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Everything posted by geoffbyrne

  1. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1383741334' post='2268353'] looking at the state of those cabs you might do better selling pristine looking drivers..... [/quote] Yes, admittedly a bit dusty, but they aren't now!! The big cab still looks a bit better than the little one, though. G.
  2. I.ve just ordered the Genz Benz NX2-212T to replace the two 15" cabs I currently own. Here's a pic of them looking dusty in my workshop a few years ago, sheltering under my MAG400: The smaller cab is a standard sound re-enforcement type and contains an Eminence Kappalite 3015 Full Range - currently going on Ebay for £190-ish. It needs a little EQ-ing to work well in this cab, but it does, and it's loud. The lower cab was a custom build (not by me) and contains an Eminence Deltalite 2515 - Ebay £150-ish. Although not built specifically for this driver, the Deltalite's parameters match the volume of the cab pretty well and it certainly produces a lot of bottom end. Now, when the GB arrives (approx. 2 weeks) these will be redundant and I'd want to move them on. Question: should I sell the cabs or just the drivers? The Kappalite has been gigged about 6 times and the Deltalite only twice - they are barely broken in. I'd be offering the drivers at about 2/3 the new price. Or should I sell the whole kit & caboodle (Kaboodle?)? G.
  3. Got an email this morning telling me they are out of stock but are getting more in at the end of next week. That's OK - no hurry here. G.
  4. Aren't they all school kids anyway? G.
  5. Wow!!! Do they do a fiver? G.
  6. ...and a greater innovator. RIP G.
  7. I had this kind of prob about 20 years ago & ended up being diagnosed with sarcoidosis - I sincerely hope you have something else as a prob. Get well soon. G.
  8. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-Squier-OBEY-Telecaster-Standard-series-S-E-SP10-amp-Fender-gig-bag-/310780369865?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item485bf41bc9 G.
  9. Usually ebony - being an oily wood, doesn't need oiling. G.
  10. Just had Uncle Horrid 'do' me an unlined fingerboard on my BBG5 - absolutely fabulous!!!! G.
  11. John East J-Retro DeLuxe. http://www.east-uk.com/index.php/all-products/j-retro-01-deluxe.html G.
  12. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1383213533' post='2261528'] I'm guessing you don't mean the Chicago-based alt-rockers? [/quote] Correct! G.
  13. LaBella, I've just done it, but they take a while to arrive from the US. G.
  14. I suppose, come the time, I'll have to get one & try it. Don't need to change at the moment though. G.
  15. Loved it, Nige - not usually my bag of stuff, but it doesn't matter here - I just loved it. All the best with it & health to enjoy!! G.
  16. I have a U-Retro and the output is huge, even with the mini-pots turned down. Overdriving the amp is easy. G.
  17. If you want 'thicker' then why not do the 'pups in series' mod? I haven't got a diagram for it, but I'm sure someone here has. Or change the pups for DiMarzio Model J's. G.
  18. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Custom-Audio-Electronics-MXR-Boost-Overdrive-MC-402-Guitar-Effects-Pedal-/200977242199?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item2ecb2d5857 G.
  19. I'd love this, but, unfortunately, it's a bit too far from Glasgow! Have a bump. G.
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