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Everything posted by lockpicker1969

  1. i was thinking of getting a case. just bringing my db home from the shop where i bought it last friday and i knocked the bridge out of position. it was supplied with a padded case but this not protect it from this happening
  2. Hi Sean thanks for the idea of tube. i think i will get some lessons and see how things work out maybe the tutor would have books dvd ect. i have just advertised for a tutor in Hull Cheers Richard
  3. Hi I have just bought my first double bass after quite a while playing electric bass/guitar ect . I am fumbling along ok but I don’t want to pick up any bad habits so I thought it best to get some lessons. Please pm me if you are interested or know anybody who is Regards Richard
  4. Hi My senor student has finally arrived .got them to fit some innovation 140rb rock a billy strings and lower the action for me. I am really excited about this new sound even though i can hardly play it. I did read somewhere on this forum to only practice for around 15mins at first then put it down and come back for another 15mins and hour or so later.well i have broke that rule having just played .......well tried to play for about 2hrs solid and i can tell you i am knackered now and going to bed for a rest lol. 1 quick question for you all is there a rock a billy learner dvd anyone has a copy of ?if not i don’t mind buying new but whats the best one to buy?. i thought my first fumble with my db went ok tonight but i would like to make sure i am not picking up any bad habits . Richard
  5. [i]ok thanks for all the advice. about 1 week to go before it arrives, i cant wait [/i] [i]i am reading alot of back posts so you will probably see me popping up again.[/i]
  6. is there a half way house? or is it just slap or bow
  7. Its my first db and i was leaving it up to the shop were i am buying it to sort it out. I told him i wanted to play rockabilly on it and was not to fussed about bowing. It had steel strings but he is changing them and also lowering the action as well as the pick up.the db comes with a bow . i am having second thoughts now as i have been listening to some nice bowing online and would like to have a try. Would i still be able to bow with the setup i have asked for?
  8. sorry buy not bug lol
  9. [size="3"][color="#000000"][font="Calibri"]Hi[/font][/color][/size] [size="3"][color="#000000"][font="Calibri"]I am looking to bug my first db maybe a stenor i don’t know yet. Could anyone tell me what Shaller pick-ups are like? I was thinking of getting some .what are these like compared to the bass max ect that i have been reading about [/font][/color][/size]
  10. [font="Calibri"][size="3"][color="#000000"]Thanks for the quick reply[/color][/size][/font] [font="Calibri"][size="3"][color="#000000"]I had a quick fumble with it yesterday and i was quite disappointed with the volume. I thought with such a big body it would have been a lot louder , thats why i mentioned the pick up thing first.i remember seeing a trio play onstage and the db player wasn’t amped up, and he was loud enough. Recon he had a different db?[/color][/size][/font] [font="Calibri"][size="3"][color="#000000"]The guy has said it will need setting up right, he said he might take some varnish off to make it louder.is this right? Also the feet were not touching the body right and the fingerboard wasn’t as smooth as i expected .maybe my hands were sweating or maybe i need to get used to the thickness of the neck compared to my eb i don’t know [/color][/size][/font] [font="Calibri"][size="3"][color="#000000"] [/color][/size][/font] [size="3"][color="#000000"][font="Calibri"]Is this db better than the [/font]Primavera 3/4 Rockabilly Double Bass. I wanna try make sure I buy the right db first time[/color][/size]
  11. Thanks for the warm welcome and the links. Its good to see there are a few members from the Hull area. I remember the red guitars, didn’t they get to about number 20 in the charts once? I started another thread last night on buying stenor student 2 .off to have a look now. Cheers Richard
  12. Hi I have been looking at the above ¾ double bass but am after some advice from the forum before I commit to buy it. I am buying mainly to learn how to play rockabilly and slap. Would this bass be the right one for me? When or if I get good enough would this be suitable /loud enough to play with a band on stage? If not what sort of pickup would I need. At the moment it has steel strings on and the action seems really high. How easy is it to lower the action, can it be done by myself? Are the strings ok for rockabilly. I have seen strings for £100 wow I cant believe they are this expensive. How long do they last? If all these questions have been asked before I apologize in advance. As you can probably tell I know zilch about double basses.
  13. Thanks for that thumperbob, i will try and get over to see you. if you hear of any db going will you let me know.....cheers Richard
  14. I would like to say hi to all the forum. As Steve will know it took me a while to get there but I am here now.i have been playing bass and guitar 20 odd years and played bass in a group in Hull where I come from for around 4 years. I gave it up in the end as it was getting to much gigging 3 to 4 times a week and holding down a full time job as a locksmith.i have always loved the sun sessions by Elvis, I remember buying this on tape and listening to it every night. I learnt most songs on guitar but not bass as I have never owned or even touched a double bass. This is why I am on here now. I want to buy a double bass and start another band. Its been about 4 yrs since i last played in the group but if anybody is from Hull or surrounding area and interested please give me a pm. Richard
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