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Everything posted by geoffbyrne

  1. If you come across an Overwater by Tanglewood Aspiration 5, don't pass it by without playing it. G.
  2. Take off the control-cavity cover. Mine have the model name written on the inside. G.
  3. Only three?
  4. I've EB Cobalts on all my 35 (& 34). Just suit me. My fingers turn black with nickels. G.
  5. Good luck with the search.
  6. I'm in Wishaw. If you are near-ish, I could have a look at it. p.s. I note the nut is not fully located to the bottom of the slot. Personally, I'd get back in touch with the vendor & get a replacement. G.
  7. One annoyance is the fact that double action truss rods are still being made with brass nuts. Why? If someone ruins the soft metal nut, then, basically, your whole guitar/bass neck is a total loss. This happened to me with a Peavey I had. Nut was well mangled when I got it. I didn't know it was a 2-way. Modern truss rod nuts need to be made from hard metal since they are non-replaceable.
  8. Me. What Beedster said....
  9. Welcome to the spectrum, Mate and congrats on finding a bass that gives you joy. Health to play it. G.
  10. Recently played a Lakland, a Sadowsky and a Sandberg. The Sandberg stood above the others (for me).
  11. I might have some spare in the cupboard. Be tomorrow (Sunday) before I can check. This is the stuff that glows in the dark when exposed to UV light - right?
  12. I have Cobalt Flats on everything now, so problem doesn't arise, but thanks for suggestion.
  13. Yes, my fingers turn black while playing nickel. No lesions as yet, but stick to SS and cobalt now.
  14. I've one of these - apart from my (real) Overwater Fretless. It's my go-to bass, always at hand. Bought from GuitarGuitar in Glasgow for Not A Lot. Highly recommend - if seen, try it!
  15. You should maybe talk to Jon Shuker too.
  16. Yes, sorry if I sounded a bit peremptory - I have a Sire M7 with that kind of switching. I use it, mainly, in parallel mode and never in single, switching only to series when I need the extra mids. It not being played much since I got my Tanglewater (Overwater by Tanglewood). The Overwater pickups seem to be in parallel, both on the above bass and my fretless and that seems to suit me very well.
  17. Series and parallel are both humbucking. Single coil is not and it isn't really "tapping" either. I have a couple of really old DiMarzio Strat single coils which have a coil tap coming from roughly half-way through the wind. This can be switched in and is the only true "tapping".
  18. There's an Artec pickup of that shape although I have no idea how it sounds - might be worth a look? artecsound.com - neck end & special bass - EBC4-CR
  19. Last time I gigged I was 73, a year ago. I'll keep going as long as I can. G.
  20. Looks great - thinking of this myself. G.
  21. I spent a week with Jon Shuker and built one fro scratch. The cost of staying in a hotel/inn/pub made it quite expensive, but I ended up with a lovely instrument.
  22. I have a Mk1, and as far as I can figure, the tones are pretty much identical - same pickups/preamp. Since unexpectedly getting an Overwater, it's not getting played very much though. G.
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