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Everything posted by Kevsy71

  1. Fantastic basses, I had a 4HH too - but I'm guessing yours is not 5kg heavier GLWTS!
  2. Please can you confirm the fingerboard radius? I can't remember if these are 7.25" or 9.5" . Cheers!
  3. Dakota is a lovely shade, darker red than fiesta which has a hint of pink. What's the fingerboard radius bruce?
  4. Withdrawn, probably because @Marc S is right on all counts ^^
  5. DIsclaimer: not tried one, but the Bass Centre Ps get good reviews, especially the Bruce Thomas signature model.
  6. For sale only: Fender Roadworn 50s Precision bass. £750 including UK courier No trades thank you (some more hi-res pics here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/133089969@N07/albums/72157666524093767/with/27118298298/ I bought this recently from fellow Basschatter thebrig, original sales thread here: https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/320859-sold-fender-road-worn-50s-precision-bass-sunburst-20156/ It has not been gigged or even at band practice since I received it. Includes the original Fender gigbag and case candy (bag candy?) Comes with LaBella FS (standard gauge) flats, not the FL as shown in the pic. Price includes UK courier. Thanks for looking!
  7. For a home cinema, music listening room or studio; with a static, seated audience and careful acoustic treatment; I would absolutely go to town applying the scientifically-correct sound reinforcement solution. Because in that environment, the variables are minimised, and the results can be more fully appreciated. But at the Dog and Duck, with a packed car park in the rain, an L-shaped-low-ceiling- room-with-a-bar-and-ante-rooms-and-windows-and-glass-conservatory, packed* with standing, moving, 'refreshed' and loud-talking punters? Then the goalposts move. If I can hear clear vocals and distinguish the instruments from the busy parts of the room then I'm happy: and if that can be achieved with a more portable set up with less trip hazards, less power strips and less footprint then that setup wins. Sadly we're not generating anything near-enough the gig income to switch, so it's teetering PA tops for the foreseeable. Mind those stand legs! * anything more than three, including dogs
  8. Sorted , see here: https://www.talkbass.com/threads/ampeg-v4-b-2016-no-signal-from-preamp-out-di.1332575/#post-21063304
  9. Hi all, My Ampeg V4-B works great into a cab, and I thought I'd try a DI recording. Chain: P bass -> 0dB input on V4-B -> DI out -> Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 'Line' input. My speaker cab was connected. Nothing registered at the Scarlett (tested with other preamps, and working fine). I heard the bass as normal through the speaker. Tried taking 'Slave out' and 'Preamp Out' to the Scarlett, again nothing. But: when I feed another Preamp into 'Power Amp In', then the DI works. Any ideas please? It's as if the V4B preamp->power amp chain is working fine for speaker output, but not for the preamp->DI/Preamp out/Slave out circuits. Cheers! Kev
  10. Is the earth wire soldered to the underside of the bridge, or is the wire just splayed out so that threads contact the bridge? I had a similar issue on a P which had the latter, and so I scraped back the bridge plate to reveal some copper, to which I could solder the earth wire: hum greatly reduced.
  11. After an epic noodle I realised why I loved this so much - can't part with it, so withdrawn. Thanks for all the interest!
  12. Superb Lewis!! I have gold on my faded surf green relic, love it Is that the CIJ maple neck...?
  13. Surely the best response would have been "Howdy, partner!"
  14. If basses are going to start wearing jackets, then mine needs to be a Puffer for tonight's gig!
  15. Just bought Brian's Roadworn P: exactly as described, carefully packaged, quickly despatached and communications throughout - perfect! Cheers Brian, much appreciated
  16. I awoke from surgery once in a darkened room, to a deep voice saying "it didn't work". They actually meant the surgery hadn't gone ahead due to a technical fault, but my first thought was "I'm dead, and this is heaven". My second was , "Now, where do they keep the original '57 Ps...?"
  17. Try this: practice it 3 times slowly, then 1 time fast. And repeat...
  18. @ZilchWoolham, the first Continental Europe link in Germany is now dead/shut down; but to make up for it there's also these across La Manche: http://leguitarium.fr/categorie-produit/guitares-basses/par-type-basses/guitares-basses-vintages/ http://vintageguitars.fr/en/product-category/guitars/bass/ http://www.bassclubparis.com/index.php/occasions/fender
  19. (walks into sports shop run by former music shop staff) "I'd like to try those boots, please" (Assistant gets a pair from the storeroom, puts them on, performs 'street skillz' juggles with the ball for 2 minutes, then takes them off and hands them to me) "And that relates to a match situation how exactly...?"
  20. Just sold Lawrie a 1964 Precision. Deal went very smoothly, fast and easy communication and payment: a gentleman and a pleasure to deal with, another credit to Basschat. Cheers Lawrie!
  21. Scuba tank + bin lorry crusher = booooommmm!!!!
  22. You need to able to hear yourself and the other and members; the other band members need to be able to hear you; and the audience need a balanced mix and not a wall of indistinguishable noise. If your drummer has an acoustic kit then they need to be aware of this too (per comments above) and not start the volume wars. Turn down the noisy instruments, don't turn up the quiet ones, and vocals are king. Unless you're all going In-Ear Monitors with DI only for the PA, then a 2x10 (Ampeg SVT-CL micro) or 1x15 (Fender Rumble) combo has always worked fine for me in pubs.
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