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Everything posted by geoffbyrne

  1. I'd have a look at DiMarzio 'J' types. They are, essentially, a 'P' pickup, but side by side. However, they can be switched so that each pickup's 2 coils can be in parallel (J sound) or in series (P sound). Of course, you could also switch them so they could be in parallel or series with each other(!) Great fun!. G.
  2. [quote name='walbassist' timestamp='1375186391' post='2157761'] [url="http://www.simnettguitars.com/home/toolstore#!/~/product/category=4222170&id=20897564"]These[/url] work well, but they are not cheap! [/quote] I have a set of those (didn't pay anything like that for them) and they are great for cutting NEW slots. Remember what you want to be doing is WIDENING the slot a little - not deepening it. As mentioned, I used needle files of various sorts & managed the B tuning quite well. G.
  3. [quote name='paulconnolly' timestamp='1375534293' post='2162605'] Last thing I wanted to see was an upskirt shot of Yoko [/quote] ....not a pretty sight....... G.
  4. Many thanks for the info & pointers to those who've replied. Once I have the original, I'll decide what I'm going to do. I'm not sure if I should revert, as I've read the original pre was a bit noisey. G.
  5. Because of the poor bridge design, relocation would be futile as the distance between the backstop & the saddles is waht needs to be increased. Since it is a 'one-piece' bridge (made up of many pieces!) moving the bridge would not change this no matter where you located it. As mentioned above - get another bridge. G.
  6. Bellhaven (Associated with Green King - if you like one, you'll like the other). St Andrew's Ale. Anything from the Broughton Brewery. These are malty, caramel. If you prefer really hoppy brews, Caledonia brands or Harvistoun are very hoppy. G.
  7. Managed to get a small box with a few old sets into the post yesterday. I've tried to label what kind, length & if they are cut for 4 straight, 4x1, 3x2 etc. G.
  8. The original has been replaced. I'll be getting it soon & may wish to revert. Currently the solo'd pups are not humbucking - I was lead to believe there were dummy coils etc. Just need to know more, really. G.
  9. Can anyone point me in the direction of a circuit diagram/pictures of the original Yamaha TRB 5 string pre? Ta. G.
  10. [quote name='barkin' timestamp='1374758366' post='2152862'] I'd be interested to know if this is the case. No matter what I put into my LH500 (clean gain wise - pre-amp, boosted EQ pedal etc. obviously dirt/distortion pedals etc are a different story) it just pumps out oodles of clean lovliness. [/quote] Especially if you replace the 12AX7 with a 5751..... G.
  11. A Yamaha BB415 would meet those needs perfectly, although it may not be up to the quality desired. G.
  12. I had an Antoria Les Paul with a 'Tree of Life' inlay astonishingly like that. I'm sure Ibanez made Rick copies at one time, so out of the Nippon Gakki factory? G.
  13. I actually had my hand on my wallet to order one - pref. sunburst, although I'd like to see a white one with a white pickguard - when I suffered a hefty unforseen expense, so I'll have to wait 2 or 3 months till things build up again. G.
  14. ..and far above it you'll be, Mate. If they talk in the local Aberdeenshire venacular, you'll have fun trying to understand them. It took me a while! Unfortunately I'm 10 miles south of Glasgow or you'd have been welcome. G.
  15. 12AX7s have the highest gain, then 5751, 12AT7s and 12AY7s. I have a 5751 in my Hartke LH500 & it really sound good to my ear. For all manner of info on valves (tubes) in general, go here: http://www.guitaramplifierblueprinting.com/index2.html G.
  16. Correct - as the Septics say 'Righty tighty, lefty loosy)'. G.
  17. I've just gone through my old strings & once I've found a suitable box, there's a few assorted sets heading you way. G.
  18. +1 on the BBG5 - I have one I got damn cheap & once set up properly, it's a great bass. G.
  19. I love beer festivals!!! Played a CAMRA festival a few years ago in Loghborough - the audience was half-cut before we started & the night went amazingly, with huge amounts of energy coming back from them & a great ovation at the end. Although it was a good performance, we didn't play any better or any worse then we normally did on many occasions where we'd play in a club to 2 men & a dog & get some polite applause.
  20. I've just joined the Blues Devils in Glasgow - they've been in suspension for a couple of years, so no current web page. G.
  21. [quote name='mike257' timestamp='1372943312' post='2131914'] Don't know how it's got a rep for a great PA if there's no foldback! If you've got a wedge mix at your side of the stage I think you'll be fine - there's also the question of how much of you the rest of the band need to hear. I've mixed (and played) gigs with no bass amp plenty times and if (the big if!) the PA can support it out front and on stage there's no reason why it won't be fine. When I was travelling to venues I wasn't familiar with I always put my rig in the van though, even if an amp share had been promised, and that saved my skin more than a few times. I wouldn't depend on it unless you're confident the venue can support your requirements, otherwise you're stuffed if something goes wrong. [/quote] There were 4 foldback monitors across the front of the stage, Mike, and none were operating. Now I have a bit of experience, I'll know what to ask for the next time. G.
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