expensive). I've fallen in love
    with it myself, I love that style of bass overdrive.

  15. [quote name='Ghost_Bass' timestamp='1327516395' post='1512783']
    Don't worry Shep, there are people spending more money than you:

    The guy who commented on your pic must me a failed guitarist who never could get the hang to control a simple crybaby...
    Boss pedals are pretty cheap though! ;)

    [quote name='bartelby' timestamp='1327517258' post='1512804']
    I bet that was the guy who won the Boss competition last year. The prize was the entire pedal range.
    If only there was an EHX contest like that.. or even better, a Zvex one.. *drool*

    @panther: After looking at what that one guy on facebook said, I'm starting to think
    that 'pedalism' could actually be a big problem in this world! :(
    [rant] Some people can't accept that others work hard to earn enough money
    to buy things that make your bass sound like a police siren.. it's pretty sad. (for them!)
    Effects have evolved, and so has music. You could even say that some music is based off effects.
    So now, in the modern era, it's normal to cart around a massive board if you're playing modern
    music! [/rant]

    Uh, on a side note, anyone know when TC Electronic's gonna release those
    Mini Polytunes? I have to get my hands on a couple.. (my guitar rig will feel left out!)

  16. Looks good. So what you're trying to do is have an actual line from your bass in case the wireless fails?
    Well that would work if there's a switch on the patchbay to quickly change the input from wireless to wired.
    All in all, very cool plan!

  17. Your explanation blew my mind. Diagrams would help!

    My understanding:
    bass (split wireless and cabled)------------wireless>--------receiver----[merger box]----[splitter]--------tuner
    \---cabled>-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/(nothing here)\------switching controller----[pedals]---[amp]
    something like that?

    might be easier if you just put your tuner at the end of the chain. if it mutes
    your signal as well, you could put it before delays to silence your main signal and
    create eeire echoes that die off.

  18. No clue 'bout a protection league, but I do volunteer at the shelter every thursday :D

    Ah, I see what you mean with the phaser. Yeah, there is definitely skill involved with timing these things,
    and using effects is much like playing an instrument; you have to keep time.

    I think the main reason why we (bassists) use effects is because it's fun. It also adds some new flavor to your music.
    Justin Chancellor, for example, is famous for both taking the lead parts in a lot of songs and for his tasteful use
    of effects and heavy use of overdrive. Effect use makes a bassist as much as technique.

  19. [quote name='musophilr' timestamp='1327408569' post='1510629']
    1. Envelope I was thinking of things like phaser which gives the impression of something which gets louder after you've played the leading edge of the note, hence the most apparent part of your note occurs a few ms after you played it rather than on the leading edge.

    @lxxwj - like your cat !
    Phaser's just a watery sound, no volume increase there. There are some delays that can do that, though.
    About the cat: I wish I had one, just found this pic on the internet somewhere ^_^

    My strategy with effects is to plan it out first. Start out with everything you could ever want, and THEN
    think strategically. (what could I actually use? what isn't useful for the role I have in the band?) And then
    think about practicality.. I've narrowed my ideas down to 11 pedals, including a tuner and compressor.

  20. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1327407951' post='1510616']
    If anything which alters "the envelope" (not sure what you mean there?) confused the rhythm, then no funk bands would use envelope filters?

    Why would pitch effects work on guitar not bass? (thinking of chorus specifically).

    Have you ever used a delay pedal and set it to be in time with the peice you're playing?

    However, I do agree that chorus/vibrato would be a bit odd on bass, but as for all effects, there are ways to make them
    work if you're open minded. Generally, effects are better in smaller bands with less stuff going on, like a 3 piece guitar + singer/bass/drums
    band. Usually the bassist would have more freedom because the guitarist isn't likely to be playing complicated riffs
    while singing, mainly just chords or simple variations. That way, the bassist can get more complicated, maybe bring some effects in
    or lots of improvisation.

    Envelope filters don't alter rhythm if you think harder when playing. ;)

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