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Everything posted by geoffbyrne

  1. [quote name='Bassassin' post='384219' date='Jan 18 2009, 06:21 PM']The 6-bolt plate is not a 100% ID - Moridaira did use them, particularly on early instruments, but you'd need a headstock with a known Mori brand for a full ID. Morris is Moridaira's house brand, and they also built the Japanese Hohners in the late 70s and early 80s, but these confuse the issue by having either plain 4-hole plates, or MIJ-stamped 4-hole plates. It's believed the early Japanese CMIs with 6-hole plates are Moridaira - although that might just be an assumption based on the plate. Moridaira's also annoying for frequently using unbranded/unmarked components. And yes - JapCrap is all this confusing! Mostly... A 6-hole Mori plate will (probably) say MIJ - however, the Kay Precisions like this one: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Kay-P-Bass-Precision-style-guitar-70s-vintage_W0QQitemZ180321547827"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Kay-P-Bass-Precision...emZ180321547827[/url] ...have a blank 6-hole plate. These are very common, and the necks (hefty great things made of strip-ply) are probably their worst feature. These were Taiwanese in origin, don't know what timber was used for the body but they're very, very heavy. The upshot is really that although Moridaira did use the 6-hole plate, other builders did too, & it's likely they weren't the only Jap factory to use them. Really in JapCrap you need a brand with a known provenance (like Antoria, for example) or an exact comparison with a known branded instrument to be 100% certain of ID. J.[/quote] Thanks for that. Now. Anyone like to buy it? Geoff
  2. [quote name='Bassassin' post='383837' date='Jan 18 2009, 11:30 AM']Agreed - if it was a maple board I'd have a hard time resisting, despite the fact I need another P like I need an extra scrotum. The body might be from an early Kay - not a bad thing because the massive slab sarnie bodies on these were the best thing about them. If the neckplate's plain (no MIJ) it probably is a Kay. To be honest Geoff, all the Japanese factories used the sandwich construction technique in their mid-range instruments, you really can't ID a Mori specifically from that. Anyway, the neck's what it says it is - Antoria was built by Fujigen at this point, & the 70s Antorias were identical to their Ibanez counterparts, down to the serial numbers. This is useful because we can ID & date the neck like this: [url="http://www.ibanez.ru/info/catalog/1971/13.jpg"]1971 Ibby catalogue[/url] That's it on the right, later versions had full-size tuners & smaller, white plastic TRCs. You can tell the Antoria had the larger style from the channel size &screwhole positioning so I'd say it's reasonable to infer it's from around '71 or '72. Jon.[/quote] Thanks for the info, Jon. I was told in the Ibanez forum that the 6-bolt neck plate identified it as Moridaira factory. Any info on that? Apart fro one or two minor dints, the neck is really nice. Geoff
  3. [quote name='Kev' post='383308' date='Jan 17 2009, 03:45 PM']where are you mate??[/quote] Loughborough, but I drive past Bristol about every 6 weeks . G.
  4. I bought this as being an Antoria. later, research showed that the 6 bolt neck plate and the horizontally-split 2 piece pancake body might be indicative of the construction used by other Japanese factories in the late 60's & early 70's. When I got it it had suffered the dreaded Halfords Spray-can finish. Chemical stripping of this revealed that at least half of the poly had not been removed. Much elbow grease and Tung Oil later, the body below was revealed. I like this neck - it's a shallow 'C', straight and plays very well. The pickup is good, and I fitted different pots. I've done a gig with this bass and it was more than Good Enough. £65 ono Geoff
  5. Neck through Hondo Pro or Satellite P bass. Previous owner has given the headstock a coat of black paint and I currently don't feel like stripping it as this would likely remove any transfer left under it. It demonstrates much mojo - many dents and scrapes, but nothing major. Neck shows plenty of wear, but there's plenty of fret left. The action is very good and the bass plays pretty well indeed. The neck is best described as a deeper 'D' rather than a shallow 'C'. Originals of these had DiMarzio pickups, but I don't think this is one - it sounds more than OK, though. I think the pots may still be original. The volume pot is fine, but the tone pot is a little iffy. The worst point is that some imbecile pre-owner has reamed the hex socket in the truss rod nut and I can't adjust it. Having said that, the action is low and excellent and, I believe, stable. I'll include another truss rod nut if buyer can extract the original. £65 ono Geoff
  6. This is a VP700 Series Double P Bass with set maple neck, ash body wings round maple & walnut and was defretted by a previous owner. I bought it as a stripped carcase and have installed 2 x GB P bass pickups (10K) with CTS pots & switch. The 3 point bridge was gone & beautifully filled when I got it - I found a massive brass (8 string) bridge & fitted it along with a brass nut. This gives great sustain & tone. The bass remains passive. I've played full gigs with this instrument twice and it played very well. The pups are each side of where a standard P would be, so the neck is slightly bassier, and, interestingly, the bridge pup is very close to where an MM Stingray pup would be. This is a very punchy pickup. Both together, there is some phase cancellation of certain frequencies, giving a very smooth tone. Considering the work & costs involved in bringing this back from the dead, I'd like in the region of £100, or would swap for a baritone (longer scale the better) or a reasonable 2x10 cab. Geoff
  7. Is it just me, or are the tuner base-plates actually overlapping? G.
  8. Our drummer uses an electronic kit through the PA, so we turn him down to balance!!! G.
  9. About bloody time too!!!! Welcome!! Geoff
  10. I have an Ibanez RD605 which is S/MM. The MM is a ceramic Seymour Duncan. I also have the identical pickup in the drawer, and I'd rather it was on the bass(!!!). I also have the template for the route. However. I do not trust myself to cut into a fairly pristine instrument - I really haven't done much routing at all. I'm chicken! If there's anyone nearby with good in their heart, or for a small fee, feels competent to do this for me, I'd be very much obliged. Geoff
  11. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Headless-Electric-Bass-Guitar-Hardware-Set-Project_W0QQitemZ120360207315QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Guitar_Accessories?hash=item120360207315&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1298|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Headless-Electric-Ba...%3A1|240%3A1318[/url] G.
  12. No-one ever metions the Hohner B Bass V. Neck through, maple, active - slim neck for a V, made in Korea by Cort......... You should give one a try before dismissing. G.
  13. [quote name='Buzz' post='373712' date='Jan 8 2009, 12:04 AM']Perhaps a silver metallic base coat with white sprayed thinly over it? Best to get the number of some local car respray shops and give them a ring asking for advice.[/quote] I once had a Sunn which was pearlescent white. So it does exist. G.
  14. I swear the 5's scale looks like a 35" against the 4's 34. G.
  15. My main bass is a B 5 - effectively a Jack with a headstock & standard hardware. as it has a narrow neck, I have a smallish hand, and keep coming back to it, and although I've often thought about upgrading the 'Licensed by EMGs', every time I hear them on a recording, I feel they are fine. I've done the 'J' pups-in-series mod, which is pretty effective. G.
  16. [quote name='OldGit' post='369154' date='Jan 3 2009, 10:25 AM']Save up a bit more?[/quote] I worked on a Shine Warrior 5 a while back - J/MM. Neck was too 'clubby' for me. Nothing special. A friend bought a Stagg 335 type from Ebay and it was All Right - YMMV. G.
  17. Hi Guys & Gals. Geoff Byrne - a Scot living in Loughborough. I've been playing guitar from age 11 and bass from 55 - I'm 62. I play bass with Main Street (www.myspace.com/mainstreetuk), a middle-of-the-road group of wrinklies, apart from Cheryl, the singer. My main basses are a Hohner B 5 and an Ibanez RD605. My fretless is a Westone Thunder III. I have an Ashdown MAG400(UK) into a 15" SR cab with a Beyma 12" (250W@8 Ohms)in a custom baffle, and a 15" Celestion in a custom cab (rated same as Beyma) I also use an MXR-80+, a Yamaha NE-1 and a Marshall Compressor pedal. For practice I go into the MXR-80 then into the FX Return (Line In) of my Crate PowerBlock 150, out to the Beyma. I also play rhythm with a Rockabilly band, Alex B & The Hornets. (http://www.myspace.com/alexbandthehornets). Diabetes, heart attack, 5 stents & old age allowing I hope to carry on for a few years yet. www.soundclick.com/geoffbyrne Geoff
  18. [quote name='zig-zag' post='368112' date='Jan 1 2009, 10:33 PM']Hey guys, relatively new member here (I registered a while back, but only got around to visiting now). after all the reviews I've read about Blue Steels, I'd quite like to give them a whirl. The only problem is, I can't find any. Does anyone know anywhere in the UK where I can buy them (and can get them delivered to South Wales)? Also, any views on these strings would be a great addition. Thanks guys![/quote] I recently bought a set off ebay & put them on my Ibanez RD605. They lasted about 10 days. YMMV. G.
  19. Martha & the Vandellas gave me the fright of my life - I thought I was watching something out of 'The Night of the Living Dead'!!! G.
  20. Don't forget the MXR-80+ DI............ G.
  21. Big, full & gritty = DiMarzio Model J's in series. G.
  22. [quote name='Hiperi0n' post='361157' date='Dec 22 2008, 04:23 PM']i had a couple of Wals 5 in the past...i have to say that was great basses but i always preferred 4 strings Wal...but probably because i'm mostly a 4 strings player.... never had the change to own or play a six , but too much strings anyway [/quote] I'd love that, but I have a small hand, and to me the neck on that (and all 6/7 strings) looks like an ironing board. Betcha it sounds great, though!! G.
  23. [quote name='littleal' post='360373' date='Dec 21 2008, 06:07 PM']Mmmm!! A brand new six string wal.... i wonder how much that would cost ?? i've lusted for one ever since i first saw one..[/quote] You've seen one? I've seen a 5, but never a 6. G.
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