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Everything posted by geoffbyrne

  1. 90% of the time the problem i cable related. G.
  2. There's actually rails in these & you bolt the rack unit into it as you would into a rack box. I have a 3U in the cupboard surplus to requirement. G.
  3. I did both on my Peavey Cirrus and could discern absolutely no difference at all. G.
  4. I have 2 from the 70's I still use regularly for practice - they're good in confined spaces. G.
  5. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/151260481072?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT A bit on the expensive side tho'.... G.
  6. Ibanez made an 8 string version of the Studio bass - a stripped down Musician. http://www.ibanezcollectors.com/discus/messages/669/9842.html?1142395637 G.
  7. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/233504-precision-bass-by-vintage/ http://basschat.co.uk/topic/233741-vintage-brand-5-string/ http://basschat.co.uk/topic/230163-westone-thunder-1a/ http://basschat.co.uk/topic/234049-fs-hondo-ii-professional-l175/ http://basschat.co.uk/topic/233966-fsft-squier-vm-jazz-fretless/ http://basschat.co.uk/topic/226009-mik-squier-precision/ http://basschat.co.uk/topic/234035-yamaha-bb400s-fretless-bass-mij-1984/ http://basschat.co.uk/topic/234030-ft-westfield-b1000-p-bass-clone-for-why-p-bass-hard-case/ G.
  8. FYI: A few years ago I bought (off this forum) a pair of rather expensive Joe Barden pickups for my Jazz. They were to replace the EMG Selects that were on that particular instrument. Well. If you read up on them at source they are intended to replicate the 'original authentic' sound of an early fender Jazz bass. I sold the EMGs to Ou7shined up there in Aberdeen who put them on a good bass and proclaimed they were 'pretty decent.' After a certain period of time it occurred to me that the EMG Selects were also designed to sound like the original 57 Jazz bass, and to be honest with myself, when I listened to recordings of the Jazz with each of the brands in, I was buggered if I could tell the difference!!! Oh sure, when I payed a lot of money for the Bardens, I kidded myself that I could hear a tighter bottom end, more defined mids and extended highs. That's what you'd like if you'd forked out a load of cash. At the end of the day, I bought the EMGs back from Rich & put them back in - and do you know what? I couldn't really tell the difference. Both were wound to reproduce the same kind of tone & they both did it. Therefore they sounded very, very similar except one was about 4 times the cost of the other. I sold the Bardens. G.
  9. I had a Thunder MkIII (version 2) Fretless (not illustrated in that link) with the Magnabass T pickups, but don't remember it being particularly light. G.
  10. Would a trade for a Sterling By Musicman SUB V interest you (Black & Maple). G.
  11. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1396721603' post='2416799'] Maybe Ive got the wrong end of the stick, but wouldn't a rounded heel just fit into a squared socket as normal, but with gaps in the corners? The scratchplate would cover those gaps. [/quote] I've had this experience with Stratocaster/Telecaster necks. You can put a Tele neck (flat end) on a Strat body & it will intonate, but putting a rounded Strat neck on a Tele body doesn't work for the above reason. I'm assuming this would work the same. G.
  12. ....and cables, if they are slightly dodgy, can affect the amount of signal being passed to a cab. Do you always use the same cable for the same cab? Have you tried reversing them? G.
  13. If you put a rounded heel into a square socket, it has the effect of pushing all the fret back a feww mm, or put another way, lengthens the scale. Now, if there is plenty of adjustment left in your bridges to come forward to re-make the scale length to the original, this may not matter, but if not, you will never get the bass to intonate properly. How about buying a second fretless neck & getting the end machined square? G.
  14. I've an Epi EB0 down the back of the sofa if you're interested...... G.
  15. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1396645016' post='2416108'] Because until one HEARS what these things sound like, one don't know sh*t. [/quote] True, dat! G.
  16. If you can get a TRB for £300 or under, grab it. Also BB's - don't forget the BBG's and the BBN's either. My fretless is essentially a modded BBG and it's worked out great. G.
  17. The standard model doesn't have a passive tone rolloff, just an active/passive switch and a neck/both switch. G.
  18. You'll find everything you need at www.axesrus.co.uk and with free postage. G.
  19. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1396458637' post='2413953'] Sterling by Musicman Sub are worth checking out. Tried one at the London Bass Guitar Show, was very impressed. [/quote] I have one like this: and although it needed a bit of work to set it up, it's very good indeed. G.
  20. Sterling by Musicman SUB V - all right, it has 3 knobs, and did need a wee bit work on it after I got it, but once set up, it's terrific for the money. G.
  21. DiMarzio J's wired in series (each one is, in effect, a P pickup in a single shell - ie 2 coils) if you like old school or parallel for a more modern feel. I had exactly this combo in my B Bass but on serial/parallel miniswitches and it was great. G.
  22. [quote name='matt-bass-sparkes' timestamp='1396368749' post='2412776'] The above Status ones do [/quote] I know - I've had them on my fretless for over a year now & they just get better. G.
  23. I loved these when I had them on my Westone Thunder III Fretless, but they don't make them in 5 string sets, or I'd still be using them. G.
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