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Everything posted by Root-Note

  1. Thanks for all the suggestions, guys. It's pretty great to get a nice variety of input. I'm using the Major's Boot Camp till I get the books. Cheers ya'll. Xx
  2. Hi, I wanted to learn sight-reading, and at the moment I'm using Youtube videos, but I'd like to get some books as well. I know my theory, but I just need something to play to, preferably the kind that cover both easy and hard exercises/ pieces in one book; If there are any that specialise in jazz that would also be handy. Thanks for reading this, Mike
  3. Hi, I am thinking of getting an Orange Bass Terror 500 amp head, they're discontinuing them, so GAK are knocking them down a bit, but the salesman then told me about the new Orange OB1 300. I was looking at them both for their merits and I think the OB1 looks more useful. (I have a previous post on here about the possibilities of plugging straight into a DI with an EQ pedal to save carrying an amp around, so yes, I am that same determined idiot, but my idea has changed from EQ pedal to amp head—because cabs continue to be bulky, heavy, and costly.) The amp head would be for home recordings and future gigs. Here's my idea: for home recording, I can plug my amp head into the interface [Focusrite 2i2] for a much better sound. The OB1 would be fine as it has both a Line Out and Balanced Output plug, but if I use a Bass Terror that would blow the whole thing, sound card and all. For gigs, I can hook them up to a DI straight into the PA. I would rely on the monitors to hear myself. Now the questions: On the OB1 manual it says you [i]must[/i] have the amp head connected to a speaker if you want to use the Line Out/ Balanced Output. Why is this? I'm guessing it has something to do with the power supply. What would happen if you connected the Speaker Output from either amp heads into a mixing desk? Explosion? Thanks for reading, Mike
  4. Excellent. Cheers man. Xx
  5. Thanks for the recommendations guys. I have another friend who records his guitar straight into a MIDI Keyboard (This is the one: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Midiman-M-Audio-M-Audio-Oxygen-8-MIDI-Controller-Keyboard-/121306763574?pt=US_Computer_Recording_Interfaces&hash=item1c3e725136 ) I presume that this has a very similar effect in recording. Also are there any things like the bass being too quiet or background noise whilst recording with either the M-Audio Fast Track and the Lexicon Alpha?
  6. Hello, I would like to be able to record some basic demos on my Mac, but there seem to be many variations on how to do so and I want to avoid the bad ones. I know I could use a mixer, but any decent one is expensive; there's also the option of an interface like this: http://www.gak.co.uk/en/lightsnake-usb-xlr-cable-soundcard/3922 but I have a feeling that I'll be lampooned and folk will throw tomatoes at me for even considering it. Unfortunately I'm poor and I want to see if it is possible to have a semi-decent recording without an amp or an overdraft. Predicament or just stupid, you decide. There's also the wonder of connecting a DI box (for I have one) straight into the Mac, but I don't know if there is a kind of cable to connect either an XLR or 1/4" jack to a USB or Firewire 800 - also does it make a difference connecting to a Firewire instead of a USB? Also I didn't see much point of getting a pre-amp as I'll take care of that on Logic Pro. The whole reason for this is because I want to record stuff to send to my bandmates so they can jam/ record their own parts over it and then send it back, making a rough version of a new song, via e-mail. Thank you for reading this post, Mike (Root-Note)
  7. Hello, I had a thought recently: Would it be effective to connect a bass to an EQ pedal (or pre-amp pedal) which plugs straight into a DI box through to the PA? This idea came about because I thought it would be useful to travel to a gig without the need of an amp - I have a moped, so I can take a bass only. I haven't really seen any posts about this online, which could be because it's a silly idea . . . But what level of sound quality what it deliver? Between terrible and passable. I have done gigs with just a bass and a DI box, and those gigs have sounded pretty alright; so by that logic, adding a pre-amp or EQ pedal should make it good. Maybe - I'm no tone-guru. Please post your thoughts. And thank you for reading this.
  8. Hi. I Got Foals' new Holy Fire album about a month ago. It's very good, but i've become stumped by the bassline for the verse of the song Milk & Black Spiders. I think there may be polyrhythms going on in there, perhaps groups of 11 over 8 crotchets, i'm not entirely sure though. If anyone reading this fancies a go at cracking it, I could use some help. Thank You for reading. Xx
  9. http://www.facebook.com/events/245941215539807/ It opens at 7pm and starts at 7:30, tickets cost £6 to get in. Thank you for reading this. Xx
  10. It starts at 7:30pm and ends at 10:45pm. It cost £5 to get in. Thank you for reading this post. Xx [url="https://www.facebook.com/events/555739327770439/"]https://www.facebook...55739327770439/[/url] [color=#333333]The Good Ship, 289 Kilburn High Road, London NW6 7JR[/color]
  11. [b][u]For Sale:[/u][/b] [b]Laney RB4 160w Bass Combo[/b] Bought for £290, barely used and has no signs of cosmetic damage. The amp has a 7-band EQ, a compression setting, a gain setting, FX loop, DI socket and is suitable for active and passive basses. The dimensions are 25 x 16 x 23” and it has a 15” Celestion speaker and as a bonus it also comes with a protective waterproof case worth £20. Altogether I am selling this for [b][u]£170[/u][/b], if you wish to purchase or have any questions or want to see pictures please e-mail me at [email="[email protected]"][email protected][/email]. Thank you for reading
  12. Hi, I am selling a Laney RB4 160w Combo amp, I purchased this amp about 10 months ago and I have only used it for 2 rehearsals and 2 gigs, but apart from that it hasn't been used and has no damage. The reason why I am selling it is because it is too big/ heavy for me and I am looking get a smaller amp to ease carrying it everywhere. The price I paid for this amp is £280 and I am selling it for £200, the amp also comes with a waterproof case to help protect it when you are transporting it to your car/ van in the rain. Also I have ridiculous amount of photos of the amp and case so if you want to see a specific part that I haven't put up just ask. Thank you for reading Mike [attachment=122784:DSCF0076.JPG][attachment=122785:DSCF0077.JPG][attachment=122786:DSCF0079.JPG][attachment=122787:DSCF0091.JPG][attachment=122788:DSCF0092.JPG]
  13. Hi I am selling my Laney RB4 bass amp, it has only been used for 2 rehearsals and 2 gigs and it has not beeen damaged or over worked at all. I bought the amp for £290 and with it being hardly used I thought it would be worth about £210, it also comes with a waterproof carry case which I got seperately for protection. The reason why I am selling it is because it is rather big and I am looking for something more compact and easier to move to replace it, if you have any enquiries please don't hesitate to e-mail me at [email="[email protected]"][email protected][/email] and I can give you more details and send you some pictures of it. Thank you for reading Mike
  14. Hi, I currently own a Laney RB4 160w amp which I am considering selling for something else, I bought the amp on impulse because I needed one quickly and cost effectively because a gig spung up out of nowhere, I used this amp a few times for a couple of gigs and rehearsals ages ago but since then I have gained some knowledge and appreciation of tone because before that I didn't know or care. The main problem with the amp is the size because it is a complete rectum to carry around and store particularly as our rehearsal/ recording space is tiny, not only that but I find the sound really bad (partly because i'm not very good a EQing) and the gain which gives it the majority of it's volume is terrible, the thing that got my attention was that it was 160w and was powerful so it didn't require miking (which I now realised is an incredibly stupid reason) but to be honest it's not that powerful as I had to crank it all the way up gain and all to get any proper volume. The kind of amp i'm looking for now is one that has a good variable tone and isn't particularly big (it'll be miked up for any gigs we get), probably around 75w but still has power and also in the £200- £300 range. I have been told to avoid Ashdown because they break down easily, and after playing Fenders I don't like them either. If any of you reading this can recommend something that's even just a brand name for me that would be greatly appreciated and thank you for reading this. Mike
  15. Forgive my ignorance but what goes on at these meetups?
  16. To be honest I enjoy heavy strings and a high/ medium action to give my fingers a challenge, but for gigs it's best to play without weights probably so I don't muck up as much, perhaps keep the high action for my practise bass.
  17. Sweet, cheers guys I expected to have to adjust inotation but fortunately I've done that before on previous instruments so I have some know-how on that, also correct me if i'm wrong but are flatwounds the type of strings used on double basses or acoustic fretless basses?
  18. Hi, Since I bought my bass I have used the strings that came with it which are those generic low gauge ones, and recently I have become tired of the amount of slack that they produce. I was hoping that whoever reads this could give me an idea of what make of strings to look at, the bass I own is a Squire Jazz Bass and I was thinking that a gauge 50- 100/ 105 would get rid of the slack (although please correct me if i'm wrong), another thing is that I'm looking for a nice thick tone and I want them to last a long time so they can get a nice warm sound once they get dirty. Thanks for reading Mike
  19. Cheers fellas, this has been really helpful, thanks for all your help
  20. Hi, I have made this post to get a few reviews from people such as you, this was a band I was in until it dissolved due to band clashes (I was not involved), I was just hoping that if you have the time to watch this and perhaps leave a comment saying what you think that would be much appreciated. Thank you for Reading (I know that the mixing is off, that is because we are new to the whole recording thing) [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvb0HH2nOLc"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvb0HH2nOLc[/url]
  21. Hi, I have developed a bizzare drive for technique recently and one of the techniques I am learning is Doublethumbing, unfortunately... I am sh*te, I have looked around Youtube checking out videos by people like MarloweDK and Casimer (I was also told by a friend about a Victor Wooten Doublethumb lesson on Youtube but I couldn't find it) but after all the looking and practising I still have no way of making it sound nice, particularly as my thumb keeps snagging on the up-pluck, If anyone has any tips or something even remotely useful please could you help a fellow bassist. Thank you for reading
  22. Cheers for the replies guys (sorry about the long 2 month delay, I just found out how to check on replies...), one of the tutors at my college said about the 'EHX Bass Micro Synth' and said it works very well, hopefully I can find one to try it out. ...Also the 'Krakken' looks super-sweet.
  23. Hi, we are looking for a singer (maybe a second guitarist as well) to complete our band, we are based in Tonbridge/ Tunbridge Wells area, if you are interested or have any questions please e-mail me at [email="[email protected]"][email protected][/email]
  24. Hi, can anyone help me I have been looking for a bass pedal that could replicate (or at least sound kind of like) the bass from Eurhythmics' Sweet Dreams and New orders Blue Monday, I don't know much about effects pedals (apart from the 'Boss SYB-5'), please could someone give me an idea of what to look for.
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