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Everything posted by geoffbyrne

  1. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1382344267' post='2250741'] Hey folks Tried to adjust the relief on my BB414 and couldn't. The rod seems stuck...any tips? Is there something you need to do other than "insert allen key" and turn? [/quote] Try loosening it first, then tighten. (Lefty loosey, righty tighty) G.
  2. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1382281320' post='2250018'] I think you have turned up at the wrong gig Geoff - This is about her/him indoors. [/quote] That's my point, she's nobbled him. G.
  3. Well, recently I've been talking to a gutarist/singer who has been pro for years , has played with big bands & recently advertised for players. On Wednesday night we were discussing material & my use of my fretless, converting his basement for rehearsal etc. Thursday morning I got an email saying that he has so much on his plate he doesn't have time for music. Nobbled. G.
  4. [quote name='The Dark Lord' timestamp='1382198766' post='2249222'] Best wishes to the drummer .......... however ........... there are plenty of dep drummers out there. We're playing with one tonight. This is actually the 2nd time we will have used this guy ..... and only the 2nd time we will have met him. Last time, we sent him the set with a few comments and notes, he turned up and played brilliantly for us. It was a 3 x 40 minute set with an encore of 15 mins. He charged us £66 for the privilege. He is a lot better than our normal drummer too ..... and he chips in with a 3rd vocal. Why don't you go down that route? [/quote] I'm with you on this - I can get a drummer, and a good one too. It's the other two who have parked it. I have some feelers out......... G.
  5. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1382102107' post='2247990'] Geoff, bad news, pass on our best wishes to your drummer. I don't believe how easily the other two guys have thrown in the towel! You're not starting over, you're just looking for a new drummer. If "young families" were an issue surely they'd have left before this! [/quote] The fact is, we've been rehearsing regularly & forking out money for studios. The organiser then spent a *lot* of time on the phone trying to get bookings and ended up with only two. Despite the band being established & with a good reputation, there doesn't seem to much of an audience for Blues in this area, so I guess the guys decided it wasn't worth the hassle. To a certain extent I agree. I seem to invested a lot of cash in practice studios over the last 5 or 6 years for projects that haven't either reached fruition or break up quickly shortly after. So, it maybe seems that there wasn't much of a market in the future and that they decided to cut their losses. Can't say I'd disagree with that. Thanks for the words of support, y'all. It's comforting. G.
  6. I understand he had his eyes done a week apart. Originally told he'd be fine after 14 days - it's now been upped to 90 days. I'm afraid he's very down & not in a good place at all. I'm a bit pissed at the other two as I reckon I could get another drummer. But there you are. Thanks for the commiserations - I'll pass them on. G.
  7. Had bad news today that the band I was in, The Blues Devils is suspended(!) as the Drummer ( lovely bloke) has had some terrible luck - he's had both eyes done for cataracts & for some reason, they are not healing properly, so he's at home, effectively blind, can't work, can't drive, wondering if he's ever be able to do either again - and to top it all, he's just been told he'll have to have an operation on his lower spine or he may be in deep trouble! The other two guys have young families and have decided that they can't be fussed starting all over again with another drummer. Makes you think, doesn't it? Anyone in the Glasgow area looking for a bassist? G.
  8. Spelling 'repairing' and 'near' correctly might engender more confidence. G.
  9. I had an Artec 3 Band before & thought the mids were pretty weak - it wasn't half as good as the 2 band. Just my opinion, you understand. This bass Mods looks useful, though. G.
  10. Anyone used one of these? I have space for 4 pots & I want a 3 band, vol & pan. See here: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bass-Mods-3-Band-Active-Passive-Bass-Preamp-4-Controls-Chrome-Knobs-/290897177173?pt=Guitar_Accessories&hash=item43bad2aa55 G.
  11. Recommend the adhesive - whether the repair is worth it or not is his decision. G.
  12. It's probably more to do with the nosedive of the £ against the $. G.
  13. .....I've never met a drummer I'd hug........ Bleh!!!!!! G.
  14. [quote name='Bigwan' timestamp='1381413835' post='2238723'] I was talking with Howard about a 60's ish precision build, but I'd almost managed to talk myself into being sensible... This sort of thing isn't helping... Down with this sort of thing! [/quote] Go on....Do it!!!! You know you want to........ G.
  15. I've put pics of the fretless fingerboard here: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/219193-my-new-thing-of-beauty/ Needless to say, it's another flawless job from Uncle Horrid!!! Many thanks, Howard. G.
  16. Some of you may remember this: It started off like this: Then I swapped the pickups with a forum member, as top pic. I had a fretless TRB1005, but the 35" scale was throwing my intonation out, so I swapped it with a forum member for a TRB5(Japan). That left me without a fretless, so I had a word with Uncle Horrid & sent him the neck. This arrived today: A beautiful example of Howard's work. Even on close examination, you wouldn't realise this wasn't a factory-fitted fingerboard. I put the hardware back on, mounted the neck, strung it up, cut down the slots, tuned up & adjusted the relief & the bridge & it plays beautifully - no dips or high spots. Thank you, Howard - another lovely job. G.
  17. What about Gretsch knobs? I got some & they look great. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Control-Knob-for-Gretsch-Electric-Guitar-Chrome-/280915553100?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&var=580166557984&hash=item4167df2b4c G.
  18. Don't ignore the Yammie BBG5 - much underrated. G.
  19. [quote name='Ticktock' timestamp='1380870992' post='2231640'] Hmm, 3 band you say? If it was 2 pots with one being of the push/pull variety I would consider the 3 band. [/quote] I found the 3 band pretty awful....... but the 2 band was OK. G.
  20. I found the 2-band Artec almost indestinguishable from the pre already in the B Bass - the 3 band is a different story, though..... G.
  21. Screws etc - www.axesrus.co.uk - free delivery. I replaced the pre in a B Bass (Jack with headstock) with an Artec SE2-A which works perfectly apart from not hooking up to the active/passive switch in an obvious way - I'm sure there's a way. Other parts are pretty standard - the pups are EMG Selects or similar, so shouldn't be too much hassle. G.
  22. Had a PM from Howard last night & my fretless neck should be with me soon!!! Pics when here. G.
  23. Good-Oh!!!! Looks like I'll have to order a D - see http://basschat.co.uk/topic/216933-wanted-used-daddario-chrome-flat-d-string/page__pid__2230152#entry2230152 G.
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